The Zimmerman/Martin truth vs. fiction thread.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Fiction: Zimmerman called Martin an f'ing coon.

Truth: Zimmerman actually said it was f'ing PUNKS.Fiction: Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after Dispatch told him "we don't need you to do that".

Truth: Zimmerman stopped chasing Martin, and had no idea where he was. From the transcript, Zimmerman said when asked his address, "It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t know where [Martin] is."Fiction: Zimmerman had 100 pounds on Martin.

Truth: Zimmerman was 5'9" and 170 pounds and Martin was 6'2" and 160 pounds on the day of the shooting.Fiction: Zimmerman profiled Martin because he was black.

Truth: Zimmerman wasn't sure Martin was black until halfway thru the 911 call. It was dark and raining. Zimmerman's call connected to 911 at 7:09pm. Sunset was 6:23pm.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he white, black, or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

<later in the taped 911 transcript>

Zimmerman: He's got his hand in his waistband. And he's a black male.
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Rotflmao !

Way to refute, links and all. Typical.

What Wolf Blitzer says is not evidence. It's very clear he said coons There is no s on cold.

[ame=]Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

You are correct.

The Prosecutor Angela Corey states in Zimmermans arrest affidavit that the enhanced audio say "f'ing punks".

The disputed words on the recording turned out to be “these f—— punks,” prosecutors said in an affidavit filed Thursday in support of the murder charges brought against [Zimmerman]...

I edited the OP to reflect this fact.
Better ABC News link to AP story:

Prosecutors: Zimmerman Did Not Use Racial Slur


By MIKE SCHNEIDER Associated Press

ORLANDO, Fla. April 13, 2012 (AP)

Despite what some people think they heard, prosecutors say George Zimmerman did not utter a racial slur in his call to 911 on the night he shot Trayvon Martin.

The disputed words on the recording turned out to be "these f------ punks," prosecutors said in an affidavit filed Thursday in support of the murder charges brought against the neighborhood watch volunteer in the Feb. 26 slaying of the unarmed black teenager.

Way to refute, links and all. Typical.

What Wolf Blitzer says is not evidence. It's very clear he said coons There is no s on cold.

[ame=]Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

You are correct.

The Prosecutor Angela Corey states in Zimmermans arrest affidavit that the enhanced audio say "f'ing punks".

The disputed words on the recording turned out to be “these f—— punks,” prosecutors said in an affidavit filed Thursday in support of the murder charges brought against [Zimmerman]...

I edited the OP to reflect this fact.

Jury will get to hear it plenty of times and they will decide.
Doubtful...the prosecutor is on the record. Angela Corey cannot submit it as evidence, after stating in the arrest affidavit, an official court record, that Zimmerman has been definitively determined to have said "punks".
Granny says, "Dat's right - dat man bein' persecuted fer defendin' hisself...
Judge considers adjusting Zimmerman's bond
26 Apr.`12 – A judge is considering whether to raise or revoke the bond for George Zimmerman after his lawyer told the judge a website raised $200,000 for the defense.
Mark O'Mara told the judge Friday that Zimmerman's family hadn't told him about the money before his client was given $150,000 bond. Florida Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester says he wants to know more about the money before he decides whether to adjust the bond. The judge will make a decision on the bond at a later date. George Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder in the Feb. 26 shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin after weeks without an arrest led to protests nationwide over racial profiling and controversial self-defense laws in Florida and other states. Martin was black; Zimmerman's father is white and his mother is from Peru.

Zimmerman has gone into hiding since his release this week after paying 10% of his bail, though he has to wear a GPS ankle bracelet that authorities can use to track his location. The lawyer for Martin's parents, Benjamin Crump, said Friday he has asked the prosecutor to request that the judge revoke Zimmerman's bail for not disclosing at the original hearing last week how much money he had. "This is a bombshell that was dropped," Crump told The Associated Press. He said the parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, were "offended" that Zimmerman failed to inform the court of the money.

O'Mara told CNN late Thursday the $200,000 was raised by a website Zimmerman set up for his legal defense. The website has since been shut down, but O'Mara said he'll likely start a new defense fund. O'Mara did not immediately return a phone message from The Associated Press. Friday's hearing was initially scheduled to deal with the request by several media organizations, including The Associated Press, to unseal documents from Zimmerman's court file. Lester said he would not stop Zimmerman's attorneys from talking to the media if they chose. The prosecution had asked for a gag order on those involved in the trial.


See also:

Florida judge rejects bail hike for Trayvon Martin's killer
27 Apr.`12 - A Florida judge rejected a prosecution request to raise the bond for George Zimmerman on Friday, after it was disclosed that the man charged with murdering unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin had received about $200,000 from anonymous donors to fund his defense.
"I'm not going to make a snap decision," Circuit Court Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. said during a hearing in Sanford, the central Florida town where 17-year-old Martin was shot dead by Zimmerman in February. He spoke after Prosecutor Bernardo de la Rionda said the disclosure by Zimmerman's lawyer on Thursday that donors had contributed "just over $200,000" to his defense meant that the amount of his bond should be reconsidered. Lester said he needed more information about Zimmerman's fund-raising before he could agree to any request for reconsideration of the bond.

Zimmerman was released this week on $150,000 bail and has been moved to an undisclosed location. He had surrendered to police earlier this month after prosecutors charged him with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Martin. Ben Crump, an attorney for Martin's family, had expressed outrage over the money raised for Zimmerman's defense, saying it was not disclosed before his bond hearing and that the $150,000 bond should now be revoked since defense lawyer Mark O'Mara had previously described Zimmerman as penniless. "The court was led to believe that he (Zimmerman) had no money and was indigent. He either did not tell his lawyer or if he did tell his lawyer he did not discuss it with the judge. What George Zimmerman did was deceive the court," Crump said.

No formal motion for revoking Zimmerman's bail was filed with Lester before Friday's hearing, however. The prosecution did request an order that would bar lawyers from making public comments about the case. But Lester rejected the call for a gag order out of hand, saying attorneys on both sides of the case had done a good job dealing with the media spotlight surrounding it.

Nothing that prosecutors or O'Mara have said publicly about the case had "startled the court or shocked the court" so far, Lester said. Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty and says he killed Martin in self defense. But the Martin shooting triggered civil rights protests, and a national debate over guns, self-defense laws, and race relations in America, because police initially failed to arrest Zimmerman or charge his with any crime.

Fiction: Zimmerman called Martin an f'ing coon.

Truth: Zimmerman actually said it was f'ing PUNKS.Fiction: Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after Dispatch told him "we don't need you to do that".

Truth: Zimmerman stopped chasing Martin, and had no idea where he was. From the transcript, Zimmerman said when asked his address, "It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t know where [Martin] is."Fiction: Zimmerman had 100 pounds on Martin.

Truth: Zimmerman was 5'9" and 170 pounds and Martin was 6'2" and 160 pounds on the day of the shooting.Fiction: Zimmerman profiled Martin because he was black.

Truth: Zimmerman wasn't sure Martin was black until halfway thru the 911 call. It was dark and raining. Zimmerman's call connected to 911 at 7:09pm. Sunset was 6:23pm.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he white, black, or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

<later in the taped 911 transcript>

Zimmerman: He's got his hand in his waistband. And he's a black male.

Great Job. Bears repeating.
Fiction: Zimmerman called Martin an f'ing coon.

Truth: Zimmerman actually said it was f'ing PUNKS.Fiction: Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after Dispatch told him "we don't need you to do that".

Truth: Zimmerman stopped chasing Martin, and had no idea where he was. From the transcript, Zimmerman said when asked his address, "It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t know where [Martin] is."Fiction: Zimmerman had 100 pounds on Martin.

Truth: Zimmerman was 5'9" and 170 pounds and Martin was 6'2" and 160 pounds on the day of the shooting.Fiction: Zimmerman profiled Martin because he was black.

Truth: Zimmerman wasn't sure Martin was black until halfway thru the 911 call. It was dark and raining. Zimmerman's call connected to 911 at 7:09pm. Sunset was 6:23pm.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he white, black, or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

<later in the taped 911 transcript>

Zimmerman: He's got his hand in his waistband. And he's a black male.[INDENT]

Great Job. Bears repeating.

Dark & raining & he shoots first, asks questions later?
April 27, 2012
Second Trayvon Martin Twitter feed identified
Published: 1:59 AM 03/29/2012

Trayvon Martin on Twitter, 2011: This image is the photograph the late Trayvon Martin used to represent his Twitter identity in late 2011, under the screen name &#8220;T33ZY_TAUGHT_M3.&#8221; Although the Twitter account was deleted, The Daily Caller retrieved it from the social analytics website PeopleBrowsr. The upper-arm tattoo in the image matches one in a close-up photograph on Martin&#8217;s MySpace page. (Image: Twitter)

Read more:


The Daily Caller has identified a second Twitter handle that was used by the late Trayvon Martin during the last weeks of 2011. Tweeting in December under the name &#8220;T33ZY_TAUGHT_M3,&#8221; Martin sent a message that read, &#8220;Plzz shoot da #mf dat lied 2 u!&#8221;

This tweet, retrieved via the social analytics website, shows the late Trayvon Martin tweeting a message that read, &#8220;Plzz shoot da #mf dat lied 2 u!&#8221; He was using the handle &#8220;T33ZY TAUGHT M3&#8221; near the end of 2011. (PeopleBrowsr/Twitter)

It&#8217;s unclear who Martin intended the message for, or whether he intended it to be taken literally.

The photo Martin chose to represent himself on Twitter as &#8220;T33ZY_TAUGHT_M3&#8243; depicts him in a black Polo cap, looking into the camera and extending his middle finger. The photo&#8217;s file name on Twitter&#8217;s server indicates that it was taken on the afternoon of June 17, 2010.

At least one website issued a retraction this week after mistakenly linking Martin to a middle-finger-salute image on a Facebook account corresponding to a Georgia teenager who shares Martin&#8217;s name. This image, however, was uploaded to Twitter by the teen himself.

On Tuesday TheDC published 152 pages of Martin&#8217;s Twitter activity that were retrieved using the social analytics product PeopleBrowsr.

Additional searches via the same website yielded the Twitter handle &#8220;T33ZY TAUGHT M3,&#8221; whose activity spanned just one month and ended shortly before Martin began tweeting as &#8220;NO_LIMIT_NIGGA.&#8221; His Twitter activity under that newer screen name began with the tweet: &#8220;NEW NAME, NEW BACKGROUND, NEW TWEETCON, I MAKE CHANGS B4 NEW YEARS!&#8221;

Read more: Second Trayvon Martin Twitter Feed | The Daily Caller
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Fiction: Zimmerman called Martin an f'ing coon.

Truth: Zimmerman actually said it was f'ing PUNKS.Fiction: Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after Dispatch told him "we don't need you to do that".

Truth: Zimmerman stopped chasing Martin, and had no idea where he was. From the transcript, Zimmerman said when asked his address, "It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t know where [Martin] is."Fiction: Zimmerman had 100 pounds on Martin.

Truth: Zimmerman was 5'9" and 170 pounds and Martin was 6'2" and 160 pounds on the day of the shooting.Fiction: Zimmerman profiled Martin because he was black.

Truth: Zimmerman wasn't sure Martin was black until halfway thru the 911 call. It was dark and raining. Zimmerman's call connected to 911 at 7:09pm. Sunset was 6:23pm.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he white, black, or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

<later in the taped 911 transcript>

Zimmerman: He's got his hand in his waistband. And he's a black male.[INDENT]

Great Job. Bears repeating.

Dark & raining & he shoots first, asks questions later?

Obviously that didn't happen. Curious that considering what we do know, how you can be both so sure and misguided?

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