This Day in Nuclear Testing

7 July

1962 – US nuclear test. Shot Little Feller II, Operation Storax (Sunbeam).
Operation Storax
Operation Sunbeam - Wikipedia

1968 – France nuclear test. Shot Capella.
1966–70 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1974 – France nuclear test. Shot Gemeaux.
1971–74 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1978 – US nuclear test. Shot Satz, Operation Cresset.
Operation Cresset - Wikipedia

1979 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 522-1, -2.
1979 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1987 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 679 Neva.
1987 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1988 – US nuclear test. Shot Alamo, Operation Touchstone.
Operation Touchstone - Wikipedia
8 July

1956 – US nuclear test. Shot Apache, Operation Redwing.
Operation Redwing
Operation Redwing - Wikipedia

1971 – US nuclear test. Shot Miniata, Operation Grommet (Plowshare).
Project Plowshare - Wikipedia
β€˜Operation Grommet - Wikipedia

1974 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 402, Kama 1.
1974 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1981 – France nuclear test. Shot Lyncee.
1981–82 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1989 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 711.
1989 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
10 July

1956 – US nuclear test. Shot Navaho, Operation Redwing.
Operation Redwing
Operation Redwing - Wikipedia

1962 – US nuclear test. Shot Sunset, Operation Dominic (Fishbowl).
Operation Dominic
Operation Dominic - Wikipedia

1971 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 343, Globus 3.
1971 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1973 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 381-1,-2,-3.
1973 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1974 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 403.
1974 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1974 – US nuclear test. Shot Escabosa, Operation Bedrock.
Operation Bedrock - Wikipedia

1981 – US nuclear test. Shot Niza, Operation Guardian.
Operation Guardian - Wikipedia

1983 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 613 Lira 1T, 614 Lyra 2T, 615 Lyra 3T.
1983 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
11 July

1962 – Two US nuclear tests. Shot Pamlico, Operation Dominic (Fishbowl). Last test at Christmas Island.
Operation Dominic
Operation Dominic - Wikipedia


Shot Johnnie Boy, Operation Storax (Sunbeam).
Operation Storax
Operation Sunbeam - Wikipedia

1976 – France nuclear test. Shot Menelas.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1981 – France nuclear test. Shot Eryx.
1981–82 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1985 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 664.
1985 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
12 July

1958 – US nuclear test. Shot Poplar, Operation Hardtack I.
Operation Hardtack I
Operation Hardtack I - Wikipedia

1968 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 287-1, -2.
1968 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1977 – France nuclear test. Shot Clytemnestre.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1978 – US nuclear test. Shot Lowball, Operation Cresset.
Operation Cresset - Wikipedia

1984 – US nuclear test. Shot Normanna, Operation Fusileer.
Operation Fusileer - Wikipedia
14 July

1958 – US nuclear test. Shot Scaevola, Operation Hardtack I.
Operation Hardtack I
Operation Hardtack I - Wikipedia

1962 - US nuclear test. Shot Small Boy, Operation Storax (Sunbeam).
Operation Storax
Operation Sunbeam - Wikipedia

1967 – US nuclear test. Shot Vito, Operation Crosstie.
Operation Crosstie - Wikipedia

1979 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 523 Galit A11-1,-2,-3.
1979 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1984 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 638-1,-2.
1984 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
16 July

1945 – US nuclear test. Shot Trinity. World’s first nuclear explosion.
Manhattan Project: The Trinity Test, July 16, 1945

Trinity (nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1964 – US nuclear test. Shot Bye, Operation Whetstone.
Operation Whetstone - Wikipedia

1965 – US nuclear test. Shot Izzer, Operation Flintlock.
Operation Flintlock (nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1969 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots Ildrim and Hutch, Operation Mandrel.
Operation Mandrel - Wikipedia

1981 – US nuclear test. Shot Pineau, Operation Guardian.
Operation Guardian - Wikipedia

1987 – US/UK nuclear test. Shot Midland, Operation Musketeer.
Operation Musketeer (Nuclear test) - Wikipedia
British nuclear testing in the United States - Wikipedia
17 July

1958 – US nuclear test. Shot Pisonia, Operation Hardtack I.
Operation Hardtack I
Operation Hardtack I - Wikipedia

1962 – US nuclear test. Shot Little Feller I, Operation Storax (Sunbeam). Lowest yield and last above ground US test at NTS.
Operation Storax
Operation Sunbeam - Wikipedia

1964 – UK/US nuclear test. Shot Cormorant, Operation Whetstone.
British nuclear testing in the United States - Wikipedia

1968 – US nuclear test. Shot Spud, Operation Bowline.
Operation Bowline - Wikipedia

1974 – France nuclear test. Shot Centaure.
1971–74 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1981 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 574.
1981 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1986 – US nuclear test. Shot Cybar, Operation Charioteer.
Operation Charioteer - Wikipedia

1987 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 680.
1987 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
19 July

1957 – US nuclear test. Shot John, Operation Plumbbob.
MB-1/AIR-2 Genie air to air rocket.
Operation Plumbbob
Operation Plumbbob - Wikipedia
George Yoshitake, Nuclear Test Photographer, Recalls Filming Nuclear Blast 55 Years Ago (VIDEO) | HuffPost

1964 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 225.
1964 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1966 – France nuclear test. Shot Tamoure. First French airdrop.
1966–70 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1978 – France nuclear test. Shot Ares.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1980 – France nuclear test. Shot Asios.
1979–80 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1985 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 665.
1985 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
21 July

1956 – US nuclear test. Shot Huron, Operation Redwing.
Operation Redwing
Operation Redwing - Wikipedia

1966 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 251.
1966 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1966 – France nuclear test. Shot Ganymede.
1966–70 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1970 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 323.
1970 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1971 – US nuclear test. Shot Apodaca, Operation Grommet.
Operation Grommet - Wikipedia

1973 – France nuclear test. Shot Euterpe.
1971–74 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1982 – France nuclear test. Shot Pitane.
1981–82 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1984 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 639 Lira 4T, 640 Lira 6T, 641 Lira 5T.
1984 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
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