The Wild West Bank


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Do settlers teach their children to hate and kill Arabs?

"Radical Jewish activists have staged politically motivated attacks against Palestinians and pro-peace Israelis before. In the early 1980s, for example, one group, known as the Jewish Underground, carried out a series of bombings against Arab mayors and shot three Arab students in the West Bank. And in 1995, an Israeli law student, Yigal Amir, assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, dealing a devastating blow to the peace process.

"Israeli authorities have investigated and prosecuted those involved in these operations, and they have disrupted other attacks before they could occur. Yet they have failed to stem less dramatic violence, such as arson and assault.

"According to UN investigations, in 2011, extremist settlers launched almost 300 attacks on Palestinian property, causing over 100 Palestinian casualties and destroying or damaging about 10,000 trees of Palestinian farmers.

"The UN has also reported that violent incidents against Palestinians have proliferated, rising from 200 attacks in 2009 to over 400 in 2011. The spike in assaults on Palestinians by settlers has come despite the fact that over the same period, Palestinian terrorism fell dramatically."
Do settlers teach their children to hate and kill Arabs?

"Radical Jewish activists have staged politically motivated attacks against Palestinians and pro-peace Israelis before. In the early 1980s, for example, one group, known as the Jewish Underground, carried out a series of bombings against Arab mayors and shot three Arab students in the West Bank. And in 1995, an Israeli law student, Yigal Amir, assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, dealing a devastating blow to the peace process.

"Israeli authorities have investigated and prosecuted those involved in these operations, and they have disrupted other attacks before they could occur. Yet they have failed to stem less dramatic violence, such as arson and assault.

"According to UN investigations, in 2011, extremist settlers launched almost 300 attacks on Palestinian property, causing over 100 Palestinian casualties and destroying or damaging about 10,000 trees of Palestinian farmers.

"The UN has also reported that violent incidents against Palestinians have proliferated, rising from 200 attacks in 2009 to over 400 in 2011. The spike in assaults on Palestinians by settlers has come despite the fact that over the same period, Palestinian terrorism fell dramatically."
You know, payback is a bitch.
Do settlers teach their children to hate and kill Arabs?

"Radical Jewish activists have staged politically motivated attacks against Palestinians and pro-peace Israelis before. In the early 1980s, for example, one group, known as the Jewish Underground, carried out a series of bombings against Arab mayors and shot three Arab students in the West Bank. And in 1995, an Israeli law student, Yigal Amir, assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, dealing a devastating blow to the peace process.

"Israeli authorities have investigated and prosecuted those involved in these operations, and they have disrupted other attacks before they could occur. Yet they have failed to stem less dramatic violence, such as arson and assault.

"According to UN investigations, in 2011, extremist settlers launched almost 300 attacks on Palestinian property, causing over 100 Palestinian casualties and destroying or damaging about 10,000 trees of Palestinian farmers.

"The UN has also reported that violent incidents against Palestinians have proliferated, rising from 200 attacks in 2009 to over 400 in 2011. The spike in assaults on Palestinians by settlers has come despite the fact that over the same period, Palestinian terrorism fell dramatically."
So, Georgie, can you show us where you have actually proven from a legitimate source that the Seattlers teach their children to kill Arabs. Meanwhile, we have seen the videos of cartoons made for Palestinian children where they teach them to kill the Jews. It would have been nice if Georgie would have told us that the rioting Muslims on the Temple Mount the other day were yelling that they were going to butcher the Jews. Maybe Georgie is hoping that this will happen.
Do settlers teach their children to hate and kill Arabs?

"Radical Jewish activists have staged politically motivated attacks against Palestinians and pro-peace Israelis before. In the early 1980s, for example, one group, known as the Jewish Underground, carried out a series of bombings against Arab mayors and shot three Arab students in the West Bank. And in 1995, an Israeli law student, Yigal Amir, assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, dealing a devastating blow to the peace process.

"Israeli authorities have investigated and prosecuted those involved in these operations, and they have disrupted other attacks before they could occur. Yet they have failed to stem less dramatic violence, such as arson and assault.

"According to UN investigations, in 2011, extremist settlers launched almost 300 attacks on Palestinian property, causing over 100 Palestinian casualties and destroying or damaging about 10,000 trees of Palestinian farmers.

"The UN has also reported that violent incidents against Palestinians have proliferated, rising from 200 attacks in 2009 to over 400 in 2011. The spike in assaults on Palestinians by settlers has come despite the fact that over the same period, Palestinian terrorism fell dramatically."
So, Georgie, can you show us where you have actually proven from a legitimate source that the Seattlers teach their children to kill Arabs. Meanwhile, we have seen the videos of cartoons made for Palestinian children where they teach them to kill the Jews. It would have been nice if Georgie would have told us that the rioting Muslims on the Temple Mount the other day were yelling that they were going to butcher the Jews. Maybe Georgie is hoping that this will happen.
"Almost everything related to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute involves complex tradeoffs and sorting through opposing and often equally legitimate claims. But trying to stop settler violence is a clear moral and political imperative.

"Israelis, who know the horrors of terrorism better than the citizens of any other democracy, should have a special understanding of the need to ensure that extremist violence does not ruin the lives of Palestinians and prevent Israel from making hard but necessary choices about its future.

"Whether the conflict continues indefinitely or the peace talks soon resume, Israel must confront its homegrown terrorism problem.

DANIEL BYMAN is a Professor in the Security Studies Program at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and Director of Research at the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of A High Price: The Triumphs and Failures of Israeli Counterterrorism. NATAN SACHS is a Fellow at the Saban Center."

BTW, Muslims would not be rioting today if one-third of the population of Mandate Palestine had not inflicted a Jewish state upon an Arab majority in 1948. Arabs resist an illegal occupation and Jews enforce it.
Do settlers teach their children to hate and kill Arabs?

"Radical Jewish activists have staged politically motivated attacks against Palestinians and pro-peace Israelis before. In the early 1980s, for example, one group, known as the Jewish Underground, carried out a series of bombings against Arab mayors and shot three Arab students in the West Bank. And in 1995, an Israeli law student, Yigal Amir, assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, dealing a devastating blow to the peace process.

"Israeli authorities have investigated and prosecuted those involved in these operations, and they have disrupted other attacks before they could occur. Yet they have failed to stem less dramatic violence, such as arson and assault.

"According to UN investigations, in 2011, extremist settlers launched almost 300 attacks on Palestinian property, causing over 100 Palestinian casualties and destroying or damaging about 10,000 trees of Palestinian farmers.

"The UN has also reported that violent incidents against Palestinians have proliferated, rising from 200 attacks in 2009 to over 400 in 2011. The spike in assaults on Palestinians by settlers has come despite the fact that over the same period, Palestinian terrorism fell dramatically."
So, Georgie, can you show us where you have actually proven from a legitimate source that the Seattlers teach their children to kill Arabs. Meanwhile, we have seen the videos of cartoons made for Palestinian children where they teach them to kill the Jews. It would have been nice if Georgie would have told us that the rioting Muslims on the Temple Mount the other day were yelling that they were going to butcher the Jews. Maybe Georgie is hoping that this will happen.
"Almost everything related to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute involves complex tradeoffs and sorting through opposing and often equally legitimate claims. But trying to stop settler violence is a clear moral and political imperative.

"Israelis, who know the horrors of terrorism better than the citizens of any other democracy, should have a special understanding of the need to ensure that extremist violence does not ruin the lives of Palestinians and prevent Israel from making hard but necessary choices about its future.

"Whether the conflict continues indefinitely or the peace talks soon resume, Israel must confront its homegrown terrorism problem.

DANIEL BYMAN is a Professor in the Security Studies Program at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and Director of Research at the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of A High Price: The Triumphs and Failures of Israeli Counterterrorism. NATAN SACHS is a Fellow at the Saban Center."

BTW, Muslims would not be rioting today if one-third of the population of Mandate Palestine had not inflicted a Jewish state upon an Arab majority in 1948. Arabs resist an illegal occupation and Jews enforce it.
Are you still bemoaning the acts of 64 years ago that were legal? Nothing will ever change the events.
"Recently, Israeli leaders have begun to recognize the problem. Following extremist vandalism against the IDF and mainstream settler leaders over the past year, some Israeli generals and government ministers began to label radical settlers as terrorists."

Do you agree?
"Recently, Israeli leaders have begun to recognize the problem. Following extremist vandalism against the IDF and mainstream settler leaders over the past year, some Israeli generals and government ministers began to label radical settlers as terrorists."

Do you agree?

When they harm soldiers they do acts of Terror. Also when harming Christians who are not involved in the violence against the settlers.
"Recently, Israeli leaders have begun to recognize the problem. Following extremist vandalism against the IDF and mainstream settler leaders over the past year, some Israeli generals and government ministers began to label radical settlers as terrorists."

Do you agree?

When they harm soldiers they do acts of Terror. Also when harming Christians who are not involved in the violence against the settlers.

It is always open season on soldiers. It is not illegal to attack foreign troops.
"Recently, Israeli leaders have begun to recognize the problem. Following extremist vandalism against the IDF and mainstream settler leaders over the past year, some Israeli generals and government ministers began to label radical settlers as terrorists."

Do you agree?

When they harm soldiers they do acts of Terror. Also when harming Christians who are not involved in the violence against the settlers.

It is always open season on soldiers. It is not illegal to attack foreign troops.

For the settlers, the Soldiers are of their own people, attacking them is considered terror.

I bet you've never been near an army base, that you think a soldier is not a human being.
When they harm soldiers they do acts of Terror. Also when harming Christians who are not involved in the violence against the settlers.

It is always open season on soldiers. It is not illegal to attack foreign troops.

For the settlers, the Soldiers are of their own people, attacking them is considered terror.

I bet you've never been near an army base, that you think a soldier is not a human being.

It would be illegal under domestic law to attack your own troops as it would be for any other citizen but it would not be terrorism.
It is always open season on soldiers. It is not illegal to attack foreign troops.

For the settlers, the Soldiers are of their own people, attacking them is considered terror.

I bet you've never been near an army base, that you think a soldier is not a human being.

It would be illegal under domestic law to attack your own troops as it would be for any other citizen but it would not be terrorism.

Not by law, maybe, but will under common sense
For the settlers, the Soldiers are of their own people, attacking them is considered terror.

I bet you've never been near an army base, that you think a soldier is not a human being.

It would be illegal under domestic law to attack your own troops as it would be for any other citizen but it would not be terrorism.

Not by law, maybe, but will under common sense

Understood, Israel is on a terrorist propaganda thing.
Quote: Originally Posted by P F Tinmore

It is always open season on soldiers. It is not illegal to attack foreign troops.

tinnie is always trying to find a way to legalize murder. For the record----if you come across a soldier from a foreign country----you cannot murder him----its a crime The US occupied several countries after world war II-------and we are all glad that the people there did not take the criminal advice of Tinnie. Al Azhar University which contains the KORANIC SCHOLARS considered authoritative by the Sunnis of the world has ruled that killing any jews is legal because all jews can be considered possible supporters of Israel or ever potential soldiers The idea makes tinnie salivate ----hopefully----whatever group with which he and ---anyone associated with him is affiliated will become subject to a similar concept
Do settlers teach their children to hate and kill Arabs?
Life's the best teacher, and arab settlers of judea and samaria are the best teachers of all, of course. We don't think the Gale Group study materials will ever give it a prominent place.
Did you notice settler terror attacks have increased at the same time Palestinian terrorism "fell dramatically?"
We all know that fell dramatically has no effort put into it by arab settlers and squatters, but is the result of the IDF shoving a boot up the misbehaving arse of the former. That's why arab settlers adopted a new occupation in the form settling-squatting terrorism enterprise, of course.
you're hurting Georgie's feelings. I will explain----when islamo nazis are held in jails----and handcuffed to the wall------they often boast "SEE HOW NICE WE ARE----WE HAVEN'T KILLED ANYONE SINCE THEY SHACKLED US TO THE WALL" Regarding the nail bombs---Georgie clones have actually boasted "GAZANS ARE SO NICE ---THAT THEY PURPOSELY USE BOMBS WITH POISON NAILS---THAT ARE DIFFICULT TO AIM-----THAT WAY MOST WILL NOT KILL BABIES"
DANIEL BYMAN is a Professor in the Security Studies Program at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and Director of Research at the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of A High Price: The Triumphs and Failures of Israeli Counterterrorism. NATAN SACHS is a Fellow at the Saban Center."
The leftist Brookings institution. This isn't serious, of course.

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