Theories about ABC's "Lost"

Trinity said:
Ok it was 2 years into the show before I started watching X-Files then I was hooked, so give me another 1 and 1/2 years and I'll get back with you! :D

I bet you'll get's just SO well done. I'm not the type to by DVDs of movies/shows i've seen. But I WILL of this show. Just too many cool things. :)
-=d=- said:
I bet you'll get's just SO well done. I'm not the type to by DVDs of movies/shows i've seen. But I WILL of this show. Just too many cool things. :)

Mom4 has been trying to get me to watch it for months now, but I keep forgetting! ok remind me what night and time, and as long as it doesn't interfere with what I may be doing, I will try to watch it!!! :)
Trinity said:
Mom4 has been trying to get me to watch it for months now, but I keep forgetting! ok remind me what night and time, and as long as it doesn't interfere with what I may be doing, I will try to watch it!!! :)

considering there's only one episode left this season, wait and see if they re-run things this summer.

As-is, wed on ABC at 8/9 Central..

But if you come into the series now, you'll miss SOO Much. :(
mom4 said:
Here Trinity, a few things about the show...

You know... I was thinking. The ship (the Black Rock, right?) was an awfully old-fashioned-looking ship. Just how long has Danielle been on the island? Was that the science team's ship? But her clothes are't that old-fashioned, at least, she has on pants. Hmmm.

One thing I don't get:

Danielle says "Six years ago we crashed..."

but the transponder-thing has been repeating for sixTEEN years...
-=d=- said:
considering there's only one episode left this season, wait and see if they re-run things this summer.

As-is, wed on ABC at 8/9 Central..

But if you come into the series now, you'll miss SOO Much. :(

They should have the season on dvd. My husband will probably get this. He has collected all the Alias episodes.
-=d=- said:
One thing I don't get:

Danielle says "Six years ago we crashed..."

but the transponder-thing has been repeating for sixTEEN years...

So maybe the island is its own dimension or something. Locke was talking to the island when he was crying over the hatch after Boone died. Is the island alive? In a spiritual sort of way?

I really really really really want to know who "the Others" are. RIGHT NOW! :D
mom4 said:
So maybe the island is its own dimension or something. Locke was talking to the island when he was crying over the hatch after Boone died. Is the island alive? In a spiritual sort of way?

I really really really really want to know who "the Others" are. RIGHT NOW! :D

Walt. Perhaps Walt is the key/cause of all of this?

Black Rock is the site where ancient Hawaiians believed that their spirits "jumped off" or left this world. Each island has such a spot. It was believed that a spirit left this world to join it ancestors. If there were no ancestors to greet the spirit, it would wander the earth causing mischief.


In "Special", Charlie read Claire's diary and she wrote about the Black Rock. This is Charlie's line: "Just listen to this. I had that weird dream again, the one with the black rock I can't get away from. I try to leave it but it won't let me."
-=d=- said:
Walt. Perhaps Walt is the key/cause of all of this?
I was wondering about the psychic guy in Australia whom Claire went to see, if there is a psychic connection going on there. He told Claire to go away, then contacted her and put her on that flight to LA. Was he under the control of the others? Why did he suddenly change his attitude toward her? I thought that he might have been the link. His psychic abilities might have given away the fact that Claire was preggie, and that's why the island trapped the plane.

In "Special", Charlie read Claire's diary and she wrote about the Black Rock. This is Charlie's line: "Just listen to this. I had that weird dream again, the one with the black rock I can't get away from. I try to leave it but it won't let me."

Hmmm. Maybe the dead spirits from the Black Rock are looking for bodies to inhabit?

What was the deal with Jack's father's coffin being empty? Any theories on that?
mom4 said:
I was wondering about the psychic guy in Australia whom Claire went to see, if there is a psychic connection going on there. He told Claire to go away, then contacted her and put her on that flight to LA. Was he under the control of the others? Why did he suddenly change his attitude toward her? I thought that he might have been the link. His psychic abilities might have given away the fact that Claire was preggie, and that's why the island trapped the plane.

Hmmm. Maybe the dead spirits from the Black Rock are looking for bodies to inhabit?

What was the deal with Jack's father's coffin being empty? Any theories on that?

I remember reading the Producers were saying they won't go all magical/metaphysical...They'll try to logically explain things - to a certain degree. I was wondering if they were called there - 48 survivors for a specific reason, free the Black Rock from it's resting place? How many ppl would it take to sail a ship like that?
We FINALLY got to watch the last episode last night! We stayed up until 12:30, but we were both just tired of waiting for the right opportunity.

Then, of course, I couldn't go to sleep because it was sooooo good!

I couldn't see if Jin and Sawyer got killed. How in the world are they going to get back on that raft? They can't have killed off Jin and Sawyer.

Okay, so "the Others" are hole-dwellers? I thought Ethan looked awful pasty!

And -=d=-, you were right about Walt. Yikes, what do they want with that kid? Why did they take Danielle's baby?

So many questions, and we have to wait months for answers. :(

Oh well. Great show!
check this:

Why We Can't Figure Out This Show.
The writers of Lost made a huge mistake. I'm sure, at the time, it seemed like a good idea, a casual jab in the rib of hardcore fans and a clever little 'easter egg.'

I'm referring, of course, to Hurley's appearance in Jin's backstory.

While this was an ultimately cool little aside to feature, I think that this moment was almost single-handedly responsible for the EXPLOSION of conjecture and theorizing that surround this show.

Before the Hurley/Jin connection appeared, Lost was a sci-fi mystery with heavy dramatic elements. It was confusing, and fun, and full of secrets that kept us all guessing and made for interesting surprises down the road.

However, the appearance of Hurley on the tv in Jin's story 'raised the stakes' for a lot of us. We went from viewing LOST as a show with mysterious goings-on to viewing LOST as a PUZZLE that has to be solved. I don't think that was ever the creators' intent from the get-go. The show was never intended to be 'solvable' - as a weekly episodical, writing is constantly occuring, plot points change - this isn't a game of Clue, it's a television show (re: business investment) and far more significant plot points will be controlled by things that happen in THE REAL WORLD (focus groups, contract negotiations, fiming hiccups) than onscreen development.

Iit seems that a good portion of people who enjoy theorizing on these boards are under the impression that their 'pet theory' will pan out in such a way that will reinforce the OBVIOUS LINK between the show and their second-favorite science fiction novel or their favorite episode of Transformers. However, these theories, while relying heavily on logic, seem to ignore the basic fact that, in order to be succesful, Lost MUST engage its viewers - not present with a 'new version of something they've heard before.' ESPECIALLY if the proposed 'source material' is from an in-genre sci-fi work less than ten years old.

Here's the thing - what Lost has showed us so far has been surprising. Sure. It's, for the most part, been full of twists and turns. It also, contrary to popular belief, has NOT been predictable whatsoever. I doubt anybody honestly thought, prior to the reveal, that the Black Rock was an old boat, or that "The Others" would troll up to the raft in a fishing boat, talking like Deliverance extras - and THESE are the things that make Lost so surprising and cool.

Lost is a great show, but it's not made ONLY for internet weirdos like us. The average viewer is not going to be freeze-framing, motion capturing, and dissecting ad nauseam. They're going to be watching the show, and enjoying it. If something is hidden so deeply that it needs to be freeze-framed, googled, or played in slow-motion to catch, I hate to say it, but it's probably not there.

Lost caught on so quickly and so strongly because it's a dramatic sci-fi type of show that still revolves far more heavily around CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT than it does around bang-pow-whizz-boom action. That's the formula that got them where they are today. It had nothing to with hiding secrets deep within subtext - it had to do with making an engaging show. Unfortunately, most theories I read, while logically sound, would NOT make for an engaging television show. They'd make for a sullen retread of a previously used idea.

So, in summation: Lost is NOT Twin Peaks. Lost is NOT Fight Club. Lost is a weekly episodical with WONDERFUL writing and a lot of twists and turns, but I believe it ends there. I think a lot of us, if we keep theorizing so extravagantly, are setting ourselves up for supreme disappointment if and when the circumstances are revealed.

no1tovote4 said:
Flamin' what? I just know good TV. I like Lost but 24 is far better.

I was just kidding. You know, because -=d=- and I were talking about how great this show is in a thread with "Lost" in the title, and then you came in with a "24 is better" comment. Seemed like you were starting a little competition. But, from what I know of you from this board, I would never seriously suspect you of starting a firefight. So I was just kidding. Sorry if it seemed offensive.
mom4 said:
I was just kidding. You know, because -=d=- and I were talking about how great this show is in a thread with "Lost" in the title, and then you came in with a "24 is better" comment. Seemed like you were starting a little competition. But, from what I know of you from this board, I would never seriously suspect you of starting a firefight. So I was just kidding. Sorry if it seemed offensive.

..but what do you think about what i just posted??? :)
mom4 said:
I was just kidding. You know, because -=d=- and I were talking about how great this show is in a thread with "Lost" in the title, and then you came in with a "24 is better" comment. Seemed like you were starting a little competition. But, from what I know of you from this board, I would never seriously suspect you of starting a firefight. So I was just kidding. Sorry if it seemed offensive.

Never fear, it takes more than that to offend me!

No, I wasn't even really being defensive. I was just trying a small amount of brevity and missed the "light sarcasm" in my tone while typing.

-=d=- said:
..but what do you think about what i just posted??? :)
Hey, I repped you on it. Very good.

That's kind of my husband's attitude. Why analyze? Just wait and see what happens. Drives me CRAZY! :cuckoo: If you haven't noticed, I love to analyze. For instance...

me: "Where do you think the Others came from?"
hubby: "I don't know."
me: "So, do you think they're, like, hole-dwellers? How did they get down there? How did those numbers get on the hatch?"
hubby: "I don't know."
me (biting fingernail): I wonder how the crazy guy got those numbers."
hubby: :sleep:

The article was very good. They will want to keep us guessing, so they won't do what most people think they're going to do. That's what keeps it so interesting. But I still think it's fun to try to figure it out! ;)

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