“There’s an RIP sign over the ‘double Irish’,”


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
“There’s an RIP sign over the ‘double Irish’,” says a business participant in the debate. Ministers appear to be drawing comfort from positive prospects on a line of new investment projects.

Any such move would be as part of a wider corporate tax package, which is likely to include some kind of a declaration that there is no threat whatever to the fundamental pro-business moorings of the Irish regime and the 12.5 per cent rate. There may be a move to expand research and development credits, something calibrated to compete with British measures. Income tax concessions for multinational executives may also overhauled; the current scheme never really took off.

Double-Irish death knell hangs heavily over Coalition
Corporation tax reform

- “The 12.5% tax rate never has been and never will be up for discussion. The 12.5% tax rate is settled policy. It will not change.“

Budget 2015 main points
“Double Irish“ loophole to be abolished from Jan 1st 2015 for new companies. All new companies registered in Ireland will also have to be tax resident. For existing companies there will be a transition period until end of 2020.

Budget 2015 main points

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