*The Worse Possible GOP Candidate Will Get Nomination*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But the best man for the job, will get passed by.
2. You want to know why?
3. Because the way America chooses its candidate is flawed.
4. The GOP allows liberals to choose which GOP candidate to run.
5. If you don't think this to be true, you don't get out much.
6. I will explain how its done after we see what the average Joe Blow here thinks about this topic.
7. Its true, we the GOP allow the other Party to choose for us.
8. In every aspect we allow it, did anyone see that last debate?
9. It was obvious, to those who have half a brain, ofcourse I saw it, I watched most of that debate.
10. Thats why Romney is doing so well, he has the liberal backing, and Romney isn't much of a conservative, he is more liberal than any of the candidates.:eusa_hand:

This is how McCain got the nomination, it is how Romney will get the nomination. 3 out of 4 Republicans do NOT want this guy just like 3 out of 4 Republicans didn't want McCain either. They don't want Romney because they do not believe he shares their values and political positions. But liberals want this guy to run -not only do they think it makes it easier for their own candidate to run against someone whose positions aren't so different from their own guy's but on the off chance the guy wins, they find that person to be the least objectionable.

But Romney has the big bucks - which begs the REAL question of who is financing his campaign given the fact the overwhelming majority of Republicans don't want him as their nominee.
Perhaps you might want to take a different tact with the idea. Perhaps the GOP will nominate Romney because he has the best chance to beat Obama. That's the way I see it anyway. It comes down to this.

would you rather....

A. Have one of the "crazy right" win the nomination but lose the general to Obama.


B. Have a moderate like Romney win the nomination and have a shot at unseating Obama.

I know that the folk on the right think that the ultra conservative agenda is a winning one... but the truth is that it's an extremist agenda and probably turns off more people than just "those damned libruls".

So what do you want? Obama to be beaten or have a Tea Party Friendly Nominee? I have no skin in the game, I am a Democrat. But it seems to me that you realistically can't have both.
This is how McCain got the nomination, it is how Romney will get the nomination. 3 out of 4 Republicans do NOT want this guy just like 3 out of 4 Republicans didn't want McCain either. They don't want Romney because they do not believe he shares their values and political positions. But liberals want this guy to run -not only do they think it makes it easier for their own candidate to run against someone whose positions aren't so different from their own guy's but on the off chance the guy wins, they find that person to be the least objectionable.

But Romney has the big bucks - which begs the REAL question of who is financing his campaign given the fact the overwhelming majority of Republicans don't want him as their nominee.

Good point.
The repub basers/t- partiers don't realize that nominating an extreme rightie like Santorum, Gingrich, Perry, etc... will give Obama a 2nd-term :rolleyes:
Would you rather have Romney or Obama. Sorry to burst your bubble but a strong right conservative will not win the general election. This Country is a center right country but if you put up some guy that wastes time talking about gay marriage and other social issues while this country is falling apart economically, that person will lose. This Country needs a CEO running it right now, not a preacher.
Would you rather have Romney or Obama. Sorry to burst your bubble but a strong right conservative will not win the general election. This Country is a center right country but if you put up some guy that wastes time talking about gay marriage and other social issues while this country is falling apart economically, that person will lose. This Country needs a CEO running it right now, not a preacher.

The problem is that.... center left/center/center right.... have all become the equivalent of MarxistSocialistFreeloaderswhowanttoruinAmerica to the right.
I think all the Republicans are neck in neck for worst possible.
Sorry bout that,

1. I am of the opinion that *ANY* of the GOP candidates can beat Obama, and *ANY* of them would do a far better job than Obama ever could do.
2. Obama couldn't do worth a shit if he was President for fifty years.:badgrin:
3. But thats not my point, why do we allow the libturds to decide who gets a chance to run for President?
4. You know they decide for the libturds, and they get to decide for the GOP.
5 Why do we sit still for this?:mad:

Sorry bout that,

1. I am of the opinion that *ANY* of the GOP candidates can beat Obama, and *ANY* of them would do a far better job than Obama ever could do.
2. Obama couldn't do worth a shit if he was President for fifty years.:badgrin:
3. But thats not my point, why do we allow the libturds to decide who gets a chance to run for President?
4. You know they decide for the libturds, and they get to decide for the GOP.
5 Why do we sit still for this?:mad:


1. I think your political ideology is driving your opinion, and that ideology is an extremist one that most of the country disagrees with.

2. I think your political ideology, combined with a probable fixation on right wing news sources as your weathervane has created this "Obama is the boogeyman" thing.

3. Because reasonable people know that the extremists can't beat Obama.

4. Once again... change the channel.

5. What are you going to do? Have a violent overthrow of our government?

6. Sorry about that.
Romney is probably the worst nominee the GOP Could choose, except for all the others.

To paraphrase Winston Churchill.

These are all awful candidates. And I suspect the people who could have been good candidates are keeping their powder dry until 2016, when they don't have to face an incumbant.
Sorry bout that,

1. But the best man for the job, will get passed by.
2. You want to know why?
3. Because the way America chooses its candidate is flawed.
4. The GOP allows liberals to choose which GOP candidate to run.
5. If you don't think this to be true, you don't get out much.
6. I will explain how its done after we see what the average Joe Blow here thinks about this topic.
7. Its true, we the GOP allow the other Party to choose for us.
8. In every aspect we allow it, did anyone see that last debate?
9. It was obvious, to those who have half a brain, ofcourse I saw it, I watched most of that debate.
10. Thats why Romney is doing so well, he has the liberal backing, and Romney isn't much of a conservative, he is more liberal than any of the candidates.:eusa_hand:


Huntsman is the most "liberal" runner in the GOP race, James.
Sorry bout that,

Romney will sail through to the nomination, yes :)

1. Because he best fits those phony conservatives, up state, who first get a crack at voting in these caucus'.
2. All they have to do is get the ball rolling for a candidate, and all the other caucus' just vote for the winner.
3. It would be better if *ALL* the states held their caucus at *SAME TIME*.
4. This system we presently have is a stacked deck.
5. If you are okay with the libturds deciding who gets the GOP nod, then lets keep everything the same.:mad:


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