The World Obama Made Column: The sun never sets on Obama’s failures


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
And to think that it hasn't even been 4 years since Obama took over. If people would set their partisanship aside and really look at Obama's accomplishments, they would stop their ridiculous defense of him. He is Jimmy Carter on steroids.
The World Obama Made
Column: The sun never sets on Obama’s failures

BY: Matthew Continetti
September 14, 2012 5:00 am

As the media continue to scrutinize Mitt Romney’s alleged gaffes, might we spend a moment looking at the world as it actually exists, right now, independent of the presidential campaign? Let’s take a tour.

Russia. When Obama became president he proclaimed a policy of “reset” in U.S.-Russia relations, and tried strenuously to bring Russia within the Atlantic orbit of democracy and the rule of law. To that end he scrapped the proposed land-based missile interceptors in Poland and the Czech Republic, politely ignored Russia’s continuing occupation of Georgian territory, negotiated a nuclear arms reduction treaty that slashes the U.S. stockpile (while failing to implement the modernization commitments he made to pass that treaty), and promised “more flexibility” in further missile talks should he win a second term. He has sought to liberalize trade with Russia by de-linking human rights from commercial exchange, while he quietly opposes the Magnitsky Act, which would ban Russians involved in the abuse of human rights from the United States.

China. Can we really say that President Obama has improved relations with or enhanced America’s standing vis-à-vis this complex and roiling nation of more than a billion people? The Chinese continue their mercantilist trade practices of undervaluing their currency, violating intellectual property laws, and shielding their markets. America does nothing in response. The Chinese continue their military buildup and missile tests and bully Japan and Vietnam and the Philippines. America cuts defense spending while borrowing trillions more from China to pay for goodies for Democratic Party client groups.

Af-Pak. For close to 11 years Americans and our NATO allies have been fighting to protect the possibility of a democratic Afghanistan that controls its territory and is an ally in the war on terror. One of the problems is that our main enemy, the Quetta Shura Taliban, is based not in Afghanistan but in Pakistan. That country, a nuclearized Muslim state that sways between military dictatorship and corrupt democracy, harbors elements within its government that would like nothing more than to harm the United States.

President Obama’s major success in Pakistan was ordering the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, who had been living near that nation’s version of West Point for years without complaint.
His biggest failure was thinking racist Republicans loved this country more than they hated him.
His biggest failure was thinking racist Republicans loved this country more than they hated him.

Your playing your ever present, always ready, race card no longer deflects from the fact that Obama is incompetent to be the U.S. President. Look around.. I paid $4.11 for regular gas this morning...the fed is printing lots of money tonight so the money in my pocket now will be worth less tomorrow and Obama isn't even smart enough to know that you don't leave embassies with inadequate protection in unstable countries.
"The Mideast. The Iranian theocracy continues its march to nuclear status. President Obama, though, seems far more interested in preventing Israel from attacking Iran than in ending Iran’s nuclear program. Obama’s combination of diplomacy, sanctions, and espionage has not deterred the Iranians nor really slowed them down. Israel, however, is increasingly isolated from its neighbors and from the rest of the world. This is the fruit of Obama’s “diplomacy” in the region.

Americans have little presence in and hardly any influence over Iraq, where they spent eight years. Iraq’s neighbor Syria is in its death throes: The rebellion that began in the spring of 2011 has devolved into a proxy war between Turkey and the Gulf monarchies on one side and Iran on the other. The number of Syrian dead is estimated at 25,000."

And since Putin told Obama to back off in Syria, notice that you hear almost nothing in our news about it. The media doesn't want Barack to look bad this close to the election.
Just look at the nation Obama has created for us.

Our embassies in the Middle East and Northern Africa are under attack.

We just had our third Credit downgrade.

The dollar is worth less.

We are paying over double what gas cost when he came into office.

Inflation will becoming next.

Thank you Mr. Obama.

No to Four More Years.
"United States. Our country is not well. The Census Department says median income continued to fall in 2011. A separate analysis found that incomes are down almost 5 percent since the Obama “recovery” began—illustrating that, despite what Bill Clinton might say, the Obama recovery is not a recovery at all. The drop in the unemployment rate from the recession high of 10 percent to the current 8.1 percent can be ascribed entirely to the decline in labor participation. Studies find that a majority of the jobs the economy has created are low paying. Economic growth is lagging. It’s likely to be below 2 percent for the second year in a row. Current and projected federal spending is unsustainable. Americans continue to think we are headed in the wrong direction."

This is the broken and anxiety-ridden world Barack Obama has made. Our adversaries are stronger. America and her allies are weaker. And yet, after spending practically a decade blaming every last thing, including the bad weather, on President Bush, the media seem determinedly uninterested in ascribing even the slightest amount of responsibility to President Obama.

Who’s ready for four more years?
once again and i cant say this enough, Carter clicked his heels because someone is worse than him.
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Wow. This is one of those times where you just don't know whether to laugh or cry...
This guy got the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. :wtf:
His biggest failure was thinking racist Republicans loved this country more than they hated him.

Your playing your ever present, always ready, race card no longer deflects from the fact that Obama is incompetent to be the U.S. President. Look around.. I paid $4.11 for regular gas this morning...the fed is printing lots of money tonight so the money in my pocket now will be worth less tomorrow and Obama isn't even smart enough to know that you don't leave embassies with inadequate protection in unstable countries.

I remember when the MSM mercilessly criticized Bush because of high gas prices. They portrayed him as a friend of big oil and blamed him personally for the increased cost. Now that Obama is president and gas is even more expensive than it was when Bush was in office, the press is mysteriously silent.
His biggest failure was thinking racist Republicans loved this country more than they hated him.

I am Republican, but I am not a racist. I know that just because Obama is a stupid asshole does not mean that all Blacks are stupid assholes.

My criticism of an individual does not apply to anyone but him. However, I understand how someone who is obsessed with issues of race would conclude - erroneously - that any criticism of a Black man by a White man must be racist. These race-obsessed people are so foolish they cannot grasp the simple fact that Obama's present critics are often the same people who voted for him. I would suggest that Obama is just as Black now - no more and no less - than he was on election day; therefore, the people who disapprove of him now has a lot less to do with his race than it has to do with his poor performance.
His biggest failure was thinking racist Republicans loved this country more than they hated him.

Your playing your ever present, always ready, race card no longer deflects from the fact that Obama is incompetent to be the U.S. President. Look around.. I paid $4.11 for regular gas this morning...the fed is printing lots of money tonight so the money in my pocket now will be worth less tomorrow and Obama isn't even smart enough to know that you don't leave embassies with inadequate protection in unstable countries.

Insults are all these morons have. I want results...Goddamn it.
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I love these crazy ole NaziCon Taliban threads. They make Forrest Gump look like a genius. So funny...

Lakhota is perturbed again. Everyone watch out!


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