Think what gas prices would be if Hussein wanted lower prices!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Hussein once said:
"I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly.."
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and he backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

And so to get higher gas prices, Hussein has signed the fewest federal land oil leases then any other president in the last 20 years. As a result, federal oil production is still 316,800 barrels per day below 2010 levels of 1,975,100 barrels per day.
The energy industry and federal lawmakers have long criticized the Obama administration for saddling energy producers with lengthy permitting times and environmental review processes.

“The CRS report clearly shows that where the federal government has the most control, on federal lands, it is suppressing development of the energy that all Americans own while preventing job creation and economic prosperity,” said Tim Wigley, president of pro-drilling Western Energy Alliance.

The share of U.S. oil production on federal lands has fallen to a five-year low, according to CRS,
from 33.8 percent in 2009 to only 23 percent last year.
The share of natural gas production on federal lands has also reached a five-year low of 15.2 percent last year — down from 24.9 percent in 2009.
Last year, the Obama administration sold the lowest amount of oil and gas leases since 1988 and approved the fewest drilling permits since 2002.
Getting a permit approved on federal lands take 194 days on average, according to government data.
Drilling permitting on state lands can take anywhere from a few days to about one month.

Oil and gas on federal lands is in free fall under Obama The Daily Caller

So in spite of Hussein's attempts to lower the oil production on Federal lands today in Oklahoma City,OK,
gas at $1.96 per gallon at Oncue Express 4417 S Shields Blvd & SE 44th St Oklahoma City, OK.

Think what the prices would be if Hussein were in FAVOR of lower gas prices?
Oh poster please. None of that has squat to do with what gas prices are. The fact that they have plummeted in the last few months as you admit, disproves your whole unbaked theory. In effect your own post refutes itself.

I think you should really stay with what you know, which is which hand the POTUS wipes his ass with.
Mebbe dey tryin' to crash the stock market...

Saudi Arabia says won't cut oil output
21 Dec.`14 - Saudi Arabia said on Sunday it would not cut output to prop up oil markets even if non-OPEC nations did so, in one of the toughest signals yet that the world's top petroleum exporter plans to ride out the market's biggest slump in years.
Referring to countries outside of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi told reporters: "If they want to cut production they are welcome: We are not going to cut, certainly Saudi Arabia is not going to cut." He added he was "100 percent not pleased" with prices but they would improve, although it was unclear when. He blamed the fall in prices to half their levels of six months ago on speculators and what he called a lack of cooperation from non-OPEC producers.

His remarks at a conference in Abu Dhabi marked the second time in three days that the kingdom has signaled that it would not alter output levels, preferring to allow the market to stabilize on its own. The determined tone of his comments was echoed by some other Arab oil ministers at the conference in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) capital. UAE Oil Minister Suhail Bin Mohammed al-Mazroui urged all of the world's producers not to raise their oil output next year, saying this would quickly steady prices. He did not elaborate.


The world is forecast to need less OPEC oil in 2015 because of a rising supply of U.S. shale oil and other competing sources, with no significant increase in world demand growth. Kuwaiti Oil Minister Ali al-Omair said OPEC did not need to cut production and would not hold an emergency meeting ahead of its next scheduled talks in June. "I don't think we need to cut. We gave a chance to others (and) they were not willing to do so," he said, referring to contacts with non-OPEC producers before OPEC's meeting in November in Vienna.

There, OPEC kept its target output of 30 million barrels per day (bpd) unchanged, leaving the market to balance itself without the group's intervention. That stance was seen as a shift from a longstanding policy in which OPEC powerhouse Saudi Arabia has acted as a swing supplier. Asked about possible cooperation between members of OPEC, which include the world's lowest-cost producers, and non-member countries, Naimi replied: "The best thing for everybody is to let the most efficient producers produce".


He also said that OPEC's decision would ultimately help the world economy. "Current prices do not encourage investment in any form of energy, but they stimulate global economic growth, leading ultimately to an ‎increase in global demand and a slowdown in the growth of supplies," he said. Iraq's oil minister, Adel Abdel Mahdi, said he saw no need for an OPEC emergency meeting but "we have to wait and see" whether the group was right to keep output unchanged. Naimi denied politics played a role in the kingdom's oil policy and said the price fall would not have "a noticeable and big" impact on Saudi Arabia or other Arab economies.

The market slide has triggered conspiracy theories, ranging from the Saudis seeking to curb the U.S. oil boom, to Riyadh looking to undermine Iran and Russia for their support of Syria. Before the Vienna meeting, there were hints that Russia could cut output or exports if OPEC did the same. But the message from Moscow after the meeting was that the world's second largest oil exporter would maintain its output.

Saudi Arabia says won t cut oil output - Yahoo News
Hussein once said:
"I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly.."
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and he backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

And so to get higher gas prices, Hussein has signed the fewest federal land oil leases then any other president in the last 20 years. As a result, federal oil production is still 316,800 barrels per day below 2010 levels of 1,975,100 barrels per day.
The energy industry and federal lawmakers have long criticized the Obama administration for saddling energy producers with lengthy permitting times and environmental review processes.

“The CRS report clearly shows that where the federal government has the most control, on federal lands, it is suppressing development of the energy that all Americans own while preventing job creation and economic prosperity,” said Tim Wigley, president of pro-drilling Western Energy Alliance.

The share of U.S. oil production on federal lands has fallen to a five-year low, according to CRS,
from 33.8 percent in 2009 to only 23 percent last year.
The share of natural gas production on federal lands has also reached a five-year low of 15.2 percent last year — down from 24.9 percent in 2009.
Last year, the Obama administration sold the lowest amount of oil and gas leases since 1988 and approved the fewest drilling permits since 2002.
Getting a permit approved on federal lands take 194 days on average, according to government data.
Drilling permitting on state lands can take anywhere from a few days to about one month.

Oil and gas on federal lands is in free fall under Obama The Daily Caller

So in spite of Hussein's attempts to lower the oil production on Federal lands today in Oklahoma City,OK,
gas at $1.96 per gallon at Oncue Express 4417 S Shields Blvd & SE 44th St Oklahoma City, OK.

Think what the prices would be if Hussein were in FAVOR of lower gas prices?

Domestic production is starting to slow down because producers are starting to see crude oil prices at or below what it costs them to get it out of the ground.
I bought some Obamagas yesterday.....paid $2.03 a gallon
Oh poster please. None of that has squat to do with what gas prices are. The fact that they have plummeted in the last few months as you admit, disproves your whole unbaked theory. In effect your own post refutes itself.

I think you should really stay with what you know, which is which hand the POTUS wipes his ass with.

The RW ODS syndrome is plaguing these people because they just can't come up with a sane argument that turns lower gas prices into another indictment of President Obama.

My advice to the RW ODS'ers...sometimes, just give it up.

Think what the gas prices WOULD HAVE BEEN if Obama hadn't wished for higher prices?

Obama DOES have a direct market effect!

He signs oil exploration leases on Federal lands.
Obama has signed 40% LESS leases then any president!
Therefore fewer leases means fewer explorations and therefore fewer production from Federal lands!

"Oil and gas production has stalled on federal lands for the third year in a row under the Obama administration, despite booming energy production on private and state lands, according to a new government report.

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) says that the share of oil and gas production coming from federal lands have plummeted from 2009 to 2013.
Oil production on federal lands fell by 11 percent over this time period and natural gas production fell by 28 percent.
Federal onshore oil production fell for the third year in a row, while offshore oil production increased slightly — just enough to increase total oil production by 15,300 barrels per day in 2013 above 2012 levels.

But total federal oil production is still 316,800 barrels per day below 2010 levels of 1,975,100 barrels per day.
The energy industry and federal lawmakers have long criticized the Obama administration for saddling energy producers with lengthy permitting times and environmental review processes.

“The CRS report clearly shows that where the federal government has the most control, on federal lands, it is suppressing development of the energy that all Americans own while preventing job creation and economic prosperity,” said Tim Wigley, president of pro-drilling Western Energy Alliance.
Oil and gas on federal lands is in free fall under Obama The Daily Caller

Now YOU stupid ignorant people that totally ignore that Obama has SIGNED fewer leases!
Oil production is DOWN on Federal lands!
Think folks!
IF stupid economically shrift Obama WANTED higher gas prices HE CONTRIBUTED! By reducing the number of exploration oil leases!
AND YOU idiots DON"T say well the companies had 68 million acres unexplored!
Obama (June 24): The oil companies already own drilling rights to 68 million acres of federal lands, onshore and offshore, that they haven’t touched.
68 million acres that have the potential to nearly double America’s total oil production.

That’s because these leased lands that don’t contain productive drilling operations likely are not lying idle as Obama implies.

There are a lot of steps and procedures involved in setting up a productive oil well on leased land, both onshore and off.
The Bureau of Land Management’s Web site lists the regulatory hurdles that need to be cleared as part of the larger five-step life cycle of a well.
The path to setting up an offshore drilling operation is even longer, as shown in a large flow chart developed by the MMS.

And there is a lot of activity occurring on leased lands that does not qualify as "production."
For 2006, the BLM reported that there were 77,257 productive holes onshore in the U.S.
Beyond that, there were 6,738 applications for drilling permits, 4,708 holes in which companies had begun drilling and 3,693 where drilling had ended among onshore lands.
That’s a total of more than 15,000 holes that were being proposed, started or finished that do not count as "productive" holes.
Unused Offshore Potential

AGAIN idiots!!! YOU don't have drilling on land that's not productive!!!
Oh bloody Horseshit. Oil is an international fungible commodity; a POTUS is powerless to affect that.
It's a pool fed by multiple streams. Cut down stream 5 over here, stream 7 makes it up over there. Increase stream 3, and the rest taper off. Unless you control all the streams, you ain't changing jack shit. That's the whole reason OPEC exists -- to control a significant part of the streams. But even they can't control the whole thing.

Hate to tell you this mister world-revolves-around-us but the whole world in aggregate determines oil prices --- not "us". You wanna see an entity that actually does affect oil prices, see post 3. If they were to cut back their streams -- as they usually would -- then the price would stop falling. But even for them it's like steering a barge.

None of which is under the purview of what a POTUS does.

Partisan hack.
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Yea right dumb duck just toss a few nukes across the Bow and watch the oil price rise
We are pumping 50% for gasoline that we did five years ago, and you all are bitching with gas low at the moment?

Definition and example of ODS by the haters on the far right.
Yea right dumb duck just toss a few nukes across the Bow and watch the oil price rise

We control the price of oil no one else

Economics 101

You are a complete idiot.
But by your logic, since "we" control the price of oil (never mind that "we" don't produce oil, oil companies produce oil), then O'bama must be personally responsible for plummeting gas prices.

Be sure to have some clean towels handy for when your head explodes over that.
Oh bloody Horseshit. Oil is an international fungible commodity; a POTUS is powerless to affect that.
It's a pool fed by multiple streams. Cut down stream 5 over here, stream 7 makes it up over there. Increase stream 3, and the rest taper off. Unless you control all the streams, you ain't changing jack shit. That's the whole reason OPEC exists -- to control a significant part of the streams. But even they can't control the whole thing.

Hate to tell you this mister world-revolves-around-us but the whole world in aggregate determines oil prices --- not "us". You wanna see an entity that actually does affect oil prices, see post 3. If they were to cut back their streams -- as they usually would -- then the price would stop falling. But even for them it's like steering a barge.

None of which is under the purview of what a POTUS does.

Partisan hack.
Obviously you do not know about the concept known as "supply and demand"!

"Steering a barge" I take it is your vernacular that it takes time to turn a barge.

That is so true! Don't disagree.

How Obama Became the Oil President Mother Jones
How Obama Became the Oil President
He once talked of plans to reduce oil consumption—now the US drills more than ever. What happened?

Here are some of the other measures recently taken by the administration to boost domestic oil production, according to a recent White House factsheet:

* An increase in the sales of leases for oil and gas drilling on federal lands. In 2013, the Bureau of Land Management held 30 such sales—the most in a decade—offering 5.7 million acres for lease by industry.

* An increase in the speed with which permits are being issued for actual drilling on federal lands. What's called "processing time" has, the White House boasts, been cut from 228 days in 2012 to 194 days in 2013.

* The opening up of an additional 59 million acres for oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, the site of a disastrous BP oil spill in April 2010.

In other words, global warming be damned!

In a turnaround that has gotten next to no attention and remarkably little criticism, President Obama is now making a legacy record for himself that will put the "permanent reduction of our dependence on oil" in its grave. His administration is instead on a drill-baby-drill course to increase production in every way imaginable on US territory, including offshore areas that were long closed to drilling due to environmental concerns.

What explains this dramatic turnaround?
"Supply and demand" doesn't apply to oil on a straightforward basis, my boy. It's way too complex a system for that.

But again, if you think it works that way, then what you're saying is O'bama has lowered gas prices by a buck a gallon.

Thanks O'bama...
"Supply and demand" doesn't apply to oil on a straightforward basis, my boy. It's way too complex a system for that.

But again, if you think it works that way, then what you're saying is O'bama has lowered gas prices by a buck a gallon.

Thanks O'bama...
Obviously UNLIKE ME you never lived through the gas lines of Jimmy Carter!!!!

The Oil Drum The Economics of Oil Part I Supply and Demand Curves
Screen Shot 2014-12-22 at 11.18.09 AM.png

Screen Shot 2014-12-22 at 11.19.38 AM.png

And NO thanks to Hussein who is NOW jumping on the band wagon!

Remember this is what Hussein wanted when he took office:
"I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly.."
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and he backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

So using your analogy steering a barge, Hussein wanted Higher gas prices but IN spite of his desires and his efforts, i.e. reducing Federal oil leases domestic oil production increased.
But of course idiots like you don't comprehend the above economic charts explaining "supply and demand" with dumb f...ks!

Think what the gas prices WOULD HAVE BEEN if Obama hadn't wished for higher prices?

Obama DOES have a direct market effect!

He signs oil exploration leases on Federal lands.
Obama has signed 40% LESS leases then any president!
Therefore fewer leases means fewer explorations and therefore fewer production from Federal lands!

"Oil and gas production has stalled on federal lands for the third year in a row under the Obama administration, despite booming energy production on private and state lands, according to a new government report.

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) says that the share of oil and gas production coming from federal lands have plummeted from 2009 to 2013.
Oil production on federal lands fell by 11 percent over this time period and natural gas production fell by 28 percent.
Federal onshore oil production fell for the third year in a row, while offshore oil production increased slightly — just enough to increase total oil production by 15,300 barrels per day in 2013 above 2012 levels.

But total federal oil production is still 316,800 barrels per day below 2010 levels of 1,975,100 barrels per day.
The energy industry and federal lawmakers have long criticized the Obama administration for saddling energy producers with lengthy permitting times and environmental review processes.

“The CRS report clearly shows that where the federal government has the most control, on federal lands, it is suppressing development of the energy that all Americans own while preventing job creation and economic prosperity,” said Tim Wigley, president of pro-drilling Western Energy Alliance.
Oil and gas on federal lands is in free fall under Obama The Daily Caller

Now YOU stupid ignorant people that totally ignore that Obama has SIGNED fewer leases!
Oil production is DOWN on Federal lands!
Think folks!
IF stupid economically shrift Obama WANTED higher gas prices HE CONTRIBUTED! By reducing the number of exploration oil leases!
AND YOU idiots DON"T say well the companies had 68 million acres unexplored!
Obama (June 24): The oil companies already own drilling rights to 68 million acres of federal lands, onshore and offshore, that they haven’t touched.
68 million acres that have the potential to nearly double America’s total oil production.

That’s because these leased lands that don’t contain productive drilling operations likely are not lying idle as Obama implies.

There are a lot of steps and procedures involved in setting up a productive oil well on leased land, both onshore and off.
The Bureau of Land Management’s Web site lists the regulatory hurdles that need to be cleared as part of the larger five-step life cycle of a well.
The path to setting up an offshore drilling operation is even longer, as shown in a large flow chart developed by the MMS.

And there is a lot of activity occurring on leased lands that does not qualify as "production."
For 2006, the BLM reported that there were 77,257 productive holes onshore in the U.S.
Beyond that, there were 6,738 applications for drilling permits, 4,708 holes in which companies had begun drilling and 3,693 where drilling had ended among onshore lands.
That’s a total of more than 15,000 holes that were being proposed, started or finished that do not count as "productive" holes.
Unused Offshore Potential

AGAIN idiots!!! YOU don't have drilling on land that's not productive!!!

an idiot rants ... facts my butt,

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