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Active Member
Jul 23, 2005
of the problems in America

With all the more important things going on in America right now I'd think you people would have something better to talk about than homosexuals.

Gay issues would have to be very low on my priority list

Yet. This isn't much different from real life.

The republican controlled congress, senate, and white house have gotten drunk with power and are running this country like a bunch of stupid liberals. Meanwhile they'll probably still get elected just because "Hey, at least they still stand up for traditional marriage!"

So stupid...who gives a shit about traditional marriage right now?

Of course the libs wouldn't be doing any better and in all probability probably slightly(and only slightly) worse.

Our president has passed 2 of the worst pieces of legislation I can ever remember and we've got people worried about gays.

Give me a break. Get over yourselves and your trivial religious beliefs concerning gays and start worrying about the real issues facing this country.
Powerman said:
of the problems in America

With all the more important things going on in America right now I'd think you people would have something better to talk about than homosexuals.

Gay issues would have to be very low on my priority list

Yet. This isn't much different from real life.

The republican controlled congress, senate, and white house have gotten drunk with power and are running this country like a bunch of stupid liberals. Meanwhile they'll probably still get elected just because "Hey, at least they still stand up for traditional marriage!"

So stupid...who gives a shit about traditional marriage right now?

Of course the libs wouldn't be doing any better and in all probability probably slightly(and only slightly) worse.

Our president has passed 2 of the worst pieces of legislation I can ever remember and we've got people worried about gays.

Give me a break. Get over yourselves and your trivial religious beliefs concerning gays and start worrying about the real issues facing this country.
I don't think it's the forum, perhaps some threads...
Kathianne said:
I don't think it's the forum, perhaps some threads...

Yeah...I think it's just heated topic that always turns into some long ass thread.

That's what usually happens when both sides of an argument are stubborn and there isn't much proof for either side.
What's with the lecture, dad?

Can I have the car and go out now?

Powerman said:
of the problems in America

With all the more important things going on in America right now I'd think you people would have something better to talk about than homosexuals.

Gay issues would have to be very low on my priority list

Yet. This isn't much different from real life.

The republican controlled congress, senate, and white house have gotten drunk with power and are running this country like a bunch of stupid liberals. Meanwhile they'll probably still get elected just because "Hey, at least they still stand up for traditional marriage!"

So stupid...who gives a shit about traditional marriage right now?

Of course the libs wouldn't be doing any better and in all probability probably slightly(and only slightly) worse.

Our president has passed 2 of the worst pieces of legislation I can ever remember and we've got people worried about gays.

Give me a break. Get over yourselves and your trivial religious beliefs concerning gays and start worrying about the real issues facing this country.

Yup...the other stuff is just wedge issues designed to distract from real issues.
jillian said:
Yup...the other stuff is just wedge issues designed to distract from real issues.

Yeah, the foundation of society is just a wedge issue.

Tell me, if this is just a non-important wedge issue, why are the Democrats so keen on forcing gay marriage on the American people? Why focus on that rather than do whats really important. They only reason we need to create an amendment is because liberals are trying to change fundamentals of society through judicial fiat rather than the Democratic process.
Avatar4321 said:
Yeah, the foundation of society is just a wedge issue.

Tell me, if this is just a non-important wedge issue, why are the Democrats so keen on forcing gay marriage on the American people? Why focus on that rather than do whats really important. They only reason we need to create an amendment is because liberals are trying to change fundamentals of society through judicial fiat rather than the Democratic process.

I think the view of gay marriage as affecting "the foundation of society" isn't one that most share. Nor do I think that most gay people care if it's called something other than marriage. Nor can the government EVER, EVER, EVER, if you protect the line between Church and State, force any religious group to recognize such relationships.

Just my opinion.
jillian said:
I think the view of gay marriage as affecting "the foundation of society" isn't one that most share. Nor do I think that most gay people care if it's called something other than marriage. Nor can the government EVER, EVER, EVER, if you protect the line between Church and State, force any religious group to recognize such relationships.

Just my opinion.

The elections seem to show otherwise. How do you claim to speak for the people when the people so clearly speak against you?
Avatar4321 said:
The elections seem to show otherwise. How do you claim to speak for the people when the people so clearly speak against you?

How so? Bush's approval ratings are at less than 1/3 of the country. If he won simply on this issue, his approval ratings would be over 50%. I've already acknowledged that the issue mobilized Bush's base, but that base is only a small percentage of the overall electorate, albeit a vocal one.

*Edit* I certainly don't speak for the electorate. I simply observe as do you and comment on those observations same as you.
Why isn't it tearing apart every other country in the world?
Because it really doesn't matter, there are other, more important issues to be dealt with. Still, it's a good distractor - and let me say that all sides of politics are good at finding distractor issues to take the electorate's minds and eyes off the real issues.
jillian said:
How so? Bush's approval ratings are at less than 1/3 of the country. If he won simply on this issue, his approval ratings would be over 50%. I've already acknowledged that the issue mobilized Bush's base, but that base is only a small percentage of the overall electorate, albeit a vocal one.

*Edit* I certainly don't speak for the electorate. I simply observe as do you and comment on those observations same as you.

I was under the assumption we were talking about gay marriage. You know, the topic of the thread. The issue thats been overwhelmingly voted against in both liberal and conservative states. The issue you claim most dont share my view in.
Diuretic said:
Why isn't it tearing apart every other country in the world?
Because it really doesn't matter, there are other, more important issues to be dealt with. Still, it's a good distractor - and let me say that all sides of politics are good at finding distractor issues to take the electorate's minds and eyes off the real issues.

1)Most nations arent even dealing with the issue. This nation is dealing with it because we are one of the few nations that doesnt put homosexuals to death on the spot.

2)This issue isnt tearing us apart. Unless you call a 80-20 split tearing us apart.
Powerman said:
So stupid...who gives a shit about traditional marriage right now?

Our president has passed 2 of the worst pieces of legislation I can ever remember and we've got people worried about gays.

Give me a break. Get over yourselves and your trivial religious beliefs concerning gays and start worrying about the real issues facing this country.

Marriage Matters

Considering the divorce rate, I'd be worried about marriage. The number of out of wedlock births amongst blacks is over 75%, I believe it is over 33% for whites and rising. Forty years ago, Senator Daniel Moynihan warned that out of wedlock births are a precursor to bigger societal problems.

Additionally, 1.5 million divorces occur in this country each year, 50% of marriages end up in divorce, millions of children are living in single parent families.

Divorce hurts children
A child is 20 times more likely to be abused by its mother's boyfriend than its own father. Children of divorce are more likely to commit crime, drop out of school, use drugs, have emotional problems, become violent, go to jail, or become the victim of a crime.

Economic effects of divorce
With child support, alimony and division of property, divorce has become a crucial tool in the Left's aspiration for the redistribution of wealth from men to women. Economically speaking, in most divorce cases, women eventually wind up worse off than the men anyway. During the first few years, the guy is eating beans and shopping at garage sales, but after time, the lady finds herself drifting towards poverty. Thousands of dollars of income and property are wasted on lawyer's fees and counselling for the kids. Money that could have been used to save for a retirement, or pay for the kids' college. And all of this cost is eventually transferred to the rest of us in higher insurance premiums, higher absenteeism on the job and so on.

It's the agenda, not the person

Gays, as individuals, are not the problem, the radical gay leadership and their political agenda are. It is the fact they want to impose their world view on the rest of society that makes them a menace.

Over time, the radical gays seem to demand more and more. The question on many people's minds is "where will it lead to?".

Gay Affirmative Action in the future?
For instance, I can see the day when gays will demand, and probably get, affirmative action. Then all major corporations will be required to hire and promote homosexuals, whether they're qualified for the job or not. That is where the "10 percent" myth will come back to haunt us all. Just like many blacks and women were hired and promoted more because of their skin color or sex than their ability to do the job, many gays will be promoted and hired more because of who they sleep with than their talent. Just what the world needs, another designated victim group.

Gender reassignment as a constitutional right
Perhaps, they will get a sympathetic judge to declare "gender reassignment" a right and force insurance companies to pay for expensive treatment and surgery. The rest of us poor souls could be forced to pay higher insurance premiums because some sissies are tired of having a penis.

Many women already are forced to share the same restrooms with people they regard as still being men. I guess "the right to privacy" doesn't extend to using the toilet.

Indoctrination in our schools
In spite of evidence to the contrary, many schools are teaching homosexuality as a positive life choice (I thought they were "born that way"?). Some schools have gay themed story books in their libraries. That isn't about tolerance, that's about recruitment and indoctrination. For instance, Southern Tier AIDS Program had a table during career day at my son's school. The reason... to "reach out" to gay and bisexual students. Unless you aspire to become a prositute, I have to ask you, what does relevance does your sex life have to finding a job and making a career? It was pretty obvious to many what their agenda was.

The radical gays have made AIDS such a political hot potato that politicians are funneling billions of dollars into research and "education". Money that could be spent more effectively battling diseases and disorders that affect millions more people (e.g. Alzheimer's disease). AIDS education has often been used as a front for pushing the gay world view. Battling AIDS has been hindered by the radical gays, too. Instead of indentifying the infected to the health authorities and taking steps to stop the spread of the disease, e.g., quarantine, doctors and hospitals have their hands tied because of privacy laws.

Use sympathy to magnify your number
Since gays comprise such a small part of the population (estimates vary from 2 to 4 percent), the only way the radical gays can hope to realize their agenda is to get others to see them as victims and in a positive light then vote accordingly. After all, few people want to be bigots and most people want to be compassionate.

P.S. In all of this, did I mention religion, even once? No? Well then, just to make Powerman happy....

Avatar4321 said:
1)Most nations arent even dealing with the issue. This nation is dealing with it because we are one of the few nations that doesnt put homosexuals to death on the spot.

That's very civilised. But I suspect it's a minority of nations that do that.

2)This issue isnt tearing us apart. Unless you call a 80-20 split tearing us apart.

Glad to hear it. There are more important things worth tearing yourself apart over.
The Lefties must disassociate sex and love from reproduction, so they can start producing us in labs to control genetics.
karl marx, How would gay affirmitave action be carried out? If they had such a thing, I guarantee that anyone that wanted could proclaim to be gay and get into college with worse grades...what a stuipid idea, and for the record, I am against affirmitave action of any kind because it is discrimination, reverse-discrimination though, but still discrimination.

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