Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Defend this, dimocraps.

Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?

It costs NO MORE to ship 5 pounds of livers and hearts than it does to ship 5 pounds of legs and arms.

Same cryo-containers, same shipping method same -- Everything.

Supply and demand. It is the number one, top of the list arbiter of profit motives.

Third Planned Parenthood Video Released: “Huge Trafficking Of Fetal Tissues” From Aborted Babies…

I could have sworn Planned Parenthood’s Obamabot CEO swore they didn’t make money selling dead babies?

Via Washington Examiner:

A third Planned Parenthood video was released Tuesday morning that features a whistleblower who says her biomedical company would compensate Planned Parenthood clinics for fetal organs based on their condition and quality after being extracted from an abortion.

Holly O’Donnell is a former technician for California-based Stem Express, a company that contracts with abortion clinics for the tissue.

“The more valuable the tissue the more money you get, so if you can somehow procure a brain or a heart you’re going to get more money than just umbilical cord,” O’Donnell says in the video. “So I guess that’s incentive to try and get the hard stuff because they get more money.”

The footage shows medical professionals picking through trays of aborted fetal tissue for legs and other recognizable body parts. O’Donnell says that when she was asked to participate, she fainted. She also names Cate Dyer, the president and founder of Stem Express, saying Dyer makes “a lot of money.”

Some Quotes:

"They do get some kind of benefit."
"They wanted someone who can get the numbers up."
"For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage. The main nurse was always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated."

"We were asked to procure certain tissues like brain, livers, thymus, pancreas, heart, lungs, and pretty much anything on the fetus. It's basically a huge trafficking of fetal tissues."
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

Yeah, like dimocrap SCUM persecutors are going to bring charges.....

What kind of stupid are you?
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

thanks to these nutjobs such gruesome images have been splattered everywhere for decades now, because because because pro-choice advocates are just SO evil and gruesome and and and they will have you know that pro-lifers are God's chosen do-gooders who really truly care about people thus they feel obligated to shove gruesome images in your face...

i mean how else would women know that what forms inside their uterus is human with body parts? :uhoh3:

Abortion in the United States Quick Stats
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

what crime have they committed? ----I am very much against the public display
of medical procedure gore...
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

Yeah, like dimocrap SCUM persecutors are going to bring charges.....

What kind of stupid are you?
The "retardican scum" have the majority in Congress - if there were charges to bring, they would be brought.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Sunlight and transparency. They should not be able to hide what they're doing, bottom line.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

what crime have they committed? ----I am very much against the public display
of medical procedure gore...
Legal doesn't define moral.
"Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?"

The costs most likely vary depending on how difficult it is to extract, and how far it has to go and what the end purpose is (and what condition they require the tissue to be in) - I doubt this is a one-size-fits all commodity.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Sunlight and transparency. They should not be able to hide what they're doing, bottom line.

Nothing was being "hidden" - it's organ donation, plain and simple.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Sunlight and transparency. They should not be able to hide what they're doing, bottom line.

Nothing was being "hidden" - it's organ donation, plain and simple.

Complete unadulterated bullshit.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Sunlight and transparency. They should not be able to hide what they're doing, bottom line.

Nothing was being "hidden" - it's organ donation, plain and simple.

Complete unadulterated bullshit.

Baby Parts for Sale
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Sunlight and transparency. They should not be able to hide what they're doing, bottom line.

Nothing was being "hidden" - it's organ donation, plain and simple.

Complete unadulterated bullshit.

Baby Parts for Sale

LMAO @ snopes. I've seen the videos, save it. Planned Parenthood is ghouls and pure evil
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Sunlight and transparency. They should not be able to hide what they're doing, bottom line.

Nothing was being "hidden" - it's organ donation, plain and simple.

Complete unadulterated bullshit.

Baby Parts for Sale

LMAO @ snopes. I've seen the videos, save it. Planned Parenthood is ghouls and pure evil

Ah...I get it. Truth and accuracy is irrelevant.
Sunlight and transparency. They should not be able to hide what they're doing, bottom line.

Nothing was being "hidden" - it's organ donation, plain and simple.

Complete unadulterated bullshit.

Baby Parts for Sale

LMAO @ snopes. I've seen the videos, save it. Planned Parenthood is ghouls and pure evil

Ah...I get it. Truth and accuracy is irrelevant.

Snopes is a joke.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?
Sunlight and transparency. They should not be able to hide what they're doing, bottom line.

Nothing was being "hidden" - it's organ donation, plain and simple.

Complete unadulterated bullshit.

Baby Parts for Sale

LMAO @ snopes. I've seen the videos, save it. Planned Parenthood is ghouls and pure evil

so are the people who supports the Democrat party. they have a thread going on Sarah Palins downs syndrome baby. they have lost their souls and morals over this abortion bs.

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