This is... Catholic?!

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
So I was bored at work and found this Wikipedia article: Catholic social teaching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I skimmed through it and a fearful coldness began creeping up my spine as I realized someone had more or less written my own values verbatim. Somehow Catholics have basically copied everything I believe in, which offends and horrifies me as a secular atheist to the core. Is there any other group or whatever that teaches these things?
I've said all along Catholics are not representative of Christians as the Bible teaches and as I understand Christianity to be.....

You don't get forgiveness from the Pope or Priest. Also, Baptism is for adult, not babies....
Catholicism is not my preferred denomination at all.

Like almost all religious organizations, it has its good and not so good.
Catholicism is not my preferred denomination at all.

Like almost all religious organizations, it has its good and not so good.
Consider Jere's pentecostalism: she is very dedicated to Jesus but she thinks the KJV and her preferred worship are necessary to salvation, when in fact scripture is very clear that it is accepting Jesus as one's savior.
I've said all along Catholics are not representative of Christians as the Bible teaches and as I understand Christianity to be.....

You don't get forgiveness from the Pope or Priest. Also, Baptism is for adult, not babies....

Most RC do not even go to confession anymore, and also if you have never been to confession don't knock it. If not for RC you wouldn't even have Christianity, and whether you like it or not, your following Greek and Roman theology.
Catholicism is not my preferred denomination at all.

Like almost all religious organizations, it has its good and not so good.
Consider Jere's pentecostalism: she is very dedicated to Jesus but she thinks the KJV and her preferred worship are necessary to salvation, when in fact scripture is very clear that it is accepting Jesus as one's savior.

Other than accepting Jesus as your savior, do you believe anything else is required for salvation?

Good values and principles are common to all people.

Religions like to claim ownership of them and that they can't exist without their deity and religion but that is just utter BS.

Yes, there is "common ground" when it comes to those values because they are common to all of us.

No, it is not "insulting" because you don't have to accept any of the religious claptrap that is used by religions.

What is idiotic is that those who believe in religion are deluded into believing that no one can have good values and principles without their religion. That is insulting but when you look at it closely you realize that they are really insulting themselves by saying that they lack the strength of character to have those good values and principles without the threat of eternal damnation.

So as an atheist myself I just chuckle and move on.

As far as the topic of abortion goes there is no "sanctity of life" IMO. That too is religious BS. A zygote/fetus is only entitled to whatever "rights" the woman bearing it is willing and/or able to provide it. That is her decision and no one else gets to decide it for her. She makes the decision and has to live with it either way. As a male I am will support whatever decision she makes but that is all I can do without imposing on her individual rights.

And no, the fetus only has what the law allows under the RvW decision which I recommend that you read if you haven't already.
Catholicism is not my preferred denomination at all.

Like almost all religious organizations, it has its good and not so good.
Consider Jere's pentecostalism: she is very dedicated to Jesus but she thinks the KJV and her preferred worship are necessary to salvation, when in fact scripture is very clear that it is accepting Jesus as one's savior.

Other than accepting Jesus as your savior, do you believe anything else is required for salvation?

Given that none of the above is based upon reality all that matters is what kind of a person you are in this life, here and now.

Are you perceived as a kind, loving, compassionate person that others can depend upon for support. Are you loyal and trustworthy? Are you honest and straightforward when it comes to interacting with others?

Those are the qualities that matter IMO. Jesus summed them up as loving your fellow man but not many actually understand what that means in reality and therefore don't practice it.

So "salvation" is just a "get out of perdition free" card for those who don't measure up.
Catholicism is not my preferred denomination at all.

Like almost all religious organizations, it has its good and not so good.
Consider Jere's pentecostalism: she is very dedicated to Jesus but she thinks the KJV and her preferred worship are necessary to salvation, when in fact scripture is very clear that it is accepting Jesus as one's savior.

Other than accepting Jesus as your savior, do you believe anything else is required for salvation?

Given that none of the above is based upon reality all that matters is what kind of a person you are in this life, here and now.

Are you perceived as a kind, loving, compassionate person that others can depend upon for support. Are you loyal and trustworthy? Are you honest and straightforward when it comes to interacting with others?

Those are the qualities that matter IMO. Jesus summed them up as loving your fellow man but not many actually understand what that means in reality and therefore don't practice it.

So "salvation" is just a "get out of perdition free" card for those who don't measure up.

You so don't understand Christianity...... clueless....
Catholicism is not my preferred denomination at all.

Like almost all religious organizations, it has its good and not so good.
Consider Jere's pentecostalism: she is very dedicated to Jesus but she thinks the KJV and her preferred worship are necessary to salvation, when in fact scripture is very clear that it is accepting Jesus as one's savior.

Other than accepting Jesus as your savior, do you believe anything else is required for salvation?

Given that none of the above is based upon reality all that matters is what kind of a person you are in this life, here and now.

Are you perceived as a kind, loving, compassionate person that others can depend upon for support. Are you loyal and trustworthy? Are you honest and straightforward when it comes to interacting with others?

Those are the qualities that matter IMO. Jesus summed them up as loving your fellow man but not many actually understand what that means in reality and therefore don't practice it.

So "salvation" is just a "get out of perdition free" card for those who don't measure up.

You so don't understand Christianity...... clueless....

Not my problem if what I post makes you uncomfortable.
You do know atheism is a New religion correct?

You wear your ignorance so proudly.

Atheism has been around for as long as we have had recorded history and probably longer. (The term comes from the ancient greek language.)

Everyone is born an atheist and that has always been true throughout history and will continue to be true for as long as mankind survives.
Good values and principles are common to all people.

Are you delusional?

All children are born atheists and have natural tendencies towards good values. As they grow up they leave behind selfishness.

The majority of negative values and the lack of principles are learned from others, as is religion.

That is reality.

Hmmm they leave behind selfishness? I don't really see that in a lot of cases... sorry
Catholicism is not my preferred denomination at all.

Like almost all religious organizations, it has its good and not so good.
Consider Jere's pentecostalism: she is very dedicated to Jesus but she thinks the KJV and her preferred worship are necessary to salvation, when in fact scripture is very clear that it is accepting Jesus as one's savior.

Other than accepting Jesus as your savior, do you believe anything else is required for salvation?

Given that none of the above is based upon reality all that matters is what kind of a person you are in this life, here and now.

Are you perceived as a kind, loving, compassionate person that others can depend upon for support. Are you loyal and trustworthy? Are you honest and straightforward when it comes to interacting with others?

Those are the qualities that matter IMO. Jesus summed them up as loving your fellow man but not many actually understand what that means in reality and therefore don't practice it.

So "salvation" is just a "get out of perdition free" card for those who don't measure up.

You so don't understand Christianity...... clueless....

Not my problem if what I post makes you uncomfortable.

Where do you get that I'm uncomfortable from me saying you don't understand Christianity and calling you clueless? Those tactics might work with your ignorant clients.......
Good values and principles are common to all people.

Are you delusional?

All children are born atheists and have natural tendencies towards good values. As they grow up they leave behind selfishness.

The majority of negative values and the lack of principles are learned from others, as is religion.

That is reality.

Hmmm they leave behind selfishness? I don't really see that in a lot of cases... sorry

I am talking about children who become adults. Yes, there are a lot of children out there in adult sized bodies.
Consider Jere's pentecostalism: she is very dedicated to Jesus but she thinks the KJV and her preferred worship are necessary to salvation, when in fact scripture is very clear that it is accepting Jesus as one's savior.

Other than accepting Jesus as your savior, do you believe anything else is required for salvation?

Given that none of the above is based upon reality all that matters is what kind of a person you are in this life, here and now.

Are you perceived as a kind, loving, compassionate person that others can depend upon for support. Are you loyal and trustworthy? Are you honest and straightforward when it comes to interacting with others?

Those are the qualities that matter IMO. Jesus summed them up as loving your fellow man but not many actually understand what that means in reality and therefore don't practice it.

So "salvation" is just a "get out of perdition free" card for those who don't measure up.

You so don't understand Christianity...... clueless....

Not my problem if what I post makes you uncomfortable.

Where do you get that I'm uncomfortable from me saying you don't understand Christianity and calling you clueless? Those tactics might work with your ignorant clients.......

What "ignorant clients" would those be?

You made an absurd claim that I don't understand christianity even after I summed it all up in a single statement for you.

Obviously that makes you uncomfortable for it to be exposed for what it really is.
Other than accepting Jesus as your savior, do you believe anything else is required for salvation?

Given that none of the above is based upon reality all that matters is what kind of a person you are in this life, here and now.

Are you perceived as a kind, loving, compassionate person that others can depend upon for support. Are you loyal and trustworthy? Are you honest and straightforward when it comes to interacting with others?

Those are the qualities that matter IMO. Jesus summed them up as loving your fellow man but not many actually understand what that means in reality and therefore don't practice it.

So "salvation" is just a "get out of perdition free" card for those who don't measure up.

You so don't understand Christianity...... clueless....

Not my problem if what I post makes you uncomfortable.

Where do you get that I'm uncomfortable from me saying you don't understand Christianity and calling you clueless? Those tactics might work with your ignorant clients.......

What "ignorant clients" would those be?

You made an absurd claim that I don't understand christianity even after I summed it all up in a single statement for you.

Obviously that makes you uncomfortable for it to be exposed for what it really is.

Except that you are wrong, on both counts. Other than that....
Anyway, you do that a lot to people you know the trite "thank you for proving my point" and "I understand you are frustrated" etc. Making statements about people that just aren't true and/or at least you have no real way of knowing, but, by saying it (or typing it in this case) the idea is in the head of the "audience" (if anyone is really interested in reading this stuff) - kinda like saying something in court, and they strike it from the record! Like the jury can "unhear" something, I don't think so! Even if it's a blantant lie, the thought is there.... anyway.... doesn't matter......

I do get where you are coming from because I believe as you do for a long time.
When we're dead I guess we'll find out the truth.

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