This is a Republic?


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2011

noun /riˈpəblik/ 
republics, plural

A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch

Considering presidential campains are exected to hit 1 billion dollar budgets this year thanks to the 'superpack' rule, with most of this money coming from corporations which are not people, rather entities of profit devouring greed, how can we continue to live with this lie that this is a republic??


noun /ˈäliˌgärkē/  /ˈōli-/ 
oligarchies, plural

A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution
- the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president

Wouldnt this be a better, more accurate term to refer to our government??


noun /ˈsōSHəˌlizəm/ 

A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole

Is not our means of production, distribution, and exchange totally regulated by the 'community'??? Most business owners will agree with me that this is far far away from a free market.


noun /ˈkrōnēˌizəm/ 

The appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications

Is this not a brief description of how our government works once these lap dogs get elected??? Left, right, it doesnt matter. Is this not the Norm??


noun /kəˈrəpSHən/ 
corruptions, plural

Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery

The process by which something, typically a word or expression, is changed from its original use or meaning to one that is regarded as erroneous or debased

These two definitions of corruption go hand in hand. Most acts of dishonesty and fruad are being sold to us by corrupting words and expressions in media propaganda.

Given all of this, why wouldnt everyone welcome change???

sta·tus quo

noun /ˈstātəs ˈkwō/  /ˈstatəs/ 

The existing state of affairs, esp. regarding social or political issues

I think this is the reason. People that are doing well are fighting very hard to keep things exactly the way they are. Thats why nomatter who you elect nothing ever changes.


noun /ˌrevəˈlo͞oSHən/ 
revolutions, plural

A dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works or is organized or in people's ideas about it

This is your revolution.

And your solution to the Money owning our current system is to do what?

Unfetter the market so they can own it outright

noun /ˈsōSHəˌlizəm/ 

A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole
Is not our means of production, distribution, and exchange totally regulated by the 'community'??? Most business owners will agree with me that this is far far away from a free market.

the community may regulate , but it does not own the production or the industry.
And your solution to the Money owning our current system is to do what?

Unfetter the market so they can own it outright

Remove any and all corporate funding of campains and officials of any kind. Corporations are not people, they should have no rights, and they most certianly should not be placed above living breathing people.

All of our problems today can be traced back to corporate involvment, which is traced back to violations of the constitution and bill of rights. It is high time we return to the rule of law.
I just wanted to point out that on this constitution day Ron Paul has already raised .567 million dollars, all from grassroots people just like me. I'm gonna go donate my 50$, in the mean time you neocons and commies can sulk about how shallow and fake your corporate lap dogs are.

You can see the live dollar figure here:

Anyone mainstream? Its time to join the revolution.
I just wanted to point out that on this constitution day Ron Paul has already raised .567 million dollars, all from grassroots people just like me. I'm gonna go donate my 50$, in the mean time you neocons and commies can sulk about how shallow and fake your corporate lap dogs are.

You can see the live dollar figure here:

Anyone mainstream? Its time to join the revolution.

This morning I checked it, its up to 862k. All grassroots money from people like me and you.

And Ron Paul is unelectable??? I think not, considering most of his campain money has come from people.

VS Romney and Perry who get money from corporate power. Maybe thats why they have such different messages??

Plastic men go down 2012. American voters demand better.

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