Thinking Exercise--Our Whole System is a Fallacy


Feb 3, 2012
When most of you go to the voting booth and vote for either candidate X over candidate Y, you're participating in a logical fallacy, aka the false dilemma (or the "either-or" fallacy). The whole voting process has been dumbed down. Now the media tells us who our frontrunner is and we go with it, generally speaking. We the sheeple. I voted for Obama last term. Now I would vote for Paul. But it doesn't seem as if he'll be around unless he runs as an independent. And then, of course, we have more to chose from that just either R or D.. there is always an option for I. In fact, I'm for as many parties as possible? Thoughts?

"A false dilemma arises when we allow ourselves to be convinced that we have to choose between two and only two mutually exclusive options, when that is untrue. Generally, when this rhetorical strategy is used, one of the options is unacceptable and repulsive, while the other is the one the manipulator wants us to choose. Whoever succumbs to this trap has thus made a choice that is forced, and as such, of little value. . . . Here are a few examples of common false dilemmas:

Either medicine can explain how Ms. X was cured, or it is a miracle. Medicine can't explain how she was cured. Therefore it is a miracle.
If we don't reduce public spending, our economy will collapse.
America: Love it or leave it.
The universe could not have been created from nothing, so it must have been created by an intelligent life force.

[h ttp:/ /grammar.about(dot)com/od/fh/g/falsedilterm..htm]false dilemma - definition and examples of false dilemmas - informal logical fallacies

Just something to think about for the Ron Paul supporters who are depending on the Republican party to see him through to any significant election.
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I don't want to burst your bubble but when you have a ballot on which one of the offices in contention is being sought by only two people who have met the conditions necessary to be put on the ballot then it is not a false choice to only have two options. Just because you might like to see a third option, or a fourth or a fifth, if they don't run or don't meet the qualifications to run then two is all you get. In fact in may areas of the country it is not at all uncommon to see Offices for which only one person is running, is it a false choice to only have one to vote for if only one is running.

And as for Ron Paul, he's not actually running for President, he's just on the podiums around the country spouting nonsense and attracting the flys of the body politic to the bowl of shit that is his philosophy.
When most of you go to the voting booth and vote for either candidate X over candidate Y, you're participating in a logical fallacy, aka the false dilemma (or the "either-or" fallacy). The whole voting process has been dumbed down. Now the media tells us who our frontrunner is and we go with it, generally speaking. We the sheeple. I voted for Obama last term. Now I would vote for Paul. But it doesn't seem as if he'll be around unless he runs as an independent. And then, of course, we have more to chose from that just either R or D.. there is always an option for I. In fact, I'm for as many parties as possible? Thoughts?

"A false dilemma arises when we allow ourselves to be convinced that we have to choose between two and only two mutually exclusive options, when that is untrue. Generally, when this rhetorical strategy is used, one of the options is unacceptable and repulsive, while the other is the one the manipulator wants us to choose. Whoever succumbs to this trap has thus made a choice that is forced, and as such, of little value. . . . Here are a few examples of common false dilemmas:

Either medicine can explain how Ms. X was cured, or it is a miracle. Medicine can't explain how she was cured. Therefore it is a miracle.
If we don't reduce public spending, our economy will collapse.
America: Love it or leave it.
The universe could not have been created from nothing, so it must have been created by an intelligent life force.

[h ttp:/ /grammar.about(dot)com/od/fh/g/falsedilterm..htm]false dilemma - definition and examples of false dilemmas - informal logical fallacies

Just something to think about for the Ron Paul supporters who are depending on the Republican party to see him through to any significant election.

This election is about two messages.

With democrats its big government will save you, with repubs its let me save you from big government with big government.

So many choices............... Hmmm.

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