They finally said it look what ANTIFA just declared about the Constitution


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
They Finally Said It! Look What Antifa Just Declared About the US CONSTITUTION

Members of Antifa are anti-American radicals. That is cut and dry.

One video recently caught a crazed Antifa member yelling at other protesters in Seattle, Washington because they refused to engage in violence.

All this came about after a right-wing rally was met with counter-protesters.

The woman then screams, “F**k your f***ing Constitution!”



These useless bottom feeders dont know what a NAZI is who they are and what they are even about.
This uninformed retard bitch doesn't have any respect for this Country, nor our Constitution and douche bags like that should be shipped the hell out of our Country and given a does of what a real communist country is like and who real nazis are and what they're really like.

This bitch wouldn't live a month, then she'd realize just how much freedom she had to spew her bs and legally commit crimes assaulting people.
They Finally Said It! Look What Antifa Just Declared About the US CONSTITUTION

Members of Antifa are anti-American radicals. That is cut and dry.

One video recently caught a crazed Antifa member yelling at other protesters in Seattle, Washington because they refused to engage in violence.

All this came about after a right-wing rally was met with counter-protesters.

The woman then screams, “F**k your f***ing Constitution!”


View attachment 144969

These useless bottom feeders dont know what a NAZI is who they are and what they are even about.
This uninformed retard bitch doesn't have any respect for this Country, nor our Constitution and douche bags like that should be shipped the hell out of our Country and given a does of what a real communist country is like and who real nazis are and what they're really like.

This bitch wouldn't live a month, then she'd realize just how much freedom she had to spew her bs and legally commit crimes assaulting people.

Of course:



So, you Trumpflake bedwetters do understand that your masters have terrified you into incontinence to keep you compliant and obedient, right?

Everyone else understands it, which is why the whole world is laughing at you so hard.
So, you Trumpflake bedwetters do understand that your masters have terrified you into incontinence to keep you compliant and obedient, right?

Everyone else understands it, which is why the whole world is laughing at you so hard.

The Constitution is law

You going to deny that or continue hurling meaningless insults absolutely nobody is taking serious?
So, you Trumpflake bedwetters do understand that your masters have terrified you into incontinence to keep you compliant and obedient, right?

Everyone else understands it, which is why the whole world is laughing at you so hard.
Now now be a good little anarchist and stfu! You lost the fucking election. Get over it
The Constitution is the law of the land.

ANIFTA are on a fool's errand

The Antifa mongrels need putting down.

View attachment 144983

View attachment 144984

The below link contains many videos of the footage:

BREAKING: Antifa Attacking Boston PD At Boston Free Speech Rally

They'll go to far, it's inevitable

Yes they will, also let's not forget the Leftist hypocrisy, the latest example Barcelona vs Charlottesville.

The Pro-Islamist Leftist Talking Point Memo:


We learn from our history and the history of other nations. We should educate ourselves and find what true hate spews.

There is a Halocaust Museum today, should it be burned to the ground? Absolutely not. I am a firm believer that our ignorance of the past will lead us to repeat the horrors committed by those before us.

What about statues of the Confederacy? Should they be dismantled, never to be seen again? Absolutely not. These were men who believed not in hate, but the preservation of the South and it's economy. For the most part, slaves were used as workers and many were treated harshly while others were not.

Look at what happened after slavery ended. Slaves were encouraged to return to Liberia to continue their lives in peace. Few took this opportunity to leave the US. They wanted to continue to live and bring their families into the fold of life here. Perhaps they were not clear that the hatred that lasted after the Civil War and would make life so difficult were their's to endure. Look at the prominent blacks that came forward during this time. Let's honor their lives. Learn from them and how adversity brought about the best in them.

Instead of clamoring for others to respect Black Lives Matter, perhaps many of those who riot, burn houses and businesses and loot are not empowering themselves to bring about the positive attributes that came from their ancestors. African Americans, you have a rich ancestory of good, brave trail blazers that made a difference for those living at the time. Don't take this history away from all of us. Let's be the best we can all be by learning from our history, not destroying it.
We learn from our history and the history of other nations. We should educate ourselves and find what true hate spews.

There is a Halocaust Museum today, should it be burned to the ground? Absolutely not. I am a firm believer that our ignorance of the past will lead us to repeat the horrors committed by those before us.

What about statues of the Confederacy? Should they be dismantled, never to be seen again? Absolutely not. These were men who believed not in hate, but the preservation of the South and it's economy. For the most part, slaves were used as workers and many were treated harshly while others were not.

Look at what happened after slavery ended. Slaves were encouraged to return to Liberia to continue their lives in peace. Few took this opportunity to leave the US. They wanted to continue to live and bring their families into the fold of life here. Perhaps they were not clear that the hatred that lasted after the Civil War and would make life so difficult were their's to endure. Look at the prominent blacks that came forward during this time. Let's honor their lives. Learn from them and how adversity brought about the best in them.

Instead of clamoring for others to respect Black Lives Matter, perhaps many of those who riot, burn houses and businesses and loot are not empowering themselves to bring about the positive attributes that came from their ancestors. African Americans, you have a rich ancestory of good, brave trail blazers that made a difference for those living at the time. Don't take this history away from all of us. Let's be the best we can all be by learning from our history, not destroying it.
. There is more going on than just attacking statues. The left has an agenda, and it has allied with various groups to attack the very founding of the country, along with it's christian heritage, it's Constitution, it's second amendment rights, it's soverignty, it's character, and it's unity. Their are those here who have made themselves an enemy to this nation, and if allowed to without consequences, they will attempt to destroy this nation. It's already started. Their resistance headquarters is in full operation.
They Finally Said It! Look What Antifa Just Declared About the US CONSTITUTION

Members of Antifa are anti-American radicals. That is cut and dry.

One video recently caught a crazed Antifa member yelling at other protesters in Seattle, Washington because they refused to engage in violence.

All this came about after a right-wing rally was met with counter-protesters.

The woman then screams, “F**k your f***ing Constitution!”


View attachment 144969

These useless bottom feeders dont know what a NAZI is who they are and what they are even about.
This uninformed retard bitch doesn't have any respect for this Country, nor our Constitution and douche bags like that should be shipped the hell out of our Country and given a does of what a real communist country is like and who real nazis are and what they're really like.

This bitch wouldn't live a month, then she'd realize just how much freedom she had to spew her bs and legally commit crimes assaulting people.
That was to funny you sound like me with that one LOL " to lazy to click the link" heheehe Thanks for getting the Video.
Yeah. The people who most need to see who they're defending are least likely to click links. Got to give them every opportunity to see it with their own eyes.

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