Things On "Your Side" That You Think Deserves Criticism


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Based on some recent comments by a fellow poser here, I would like to see who and/or what would be said to criticize on The Left and on The Right.

For instance, I'm an unabashed Leftist, Liberal, Progressive...whatever you want to call it, I accept all of those terms however they do many things that I don't appreciate at all.

For example, they often hold very anti-Christian views, I don't ascribe to that. Although I understand many of their positions.

They often are pro-abortion no matter what, almost preferring it. I don't ascribe to that, I don't want to outlaw it, but I won't promote it. I believe its between the woman, God and her mate.

Most of the stuff I don't like from the Left has to do with their views on morality and God, they tend to mock Christianity, which I don't appreciate. However, their arguments are strong as the majority of people that carry the Christian name in political and public discourse has made a mockery of it. I don't believe many of those that currently self-proclaim to be Christians in the past and present are actually practicing Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ.

Those are some of the criticisms I have to "my own side."

What are yours?
Not all Liberals are progressives. If you don't even know that, you don't know enough for me to waste time responding.... and since I'm not a Republican any more than I am a Democrat, I will happily slam both sides.
We're too nice and easy going. Whenever we win, we don't do dick to unwind any of the Progressive devastation.
I don't want to see the right hijacked by evangelical Christians. While I don't think they are anywhere as dangerous as radical Muslims, their agenda could backfire and add even more division in this country. (If that's possible) I don't watch Beck, but my parents say he's getting "way too religious".
I don't have a "side". I'm a registered Republican who voted for Obama; I could not have voted for McCain after getting to know Palin, and I could not have voted for Hillary under any circumstances....but I digress.

* Obama needs to stop waffling. Support the mosque, don't support the cannot have your cake and eat it too.

* Some of his cabinet ministers and advisors are worrisome, to say the least. Hillary, Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs, Eric Holder.....

* I have been less than respectful to christians here on this board. The reasons are complicated, but I have to struggle to maintain equanimity at times.

* Go fucking after BP already. Issue some arrest warrants.
My biggest criticism about conservatives is that most aren't conservative enough.

Too broad...please define it.

What is "most aren't conservative enough?"

That's no different than "I believe in the US Constitution" or "I'm an American Patriot." It sounds good...but what does it mean? What do YOU mean?

Notice how I posted specifics.
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Being an "old right conservative" , I must say,the entire neo/social conservative agenda, too much government interference imho.

I don't want government in my wallet but I don't want it in my bedroom or living room either, I don't care for domestic handouts but why should I be forced to pay for foreign handouts ?
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Many supposed conservative politicians cast it all aside in the name of vote getting and power...

Fiscal conservatism has been all but nonexistent in the Republican party, causing much harm to the nation
the only people i have issues with are the FAR Left and Right.....they can both go to hell.....everyone else have differing opinions and are able to reach a compromise....the FAR Left and Right only see it their way and anyone who doesnt is considered their enemy or Anti-American.....they are two sides of the same Bird....the Left and Right Wings.....and they in their hatred for anyone who dont hold dear what they do are tearing this Country apart....and for the life of me i dont understand why those not in those two factions dont rise up and squash anyone of them who are in politics...the FRINGE should NEVER be allowed to hold a position in Politics were they have an effect on everyone's lives....
I AM a liberal... but I fucking hate how self-righteous pink lunger non smokers are on my side of the fence. They ignore personal liberty and reduce a range of choices down to solely their smarmy fucking opinion when, at the end of the day, no one forces them to enter a smokey bar any more than anyone forces a vegetarian to enter a steak house. Also, I don't really care for all the nonsequiters regarding guns. I used to tow the "get rid of guns and crime will reduce" line but, criminals will act criminally regardless of tools available and it's just not a fact that those who enjoy firearms are more likely to commit crime. Hell, every labor and memorial day and 4th of july my family gets together to bbq, drink beer and shoot guns and none of us are (hardly) criminal. I loath the idea of abusive eminent domain. Kelo v New London pissed me off. Especially, given how it turned out years later, there is just no valid argument to force the sale of private property for the sake of increased tax revenue. I don't agree that it's solely a woman's body when a distinct genetic individual is sucked out ofher body in this day and age of widescale birth control options and no social pressure comparable to 50 years ago to have an unwanted child; a lack of responsibility should not result in the snuffing out of genetic individuals in stages of development.

and Tipper Gore in the 90s and her PMRC... fuck that hooker bitch.
I am a liberal Democrat.

I am disappointed that President Obama has not brought our troops home a LONG time ago.

I am EXTREMELY disappointed over the fact that Pres. Obama has apparently not halted America's participation in rendering people for interrogation by countries where torture is allowed.

Also, is Guantanamo closed or not? If it is still open, then Pres. Obama should have closed it a LONG time ago.
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Criticisms of my side? Well, I think my nose is too big and I could work on making my summer tan more even.
I'm pretty much in agreeance with Marc. While I'm personally against abortion, I support the right of women to have the choice.. But I don't appriciate the way the left handles the issue.
Also I agree on the christianity issue.
I guess the only other issue is; A lot of Liberals tend to look at any gun owner as a threat to others.. I don't see that at all.. My family have been gun owners for years, and they would never be used in any way other than self defense/target practice/hunting. While I support tougher gun laws, I don't appriciate the way a lot of Libs paint gun owners with a wide brush.
But, good thread!
My biggest criticism about conservatives is that most aren't conservative enough.

Too broad...please define it.

What is "most aren't conservative enough?"

That's no different than "I believe in the US Constitution" or "I'm an American Patriot." It sounds good...but what does it mean? What do YOU mean?

Notice how I posted specifics.

For starters, I would end most if not all welfare programs including social security, end affirmative action, replace the federal income tax with a fair tax, deport illegal aliens as they are identified, refuse illegal aliens access to schools and hospitals, amend the 14th amendment so so-called anchor babies are not recognized as citizens...etc. I don't think the conservatives go far enough in these areas.
I'm more a moderate myself. I dislike how both sides treat religion. The GOP seem to cater to the fringes of Christianity, and the DNC seems to view all Christians as a plague.

I agree on the abortion issue. I'm against abortion myself, but do not believe that the government has a place one way or another in the issue.

My biggest beef, on both sides, is the growing role of the Federal government in our daily lives. I think that there's a case to be made for having programs to help people, but I think they should be ran at the State level. Standards of living vary wildly by region. The people at the local levels are the ones that best know who need help and how much help they need. Both parties seem to want to grow the Federal government into all walks of life.
My side? difficult to say since my views are al over the place politically.

contrary to ordinary.

they did not break the mold when they made me, there was no mold.
For the record...I'm thanking everyone who honestly posts and contributes to this thread. No matter what side of the fence you're on.
One thing I will say is that neither side has a clue as to what to do to improve the recession situation.
Both sides seem to think that more of the same that got us into this mess will get us out.


The dems at least want to help the people keep eating and such. Although much of their effort has been badly wasted.
the repubs seem to want to keep blaming the unemployed druggie lazy victims though.
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