The Word of God


Active Member
Dec 21, 2007
First of all, I was raised in the Baptist and Adventist churches. As I grew I realized that the Bible is hypocritical.

It is not the word of God since men wrote it. We cannot exclude science on the foundations that science disagrees with Biblical statements (such as God creating the world in 7 days). In fact, if God did create the world in 7 days, who was there to write this down? No one, so this falls under the topic of myth.

Actually, the Bible was mostly written by superstitious, primitive men thousands of years ago. The Hindu Gitas pre-date the Bible by millennia. Books like Luke and Matthew were written hundreds of years after Christ died. The authors were not Christ's contemporaries. They are writing their beliefs and we should not base our religious convictions on that or call them scripture, when they are not.

So why would anyone blindly believe in a notion (such as the Holy Trinity) that can never be proven and at the same time discredit scientific theory (such as Evolution) which CAN be and IS proven by facts and several schools of thought?

The 10 Commandments state that we are not to worship anyone or thing except God. Yet the Catholics came up with the theory (it is not fact so we must call it a theory) of the Trinity: Father, Son & Holy Ghost. They did this to allow the worship of a man (blasphemy) instead of God. They also created a loophole to stop any edits of the Bible that do not coincide with the "message" put forth by the council of Nacea. That message is cultish in nature and is not only blasphemous to God but distorts Christ's original message.

The Koran states there is no God but God. This is a very true statement. Worshipping saints, Christ, Mohammed, angels and anything other than God is a sin.

In fact, God is you and I. God is the tree outside, the barking dog, the hunter and the hunted. God is all things.

We must step away from the myths of all religions and clear our minds through contemplation and meditation. Consider your mind as a messy room and meditation as a way of cleaning it up.

Religion dilutes the true message. We are all spiritual beings and we should seek piety and grace through compassion and knowledge. When we get bogged down in the stories of the various religions (such as the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, etc) we lose sight of the forest for the trees.

"Don't focus on one star or you miss out on all of the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee

Does it matter if Christ was a virgin birth? No. He wasn't a virgin birth and his father was a Roman soldier of Hebrew decent called Pantera. That is historical fact. Do people have to believe that? No. Can we function as a society believing one way or another? Yes and no.

Believing in a Christian story is fine. Allowing your belief to consume you is not. Look at Rev. Haggerty. He is a gay man. There is nothing wrong with being a gay man. Some of my friends are gay. (Don’t worry; it's not contagious. one must be born gay or straight). Yet, Rev Haggerty is a sinner because he craves power, money and fame. He will denounce his true self to relinquish his place in the Evangelical churches. He will be caught with another man eventually. He is gay and he will have gay sex again, mark my words.

The problem is that he preaches hatred of homosexuals. Don't kid yourself when you state that "I hate the sin, not the sinner." You are making a social distinction between you and another human being. That is the basis of bigotry. Especially when you have already determined a fault or a crime of sorts (sinful or deviant behavior). Let us not forget that God created homosexuals too. Maybe he did that to thin the herds (so to speak).

If you believe that homosexuality, other ideologies, abortion, evolution, etc are sins or wrong, or against God in some are entitled to that opinion. You cannot force (via coercion, brutality, ostracization, or subtle propagandist messages) that opinion on others.

Let's remember some very key things. Jesus was a Jewish man, born in the Davidic lineage, who adhered to the laws of the Torah. He was killed by Pontius Pilot (who was not sympathetic to any Jew ever, especially rabble rousers like Jesus) for sedition. He died. He was not resurrected. We are not born into sin, yet sin is all around us because American society inundates us with the messages of capitalism (manufactured desires & needs, consumption, worship of the state & the dollar, hatred of the poor & 3rd world nations).

The truth is that Christians should follow the Torah, love our fellow humans (rich & poor) and live a good life of happiness.
One of the best books I ever read was "The Jesus Dynasty" By James Tabor. His book is based on his archeological search for the historical Jesus. Even though he is a Christian, his work showe that the Historical Jesus and the Bibical Jesus were worlds apart.

But that is what you get when you have an oppressive regime dictate what faith is. The result is always going to be the same, a repressive, greedy, blood-thirsty hierarchy bent on domination...also known as the Catholics.
One of the best books I ever read was "The Jesus Dynasty" By James Tabor. His book is based on his archeological search for the historical Jesus. Even though he is a Christian, his work showe that the Historical Jesus and the Bibical Jesus were worlds apart.

But that is what you get when you have an oppressive regime dictate what faith is. The result is always going to be the same, a repressive, greedy, blood-thirsty hierarchy bent on domination...also known as the Catholics.

A minor point but don't ALL religions dictate what you should believe?

Heck, your first post in this thread tries to tell others what they should believe!
A minor point but don't ALL religions dictate what you should believe?

Heck, your first post in this thread tries to tell others what they should believe!

Yes they all do, and yes I strive to break up the cults of blind faith (which comes out preachy and authoritarian rather than authoritative.

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