There's an old saying


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020
"If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it."
And it was mostly just a cynical view of political corruption which has always been around. But while it was true that corruption was around, it could be overcome usually, with organization, and with the help of honorable men. Joaquin Jackson's efforts in 1972 in Texas allowed the locals to make sure their votes were counted....... but that old Ranger is dead, now.

People are willing to overlook the obvious fuckery and shenanigans this election because they don't like Trump.
But what about the next person running?
Or the one after that?
You let them get away with this and you don't get a vote anymore, plain and simple.

What if the powers that be decide to pick the next person and rig shit so he wins, just like they're doing right now?

What are you going to do about it? Vote harder?
If you let them get away with this, why do you think they won't do it again?
"If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it."
And it was mostly just a cynical view of political corruption which has always been around. But while it was true that corruption was around, it could be overcome usually, with organization, and with the help of honorable men. Joaquin Jackson's efforts in 1972 in Texas allowed the locals to make sure their votes were counted....... but that old Ranger is dead, now.

People are willing to overlook the obvious fuckery and shenanigans this election because they don't like Trump.
But what about the next person running?
Or the one after that?
You let them get away with this and you don't get a vote anymore, plain and simple.

What if the powers that be decide to pick the next person and rig shit so he wins, just like they're doing right now?

What are you going to do about it? Vote harder?
If you let them get away with this, why do you think they won't do it again?

We live in an Age defined by two primary mass behavioral characteristics. The first is Right Here, Right Now, Gimme. Even members of older surviving generations have joined in with the youth of the day to demand, and I mean DEMAND, instant gratification. No one, hardly anyone, wants to wait for anything they deem pleasurable or desirable. Because of this no one, hardly anyone, gives one sordid fuck about the past or the future; they only consider the relative HERE and NOW.

The second mass behavioral characteristic defining our current human Age or Epoch is SELF-WORSHIP. Due to the advent of the internet, the rapid (and cheap) increase in internet speed, and the relatively low cost of smart (ass) devices people think they know everything and believe that they can be and are their own gods. They're so fucking dumb in fact that they actually can still sleep at night in ignorance of tens of thousands of years of accumulated human wisdom; wisdom and life lessons well learned by their countless ancestors. This . . . situation . . . has led to a steady reduction in human population due to death by STUPIDITY and hair brained arrogance. Everyone online thinks Google is their own personal MATRIX and that they are NEO.

For instance, somewhere long, long ago back in the sands of time some dude realized (the bad way) it was a really, really bad idea to stick your reproductive organ in another man's (or woman's) bowels. Why? Because disease, instant death and all other manner of really awful physical and psychological side effects, often resulting in the end of one's LIFE. But . . . people still believe they can do it differently, more safely and with some kind of rainbow unicorn results. Darwin award for that one, please.

Same with communism.

Same with atheism.

Same with playing with fucking fire, nuclear or otherwise. Fire of the gods? Oopsie!

Which brings us back to the presidential election 2020. People only care about the here and now and people think they are their own gods and so no repercussions will every come close to trimming their wicks or putting their dicks in the dirt. By the time they realize the error of their stupid fucking ways, they'll either be dead, dead, dead or wishing they were as they rot in some rat infested tenement or gulag. It's all tragicomic, really—the spring back splatter fest that is karma, arrogance, extreme sense of entitlement and dumb behavior.

In short, 99% of humanity worships it own reflection AND GOLD. When then is there time left for them to give shit one about the future of their civilization?

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