This is us, and it's everybody else too...


Reality bits
Apr 3, 2009
"Why Fact Can't Compete With Belief"
(excerpt from The Atlantic, and appearing in THE WEEK, 10/09/09):

Why do people cling to an opinion even after they're presented with contradictory evidence? The easy answer, of course, is simply that people are irrational. But the way in which they're irrational is telling.

In a new study, Social Science Researchers have found that people employ 'motivated reasoning' to fend off any evidence that their strongly held beliefs are wrong. Many people feel that they ARE their opinions, and hate to lose arguments. As Vince Lombardi once said "Every time you lose, you die a little."

So when confronted with new, troubling information, ideologues selectively interpret the facts or use 'contorted logic' to make the conflicting evidence just go away.

In the study, even when presented with compelling, factual data from a trusted source, many subjects still found ways to dismiss it. In fact, researchers found that exposing people to contradictory information actually intensified their existing beliefs, making them more rigid and entrenched...Needless to say, the findings do not offer much hope of changing anyone else's mind with facts or rational discussion.
"Why Fact Can't Compete With Belief"
(excerpt from The Atlantic, and appearing in THE WEEK, 10/09/09):

Why do people cling to an opinion even after they're presented with contradictory evidence? The easy answer, of course, is simply that people are irrational. But the way in which they're irrational is telling.

In a new study, Social Science Researchers have found that people employ 'motivated reasoning' to fend off any evidence that their strongly held beliefs are wrong. Many people feel that they ARE their opinions, and hate to lose arguments. As Vince Lombardi once said "Every time you lose, you die a little."

So when confronted with new, troubling information, ideologues selectively interpret the facts or use 'contorted logic' to make the conflicting evidence just go away.

In the study, even when presented with compelling, factual data from a trusted source, many subjects still found ways to dismiss it. In fact, researchers found that exposing people to contradictory information actually intensified their existing beliefs, making them more rigid and entrenched...Needless to say, the findings do not offer much hope of changing anyone else's mind with facts or rational discussion.

Also known as "spinning"?
There are few laws of nature or man that are absolutes. Earth was the center of the universe. It came from a "trusted" source. Many truths were corrected by those who used their beliefs to forge ahead to a new truth.
This is why its pointless to argue one on one.

You only debate issues in a group. You'll never convince the other guy, but if you lay out the truth you can sometimes convince the others in the room. People can, and will, disagree just to be disagreeable.
"Why Fact Can't Compete With Belief"


That explains the Obamabots and Bushbots. Thankfully, the Bushbots are no longer a concern. Unfortunately, the Obamabots are a HUGE problem and they have the power to do whatever they want.

And the sooner the birthers figure this out, the better off they will be....

The birthers? Their numbers are so small and insignificant, they aren't even on the radar. The Obamabots are the problem now. Two words: Liberal Fascism.
That explains the Obamabots and Bushbots. Thankfully, the Bushbots are no longer a concern. Unfortunately, the Obamabots are a HUGE problem and they have the power to do whatever they want.

And the sooner the birthers figure this out, the better off they will be....

The birthers? Their numbers are so small and insignificant, they aren't even on the radar. The Obamabots are the problem now. Two words: Liberal Fascism.

Two more words: Fear mongering.
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story
And the sooner the birthers figure this out, the better off they will be....

The birthers? Their numbers are so small and insignificant, they aren't even on the radar. The Obamabots are the problem now. Two words: Liberal Fascism.

Two more words: Fear mongering.

Hear hear! I used to think the fear mongering from the Bush camp was bad. The Obama camp does the same thing. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
The birthers? Their numbers are so small and insignificant, they aren't even on the radar. The Obamabots are the problem now. Two words: Liberal Fascism.

Two more words: Fear mongering.

Hear hear! I used to think the fear mongering from the Bush camp was bad. The Obama camp does the same thing. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

The new boss has taken whining and blaming to new heights, though...

The buck stops elsewhere with him....
This is interesting - the question I have always looked to answer is, is there a conservative and a liberal mind? Is the propensity to one side or the other a genetic influence? The Open and Closed mind studies after WWII and the Holocaust seems to say so, but often it is the situation that brings out the qualities we place on either side of this question. It is why psychological testing and thought experiments form so interesting a place to look.

I cannot in my wildest imaginary journeys call myself conservative? Why is that? Is it something in my experiences and learning, and is there a component of world view that came with the egg and sperm?
And the sooner the birthers figure this out, the better off they will be....

The birthers? Their numbers are so small and insignificant, they aren't even on the radar. The Obamabots are the problem now. Two words: Liberal Fascism.

Two more words: Fear mongering.

I actually disagree with you, but agree with Dr. Traveler. When a single major issue begins to have a domino effect on all the other major issues, people WILL change their ideological stance and often by degrees based on forthcoming information. For example:

I once was convinced that global warming was entirely the fault of too much manmade interference with the delicate balance of nature. I now believe that it is a combination of a lot of things, many of which are not within man's control. BUT, I continue to believe that man CAN and SHOULD do what is necessary to not make it any worse.

I also initially believed that health care reform could be accomplished in a less costly manner and should be pushed hard for, now, since it failed at every other attempt during previous administrations, and since private health care has finally become out of reach for millions of middle-class Americans. BUT that was before the economy continued to slide, and at that point, I decided the entire process needed to be pared down until it was fiscally more feasible. My opinion, however, has not changed that health care reform is necessary in some form and that the industry (as well as the existing government programs) need to be studied and overseen better to eliminate the unnecessary costs. And THEN attempt to do something more dramatic.

I am beginning to think that Barack Obama relies too heavily on his advisers (just as Bush did), and that they are directing his every move. I'd like to see him show more of a backbone when he receives bad advice; reach out to some of the non-elitists in the financial realm who really do have some good ideas. Obama does that only where Joe Biden is concerned, and thank God for that. Biden isn't afraid to call a spade a spade (no pun intended) and doesn't hesitate to call out Obama on issues of foreign policy where he (Obama) waivers. Biden is the one with 30 years of experience in that area, and Obama needs to listen to others with that kind of experience (regardless of party) in other areas as well.

Is that enough to prove that I'm not a "liberal Obamabot"??
I'm not sure the "birthers" numbers are small and insignificant. I think the numbers of those who think that constantly carping on it will have any influence at all at this point are small and insignificant.

Personally, I think it's entirely possible Obama was born in Kenya or wherever they're saying he was born now.

But every aspect of that man is a lie, that's just one more, and the effect it's likely to have on the US is miniscule compared to the bigger issues he lies about.
"Why Fact Can't Compete With Belief"
(excerpt from The Atlantic, and appearing in THE WEEK, 10/09/09):

Why do people cling to an opinion even after they're presented with contradictory evidence? The easy answer, of course, is simply that people are irrational. But the way in which they're irrational is telling.

In a new study, Social Science Researchers have found that people employ 'motivated reasoning' to fend off any evidence that their strongly held beliefs are wrong. Many people feel that they ARE their opinions, and hate to lose arguments. As Vince Lombardi once said "Every time you lose, you die a little."

So when confronted with new, troubling information, ideologues selectively interpret the facts or use 'contorted logic' to make the conflicting evidence just go away.

In the study, even when presented with compelling, factual data from a trusted source, many subjects still found ways to dismiss it. In fact, researchers found that exposing people to contradictory information actually intensified their existing beliefs, making them more rigid and entrenched...Needless to say, the findings do not offer much hope of changing anyone else's mind with facts or rational discussion.

That is the operative phrase. Most people are skeptics.
"Why Fact Can't Compete With Belief"


That explains the Obamabots and Bushbots. Thankfully, the Bushbots are no longer a concern. Unfortunately, the Obamabots are a HUGE problem and they have the power to do whatever they want.

Took a whole hour for someone to introduce partisanship - that's probably a record of some sort.

He mentiond Bushbots and 0bamabots, dipwad...

Sounds pretty bipartisan...
"Why Fact Can't Compete With Belief"


That explains the Obamabots and Bushbots. Thankfully, the Bushbots are no longer a concern. Unfortunately, the Obamabots are a HUGE problem and they have the power to do whatever they want.

Took a whole hour for someone to introduce partisanship - that's probably a record of some sort.

Did you somehow miss that the OP posted in the politics section? It started off partisan: "Us and everybody else, too."
That explains the Obamabots and Bushbots. Thankfully, the Bushbots are no longer a concern. Unfortunately, the Obamabots are a HUGE problem and they have the power to do whatever they want.

Took a whole hour for someone to introduce partisanship - that's probably a record of some sort.

He mentiond Bushbots and 0bamabots, dipwad...

Sounds pretty bipartisan...

He has no brain in his head, he says so himself. Your expectations are too high.

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