They shouldn't!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Women shouldn't work in blue collar jobs! It isn't feminine for a woman to go into blue collar work!
Tell that to the host of one of my favorite DIY shows

Women shouldn't work in blue collar jobs! It isn't feminine for a woman to go into blue collar work!
People like you shouldn't vomit stupidity all over the internet so that the rest of us don't have to be subjected to it.

Really, I don't think you have ever actually been with a woman before. Here is a hint, women don't need YOU to decide what THEY should be doing. Women are quite capable of making their own life decisions themselves. The arrogance is mind boggling.
Women shouldn't work in blue collar jobs! It isn't feminine for a woman to go into blue collar work!

I am sure you'd rather all women be dependent on their men. And you wish you had one to depend on you, be waiting at the door with your pipe and slippers when you come home from work, ask your permission to do anything, and generally conform to your "Father Knows Best" based ideas on femininity. But your fantasies are not society's reality. They are delusions, nothing more.
I remember when trolling used to rise to level of performance art, this shit is just sad.
The only job women don't seem to want at all is sewage treatment worker. It's like they had a big feminist meeting in the 60's and said "OK, guys can keep that one"

I've seen women in construction trades, but never at the operating level at big wastewater plants. They work in the engineering departments and the management/process control side, But I can count on one hand the ones I have known at the operator side.
My wife drives a truck, delivering magazines & books to stores. Before that, she drove a wrecker--specifically, a 30' rollback.

When I wrenched for a living, one of the other mechanics was a beautiful redhead...she was an expert wrench, drove a V8-powered Datsun 260Z, and usually went by "Legs". (To the extent that most of her jumpsuits had that on the name patch instead of "Sarah".)

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