This is the P5+1 - Russia, China, France, Britain, the US and Germany –


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
and I don't see Israel listed. So if F.....H..... tried anything he can be sure, Russia and China will be on Iran side, and what France and Germany will do remains to be seen. So if Israel wants to stand alone, I say let them.
France and Britain have always been US lap dogs. Usually so has Germany. However, when it comes to economics, all of the western powers will diverge when their interests are at stake. Global capitalism is the name of the game. Everyone wants to get in there and liberalize Iran.

Germany is the key trading partner of Iran.[4] Iran's nuclear program depends mainly upon German products and services. For example, the thousands of centrifuges used to enrich the uranium are controlled by Siemens "Simatic WinCC Step7" software.[5][6] Around 50 German firms have their own branch offices in Iran and more than 12,000 firms have their own trade representatives in Iran. Several well-known German companies are involved in major Iranian infrastructure projects, especially in the petrochemical sector, like Linde, BASF, Lurgi, Krupp, Siemens, ZF Friedrichshafen, Mercedes, Volkswagen and MAN (2008).[7]

In 2005, Germany had the largest share of Iran's export market with $5.67 billion (14.4%).[8] In 2008, German exports to Iran increased by 8.9 percent and comprised 84.7 percent of the total German-Iranian trade volume. The overall bilateral trade volume until the end of September 2008 stood at 3.23 billion euros, compared to 2.98 billion euros the previous year.[7][9] The value of trade between Tehran and Berlin increased from around 4.3 billion euro in 2009 to nearly 4.7 billion euro in 2010.[10]

The Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce has estimated that economic sanctions against Iran may cost more than 10,000 German jobs and have a negative impact on the economic growth of Germany. Sanctions would especially hurt medium-sized German companies, which depend heavily on trade with Iran.[7] There has been a shift in German business ties with Iran from long-term business to short-term and from large to mid-sized companies which have fewer business interests in the US and thus are less prone to U.S. political pressure.[11]
That is what this is about. To see if they can do to Iran what they did to Russian and China. Use their nuclear industry as a jumping off place. Let them have an industry that builds jobs and an economy. Everyone knows it is for defensive purposes only. Nobody likes the idea of Israel being the only power in the Mideast having the bomb. Israel has shown more than once that they are a belligerent nation that likes to use the tactic of "preemptive" war.

Likewise, as we have seen with the US unnecessary invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, the US has committed this sin as well. When nations have the bomb, other nations are less willing to use this most heinous policy option on them. If the current administration were to let the Iranian people have the ability to develop the bomb at some further point far in the future, more bellicose administrations might reconsider starting preemptive wars against them. I don't think rational folks in the US will ever seen war as a viable or useful option in dealing with any nation, including Iran. Unfortunately, Israel and her supporters still do see war and military strikes as an option. The best way to take this point of view off the table is let Iran defend themselves and make war no longer an option.

It worked for the US and Russia, it will work again. Or at least that's what some of these insane elites are probably thinking.
I agree with your analysis. (I didn't realize Germany was so involved with Iran).

Who besides the US would support Israel in war with Iran, India and SA?
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