The worst case of contempt in our lifetimes.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2011
No it's not Holder, not even close. Let's cast our minds back to ancient times (2007-2008) when Democrats badly wanted to talk to Harriet Meyers, Josh Bolton and others including Karl Rove about a little remembered incident involving the politically motivated firing of several US attorneys, allegedly for refusing to conduct witch hunt investigations of various state democratic parties.

Practically every point in the current scandal match except the parties were on opposite sides of the same issues and, of course, the republicans refused to cooperate with the investigations AT ALL. Zero, zilch, nothing, republicans felt totally at ease ignoring a congressional investigation that has since been mostly proven to be correct.

Fast forward to this year, suddenly republicans find a lack of timely and total obedience to congressional subpoenas an abhorrent act, suddenly they are attacking executive privilege, all of the sudden there is no level of compliance that is sufficient.

When the vote was held to hold Meyers and Bolton in contempt for never showing up, the republicans got up and walked out exactly as the democrats did today, in fact the stories are almost identical except, of course, the actual contempt involved in the actions of the administration officials called before congress.

Compared to Holder releasing reams of documents and showing up when ordered, the actions of Meyers, Bolton, Rove, Gonzales, Bush and others dripped with open contempt for the right of congress to subpoena anyone in the executive branch for any reason whatsoever.

The stark difference in attitude between these two incidents is all the proof anyone needs that today's action by congress is an entirely partisan stunt that has no honorable reason that anyone would believe at this point.

I will conclude with a quote attributed to then minority leader John Boehner as he stalked out of the House in protest to the contempt vote:

"We will not stand here and watch this floor be abused for pure political grandstanding at the expense of our national security,"

How soon he changes where he stands.
it happens daily with cons.

Like when Paul was cheated in the primary by the republican party.

it was funny as hell to see some of the righties indignant response to being cheated
Wow. President Bush letting several attorneys go (when President Clinton had cleaned house of all 93 in his first week in office) and the consequent bullshit charges versus Fast and Furious that have led to the deaths of at least 200 Mexicans and two Federal employees and the Attorney General being caught in two lies that we know of? Yes, he has retracted both but he still made them.

You're really going to attempt to compare the two?
Wow. President Bush letting several attorneys go (when President Clinton had cleaned house of all 93 in his first week in office) and the consequent bullshit charges versus Fast and Furious that have led to the deaths of at least 200 Mexicans and two Federal employees and the Attorney General being caught in two lies that we know of? Yes, he has retracted both but he still made them.

You're really going to attempt to compare the two?

On the issue of contempt of congress a comparison is entirely warranted because republicans now have opposite opinions on the right of congress to subpoena executive branch witnesses and executive privilege, an incredible flip-flop that would make even Romney jealous.
You stupid motherfucker....the US Attorneys can be fired at any moment for any fucking reason. Also, Executive Privilege was legit in this case because the Executive Branch can keep personal email traffic behind closed doors to prevent damaging people's feelings, etc.

With F&F Obamination claims he didn't know shit but then all of sudden claims his Branch can block Congress seeing what "his people" did in regards to giving ILLEGAL WEAPONS TO GANGS TO KILL AMERICANS AND MEXICANS YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.

No it's not Holder, not even close. Let's cast our minds back to ancient times (2007-2008) when Democrats badly wanted to talk to Harriet Meyers, Josh Bolton and others including Karl Rove about a little remembered incident involving the politically motivated firing of several US attorneys, allegedly for refusing to conduct witch hunt investigations of various state democratic parties.

Practically every point in the current scandal match except the parties were on opposite sides of the same issues and, of course, the republicans refused to cooperate with the investigations AT ALL. Zero, zilch, nothing, republicans felt totally at ease ignoring a congressional investigation that has since been mostly proven to be correct.

Fast forward to this year, suddenly republicans find a lack of timely and total obedience to congressional subpoenas an abhorrent act, suddenly they are attacking executive privilege, all of the sudden there is no level of compliance that is sufficient.

When the vote was held to hold Meyers and Bolton in contempt for never showing up, the republicans got up and walked out exactly as the democrats did today, in fact the stories are almost identical except, of course, the actual contempt involved in the actions of the administration officials called before congress.

Compared to Holder releasing reams of documents and showing up when ordered, the actions of Meyers, Bolton, Rove, Gonzales, Bush and others dripped with open contempt for the right of congress to subpoena anyone in the executive branch for any reason whatsoever.

The stark difference in attitude between these two incidents is all the proof anyone needs that today's action by congress is an entirely partisan stunt that has no honorable reason that anyone would believe at this point.

I will conclude with a quote attributed to then minority leader John Boehner as he stalked out of the House in protest to the contempt vote:

"We will not stand here and watch this floor be abused for pure political grandstanding at the expense of our national security,"

How soon he changes where he stands.
You stupid motherfucker....the US Attorneys can be fired at any moment for any fucking reason. Also, Executive Privilege was legit in this case because the Executive Branch can keep personal email traffic behind closed doors to prevent damaging people's feelings, etc.

With F&F Obamination claims he didn't know shit but then all of sudden claims his Branch can block Congress seeing what "his people" did in regards to giving ILLEGAL WEAPONS TO GANGS TO KILL AMERICANS AND MEXICANS YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.

That's more like it, of course you didn't even address the executive branch taking the position that no one was going to even show up when summoned. Democrats would have been thrilled with the level of cooperation republicans are getting from Holder.
This thread shows the shallow mind of an idiot liberal.

It compares a LEGAL move by the White House and Attorney General to fire US Attorneys not upholding the law the way they see fit, to a White House and Attorney General covering up fucking CRIMES across international borders.
No it's not Holder, not even close. Let's cast our minds back to ancient times (2007-2008) when Democrats badly wanted to talk to Harriet Meyers, Josh Bolton and others including Karl Rove about a little remembered incident involving the politically motivated firing of several US attorneys, allegedly for refusing to conduct witch hunt investigations of various state democratic parties.

Practically every point in the current scandal match except the parties were on opposite sides of the same issues and, of course, the republicans refused to cooperate with the investigations AT ALL. Zero, zilch, nothing, republicans felt totally at ease ignoring a congressional investigation that has since been mostly proven to be correct.

Fast forward to this year, suddenly republicans find a lack of timely and total obedience to congressional subpoenas an abhorrent act, suddenly they are attacking executive privilege, all of the sudden there is no level of compliance that is sufficient.

When the vote was held to hold Meyers and Bolton in contempt for never showing up, the republicans got up and walked out exactly as the democrats did today, in fact the stories are almost identical except, of course, the actual contempt involved in the actions of the administration officials called before congress.

Compared to Holder releasing reams of documents and showing up when ordered, the actions of Meyers, Bolton, Rove, Gonzales, Bush and others dripped with open contempt for the right of congress to subpoena anyone in the executive branch for any reason whatsoever.

The stark difference in attitude between these two incidents is all the proof anyone needs that today's action by congress is an entirely partisan stunt that has no honorable reason that anyone would believe at this point.

I will conclude with a quote attributed to then minority leader John Boehner as he stalked out of the House in protest to the contempt vote:

"We will not stand here and watch this floor be abused for pure political grandstanding at the expense of our national security,"

How soon he changes where he stands.

You have a seriously chapped ass,, you need some ointment?
No it's not Holder, not even close. Let's cast our minds back to ancient times (2007-2008) when Democrats badly wanted to talk to Harriet Meyers, Josh Bolton and others including Karl Rove about a little remembered incident involving the politically motivated firing of several US attorneys, allegedly for refusing to conduct witch hunt investigations of various state democratic parties.

Practically every point in the current scandal match except the parties were on opposite sides of the same issues and, of course, the republicans refused to cooperate with the investigations AT ALL. Zero, zilch, nothing, republicans felt totally at ease ignoring a congressional investigation that has since been mostly proven to be correct.

Fast forward to this year, suddenly republicans find a lack of timely and total obedience to congressional subpoenas an abhorrent act, suddenly they are attacking executive privilege, all of the sudden there is no level of compliance that is sufficient.

When the vote was held to hold Meyers and Bolton in contempt for never showing up, the republicans got up and walked out exactly as the democrats did today, in fact the stories are almost identical except, of course, the actual contempt involved in the actions of the administration officials called before congress.

Compared to Holder releasing reams of documents and showing up when ordered, the actions of Meyers, Bolton, Rove, Gonzales, Bush and others dripped with open contempt for the right of congress to subpoena anyone in the executive branch for any reason whatsoever.

The stark difference in attitude between these two incidents is all the proof anyone needs that today's action by congress is an entirely partisan stunt that has no honorable reason that anyone would believe at this point.

I will conclude with a quote attributed to then minority leader John Boehner as he stalked out of the House in protest to the contempt vote:

"We will not stand here and watch this floor be abused for pure political grandstanding at the expense of our national security,"

How soon he changes where he stands.

Ok, now they will eagerly abuse the House for showboating.
This thread shows the shallow mind of an idiot liberal.

It compares a LEGAL move by the White House and Attorney General to fire US Attorneys not upholding the law the way they see fit, to a White House and Attorney General covering up fucking CRIMES across international borders.

The firing of seven appointed US attorneys with no good reason given was in itself an unprecedented act especially when the patriot act had just given the attorney general the power to permanently appoint replacements without senate approval, the whole thing stank like last week's fish.
It is not a crime to fire US Attorneys that aren't following directions.

It is a crime to give assault weapons to gangs so that they can kill Americans and Mexicans in order to blame the gun industry for the crimes.

When a White House wants US Attorneys fired, Executive Privilege is legit.

When a White House claims they had no clue about an illegal program, they can't months to years later claim they now want to hide behind Executive Privilege because the White House was involved.
Dumbfuck, did Buuuuuuush's AG send Congress a letter full of lies and retract it???

Did Buuuuush and his AG break any laws by firing the US Attorneys not following their directions???

Did anyone die from the US Attorneys being fired?????

Did Bill Clinton fire most of the US Attorneys when he stepped into the White House????

You see dumbfuck, the answers make you look even dumber so find a car to run over you.

This thread shows the shallow mind of an idiot liberal.

It compares a LEGAL move by the White House and Attorney General to fire US Attorneys not upholding the law the way they see fit, to a White House and Attorney General covering up fucking CRIMES across international borders.

The firing of seven appointed US attorneys with no good reason given was in itself an unprecedented act especially when the patriot act had just given the attorney general the power to permanently appoint replacements without senate approval, the whole thing stank like last week's fish.
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