The worst type of public violation


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
There needs to be some law changes to reflect the current times we live in. The first law change should affect elected public officials, police officers, or any public worker who has power and authority over the public, i.e. zoning inspectors. These positions leave alot of open area for abuses as they interpet the laws and enforce them on the spot.

There is a system in place to resolve conflicts when you disagree with them, but it costs time and money. Most of the time as a citizen you don't have the time or money to fight for your rights. Sometimes it just isn't worth the time or money and it is cheaper to pay the fine or do something else instead, i.e. make your pole barn 2 feet smaller.

Nothing is more infuriating when you see someone who has built a stucture on their property to code and then come to find out that your neighbor didn't have to follow the code because he knows the inspector.

Monty hall justice, is when you get pulled over for speeding and then the cop says, " I clocked you at 65 in a 55, but I'll only give you a ticket for 60 in a 55." When in all actuality you were only doing 58. If they feel they can make up their own laws or modify them as they see fit, as with this example. What stops them from modifing other laws?

Within the last five years we had an officer killed in the line of duty when their car rolled over on the way to an accident scene. The scene was several hours old so there was no need to speed, but they did. The passenger should have been wearing his seatbelt, but wasn't. Then the write up in the paper made this out to be a huge tradgedy. Yes it is sad because it all could have been avoided if the police officers involved would have followed the laws they were supposed to be upholding. Every seat belt ticket ever written by the deceased officer should have been refunded, and the driver should have been fired and charged with negligent homicide, like they do to normal citizens.

Embezzlement by county officials and school trustees, should carry more of a penalty than repayment, community service, less than a year in jail, and probation. You get a stiffer penalty from stealing a tv from Walmart. So the lesson is if you are going to steal, steal from the state, county, city, or school, and make sure it is for thousands.

So I would like to propose the death penalty by stoning on the courthouse lawn by those employees of the state, county, or city who break laws that they are in charge of enforcing. This is the worst type of violation, we gave them power over us and they use that power in an abusive manner.
Town officials are the worst.

I had a zoning guy figure that he should be able to get services for free from my business because he signed off on a request for a slightly larger sign.
When I live in Md. I was sited for my garage because the paint was peeling on it. This was not long after I bought the house I was living in. The notice stated that I had to put a protective coat of paint on the garage. I scraped down the garage and put one coat of paint on it. The inspector told me that one coat was not enough and I had to apply two more coats. I pulled out the notice and showed him where it said I had to apply "a" protective coat and informed him that is what I did, applied "a" protective coat. He walked away shaking his head, I never saw him again. There are ways to get over on some of the knucleheads in government.
The sidewalk in front of our house is kicked way up in two places, due to CITY PLANTED trees in the space between the sidewalk and the street. We have requested the City to come out and level the sidewalk. They refuse to do so.

If someone trips over the raised portion of the sidewalk, guess who gets sued?

As many here know, I am an ardent opponent of the death penalty. However, in this case . . .

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