This Day in History: Lexington and Concord 1775


May 23, 2014
How ironic that 244 years ago a brave few patriots put their lives on the line in the name of liberty. Yet today patriots gather to protect our nation at the southern border because our government will not. Today patriots fight for the 2nd Amendment. Today patriots fight to protect the results of a Constitutional Democratic election. Today patriots fight for a free press. Finally, today American patriots fight to preserve our Republic against an oppressive political philosophy put forth in Europe in 1848.
Look at pitiful England today. Truly we did them a solid favor by booting them out of America and becoming a global bulwark of democracy and bailing them out of WWII while they have consistently dissipated their empire and piddled away their power until we see today a country that is a sad squabbling shadow of their former selves.

Free speech there is a joke, the country has become balkanized and they can't even tell the EU to get lost with any real vigor. Sad.

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