The west on fire

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
There are numerous fires burning in Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, and Montana. We are using all of our fire fighting resources, and are simply leaving many fires to burn for lack of manpower and equipment. Many of the fires are measured in tens of square miles, some over one hundred, and one of four hundred. A conflagation has been declared for Grant Count in Eastern Oregon, as two small towns are in danger of being wiped out by an intense and fast moving fire there. Up close and personal for me as I used to live in one of the areas that is has been evacuated.

This is not models, it is not projections, this is reality. Real people being burned out, losing much of what they have worked for all their lives. In an area already poor, now the people have even less. This is exactly what has been predicted, and it is time to remove the people who are preventing us from making the necessary preperations from government office.
The entire world is burning!


from Fire Global Maps
The Okanogan Complex is now the largest fire in the history of Washington State. The Carlton Complex that burned in much of the same area last year, is now the second largest fire in the state's history. Back to back, two years running.

This is a short video from the Carlton Complex Fire.
Too funny: Cyclical cycle of warm and dry combined with lightening strikes.. Did the fires that happened of the last 15,000 years get put out or did they naturally clean the landscape of dead wood and vegetation that was decaying?

You are aware that this has happened over and over and over and over again, dont you? It is not unprecedented or uncommon.. Pine trees require fire to open their seed pods every few years and clear out dead wood and under brush. This creates food for the soils and combats insect infestations removing dead trees and food for the insects.

I am in awe of mans stupidity and arrogance that we can somehow better manage the earth than nature herself.
Mostly we are aware of your enormous stupidity, Billy Bob. There are several differant species of Pine, and not all require fire to open the pine cones. Look up the differances between Ponderosa and Lodgepole.

The present fires are hardly beneficial to the forests, and definately, not to the small towns they are threatening. And we have seen a steady increase in the intensity of the fires in the last couple of decades. Just as predicted.
There are numerous fires burning in Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, and Montana. We are using all of our fire fighting resources, and are simply leaving many fires to burn for lack of manpower and equipment. Many of the fires are measured in tens of square miles, some over one hundred, and one of four hundred. A conflagation has been declared for Grant Count in Eastern Oregon, as two small towns are in danger of being wiped out by an intense and fast moving fire there. Up close and personal for me as I used to live in one of the areas that is has been evacuated.

This is not models, it is not projections, this is reality. Real people being burned out, losing much of what they have worked for all their lives. In an area already poor, now the people have even less. This is exactly what has been predicted, and it is time to remove the people who are preventing us from making the necessary preperations from government office.
So you want to remove the forest service??? Get the fuck out if here ya fascist. I'd pay money to watch your limp wristed ass remove anyone from Grant County lololol.

But what is the point here?
OR is an elitist puke who wants to round up the ppl who actually live in those areas and replace them with losers like himself who live in cities but covet that land. He'd make it about two steps up Canyon Mtn before taking a bullet to the head but of course in his fantasy, somebody else would shoulder the risk. Probably armed park rangers.
Think of the irony?

We wasted near a billion dollars over the past 7 years on solar companies = ghey. That money could have gone into technology and resources for fighting these types of fires. File under: CANT HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO!!!:banana:

If you are navigating in the real world, like I do every day in my field, you realize that life decisions almost invariably come down to one of two choices: suck vs suckier. That's just the way it is. Some people somehow just missed the memo or stepped into the makey-uppey bubble when they were young and never got out.
Mostly we are aware of your enormous stupidity, Billy Bob. There are several differant species of Pine, and not all require fire to open the pine cones. Look up the differances between Ponderosa and Lodgepole.

The present fires are hardly beneficial to the forests, and definately, not to the small towns they are threatening. And we have seen a steady increase in the intensity of the fires in the last couple of decades. Just as predicted.
Yes...predicted by those of us whose families lived in and managed those tracts for generation when the feds took over and put retarded policies in place...which included not allowing contractors to remove slash from areas being harvested.
Oh.....and dollar to a thousand stale donuts we got environmental k00ks running around these mountains lighting fires...............fucking can bet your mortgage on it.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

To these mental cases, there are no suck things as second thoughts.........the means justifies the ends. Has zero to do with the environment..............anybody who thinks otherwise is living in a matrix bubble.
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Oh bullshit, Kosher. The primary reason that the Forest Service was created was the mismanagement of forests by private enterprise. Your ancestors, just like mine, didn't give a damn about the forests, only about the money that could be made harvesting them for use in the cities and mines. They were logged with little to no regard for the fisheries, or downstream communities. They overgrazed some of the green high mountain valleys, like Logan Valley, until they were deserts, and only came back after the Forest Service took them over and limited grazing.

I know all this because my ancestors settled in the John Day Valley in the 1860's. What you are stating is some of that 'good old days' bullshit that is nothing but mythology.
Oh bullshit, Kosher. The primary reason that the Forest Service was created was the mismanagement of forests by private enterprise. Your ancestors, just like mine, didn't give a damn about the forests, only about the money that could be made harvesting them for use in the cities and mines. They were logged with little to no regard for the fisheries, or downstream communities. They overgrazed some of the green high mountain valleys, like Logan Valley, until they were deserts, and only came back after the Forest Service took them over and limited grazing.

I know all this because my ancestors settled in the John Day Valley in the 1860's. What you are stating is some of that 'good old days' bullshit that is nothing but mythology.
No, it's correct enough. The fantasy is that the state fixes things. Btw can you point me to the old growth that's been preserved? No, you can't because the feds didn't preserve it. They stole it, got the money from the harvests and wouldn't let the contractors harvest the slash. They prevent ranchers from putting sufficient cattle in to reduce the grass and underbrush. Thanks statist morons. You fucked things up for everyone. Again.
Mostly we are aware of your enormous stupidity, Billy Bob. There are several differant species of Pine, and not all require fire to open the pine cones. Look up the differances between Ponderosa and Lodgepole.

The present fires are hardly beneficial to the forests, and definately, not to the small towns they are threatening. And we have seen a steady increase in the intensity of the fires in the last couple of decades. Just as predicted.

I guess those small towns just got in the way of nature.
Mostly we are aware of your enormous stupidity, Billy Bob. There are several differant species of Pine, and not all require fire to open the pine cones. Look up the differances between Ponderosa and Lodgepole.

The present fires are hardly beneficial to the forests, and definately, not to the small towns they are threatening. And we have seen a steady increase in the intensity of the fires in the last couple of decades. Just as predicted.

I guess those small towns just got in the way of nature.
Someone needs to move those ppl to compounds and let OR move in and manage things

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