There Is No Such Thing as "Post-Racial"

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
In fact, if anything, we're getting MORE racial with the election of a black president.

Whites as they fall into the minority will get less afraid of saying "fuck you" to the black and Hispanic racists like Obama and Sotomayor. Just ask Frank Ricci.

Actually, this is likely. Racism isn't just a "white" trait, in spite of what idiots think, everyone has racism in some way shape or form. The only thing that should be handled by the laws is mistreatment because of that racism.
Actually, this is likely. Racism isn't just a "white" trait, in spite of what idiots think, everyone has racism in some way shape or form. The only thing that should be handled by the laws is mistreatment because of that racism.

yet collectively speaking, no one has carried out racism in a more brutal, exploitative fashion than white people, they have done it on a worldwide level in all the world's continents to all nonwhites.
Actually, this is likely. Racism isn't just a "white" trait, in spite of what idiots think, everyone has racism in some way shape or form. The only thing that should be handled by the laws is mistreatment because of that racism.

yet collectively speaking, no one has carried out racism in a more brutal, exploitative fashion than white people, they have done it on a worldwide level in all the world's continents to all nonwhites.

Seriously? You must be a revisionist, that's the only possible way you can think that.
Actually, this is likely. Racism isn't just a "white" trait, in spite of what idiots think, everyone has racism in some way shape or form. The only thing that should be handled by the laws is mistreatment because of that racism.

yet collectively speaking, no one has carried out racism in a more brutal, exploitative fashion than white people, they have done it on a worldwide level in all the world's continents to all nonwhites.

Seriously? You must be a revisionist, that's the only possible way you can think that.

Its the truth, whether one likes to hear it or not, the white has exploited, raped, brutalized and mistreated damn near every nonwhite population in the entire world, no other race on a worldwide scale has done what the white man has done.
yet collectively speaking, no one has carried out racism in a more brutal, exploitative fashion than white people, they have done it on a worldwide level in all the world's continents to all nonwhites.

Seriously? You must be a revisionist, that's the only possible way you can think that.

Its the truth, whether one likes to hear it or not, the white has exploited, raped, brutalized and mistreated damn near every nonwhite population in the entire world, no other race on a worldwide scale has done what the white man has done.

Middle Easterners are "white"? I never knew that ... they look awefuly brown to me.
Seriously? You must be a revisionist, that's the only possible way you can think that.

Its the truth, whether one likes to hear it or not, the white has exploited, raped, brutalized and mistreated damn near every nonwhite population in the entire world, no other race on a worldwide scale has done what the white man has done.

Middle Easterners are "white"? I never knew that ... they look awefuly brown to me.

No, white Europeans, not only have they brutalized every nonwhite population they've also infected the world with the most sickest mental disease: white supremacy, their sick way of ensuring their legacy lives on.
Its the truth, whether one likes to hear it or not, the white has exploited, raped, brutalized and mistreated damn near every nonwhite population in the entire world, no other race on a worldwide scale has done what the white man has done.

Middle Easterners are "white"? I never knew that ... they look awefuly brown to me.

No, white Europeans, not only have they brutalized every nonwhite population they've also infected the world with the most sickest mental disease: white supremacy, their sick way of ensuring their legacy lives on.

Okay, so now it's the "white" man's fault other races are racist. :doubt:
Middle Easterners are "white"? I never knew that ... they look awefuly brown to me.

No, white Europeans, not only have they brutalized every nonwhite population they've also infected the world with the most sickest mental disease: white supremacy, their sick way of ensuring their legacy lives on.

Okay, so now it's the "white" man's fault other races are racist. :doubt:

Don't come up with straw arguments, accept the truth, no other race of people oin earth has done what white Europeans have done but its amazing how these same whites try to portray all nonwhites as being more brutal, crime prone, evil, greedy, genocidal and exploitative than whites, truly amazing, but this is why whites are obsessed with white guilt and being hated by nonwhites, perhaps spreading lies is the only way to protect themselves from the nonwhite masses awakening to give retribution.
No, white Europeans, not only have they brutalized every nonwhite population they've also infected the world with the most sickest mental disease: white supremacy, their sick way of ensuring their legacy lives on.

Okay, so now it's the "white" man's fault other races are racist. :doubt:

Don't come up with straw arguments, accept the truth, no other race of people oin earth has done what white Europeans have done but its amazing how these same whites try to portray all nonwhites as being more brutal, crime prone, evil, greedy, genocidal and exploitative than whites, truly amazing, but this is why whites are obsessed with white guilt and being hated by nonwhites, perhaps spreading lies is the only way to protect themselves from the nonwhite masses awakening to give retribution.

Working with a majority of blacks and hispanics I am amazed at how obsessed with skin color most are. The first way they define someone is by their skin color. The stereotypes are generally pretty true, the blacks fuck off more, the hispanics work pretty hard unless they are influenced by blacks, then they are lazy shits too. The white people work the hardest and are most concerned with doing the best thing for the company, most of the people "of color" want to know how it will help them before they do something. It's quite educational. There are exceptions of course, and it usually has to do with intelligence and those people, no matter what color they are look to the future rather than dwelling in the very distant past.......... I've noticed that you do that Charlie, you live in the past. It's the 21st century Bass, try to deal with it.
Its the truth, whether one likes to hear it or not, the white has exploited, raped, brutalized and mistreated damn near every nonwhite population in the entire world, no other race on a worldwide scale has done what the white man has done.

This is usually attributable to whites' having had the brains to develop better technology. If the spear-chuckers had had access to missiles, they surely would have outpaced whites.

Meanwhile, no other race has poured so much money into helping every other damn race on the planet. Do you realize how much whites have spent to "save Africa"? How much money do you think Arabs have spent on this? The Chinese? I must have missed that massive benefit concert for Africa put on by Mexican mariachi performers.
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This is usually attributable to whites' having had the brains to develop better technology. If the spear-chuckers had had access to missiles, they surely would have outpaced whites.

So you have social Darwinist sentiments that you're sharing with us? Then why do you object about an able-bodied brotha' tearing himself open some pink pussy when he feels the urge? :eusa_eh:

Now, apart from the fact that the Chinese utilized gunpowder far before whites ever did, have you already forgotten the fact that I've told you that my very tribe lives "primitively" yet remains unafflicted by the conditions of illness that your people have plagued this continent with? :eusa_whistle:

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