This is EXACTLY what's wrong with Congress!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Why in God's name are the citizens of every state in the US paying for a "new state-of-the-art pre-K facility" for 400 students, $56 million for Friends of the High Line, the park makeover of the defunct elevated freight-rail system on the West Side, and $1.2 million for a "pedestrian safety improvement project" -- in other words, sidewalks!!!!

This is INSANE!!

Sidewalks?? Seriously?

This must end!!

We cannot spend another single nickle for any of these STUPID projects that are properly paid for by the states and the people of THAT State!!!

What's it gonna take?

Gillibrand seeks to steer millions to influential black reverend -
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I don't want my Senators "Bringing Home the Bacon" I want you to be unpaid, parttimer meeting once a month to ratify a treaty or declare a war.
I find the quote below sums it up pretty well....

"Clearly, if you look at her earmarks, they're going to be what most politics earmarks are -- and they're aimed at establishing their bona fides and good graces with important electoral constituencies," said Baruch College political science professor Doug Muzzio.
"The woman ain't no dummy," he added. "You figure out the relevant voting constituencies . . . and you distribute goodies."

In particularly, exactly who is defined by 'important electoral constituencies'...... I always thought that was 'We, the People'..... apparently not.

Fucking politicians and fucking special interest groups. Just for once, I would like a politician to treat ALL his constituents as a special interest group.
Repeal the 16th Amendment, let's go back to having the States fund the Federal government, this way when Gilly says "I want $52million for sidewalks", 98 Senators will tell her, "FUCK YOU!!!"
Why in God's name are the citizens of every state in the US paying for a "new state-of-the-art pre-K facility" for 400 students, $56 million for Friends of the High Line, the park makeover of the defunct elevated freight-rail system on the West Side, and $1.2 million for a "pedestrian safety improvement project" -- in other words, sidewalks!!!!

This is INSANE!!

Sidewalks?? Seriously?

This must end!!

We cannot spend another single nickle for any of these STUPID projects that are properly paid for by the states and the people of THAT State!!!

What's it gonna take?

Gillibrand seeks to steer millions to influential black reverend -

Firing eveyone of them that voted for this.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
I don't want my Senators "Bringing Home the Bacon" I want you to be unpaid, parttimer meeting once a month to ratify a treaty or declare a war.

I agree and so do millions of other Americans. This is too much!!!!! I think the November election is going to do more than just throw out most of the democrats. I am looking at sites that are calling for a total and complete end to this nonsense. Jeb Bush in his interview with Newsmax -stated this up-coming election will shake the pillars of Washington. I think it's going to do more than shake it- it is going to be a return to sanity and sound constitutional based policy in Washington or you are out!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
They always say that it's just a little bit of money compared to all they spend, just a drop in the bucket. Barry himself tried to make that case during a debate with McCain during the campaign.

The point they miss is that this is flat-out corruption. Earmarks are just bribe money to buy votes. And it's utterly appalling that they've been doing it for so long that pundits wouldn't think twice about calling it "smart politics". :eek:
You have to understand, there are too many conservatives. So Liberals want the ability to start indoctrinating children at an even younger age then they currently are. And they are willing to pay whatever they have to out of the treasury to do so.

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