The Welfare State-Food Stamp Scam

Why do we see NO REPUBLICANS EVER attempt to change the food stamp system in any way?
Grocery lobby.
It probably doesn't apply here, but the numbers of morbidly obese people receiving food stamps astounds me.

If you go to Haiti, the Honduras, or go back in time before the Not-So-Great-Society and talked about fat poor people, they would :lmao: and then :wtf:.

Poverty in America is not really poverty.
Scientific American did an entire issue about world poverty a couple years ago. Obesity in poor countries is rising for the same reason it is here.


Carbs are the cheapest source of food. And carbs are very fattening.

"Your body uses carbohydrates to feed your brain. This is because your brain uses glucose (a form of sugar made from carbohydrate) as its primary energy source. In fact, the brain actually uses more than two thirds of the circulating carbohydrates in your bloodstream while you are at rest. As a result, your body will continually convert carbohydrate into glucose for the brain. Of course, this could be a little tricky if you’re not eating any of those carbs, which explains why some people experience extreme mental fog or loss of concentration on very low-carb diets."

Veggies and fruits have carbs too. We need carbs to live. People get fat because they eat too many calories.
as Nick said earlier, most of you have no clue to what real poverty is.

Ever been to Panama, Nicaragua or Guatemala?

I do not mean the Resorts, I am talking about the rural areas.

Let me tell you something. I have seen a lot of poverty in this country of ours that is right on par with the Third World. If you think it doesn't exist here, then you are blind and ignorant.

I have been to some of the worst shitholes in the world while I was in the military. I don't need a lecture about "real" poverty. I know what it is, and we have it right here.

In fact, you have reminded me of something which speaks to your kind of attitude.

Many of the low skill labor functions on an overseas military base where I was stationed were performed by Third World laborers. The US military recruited these people in their home countries and brought them to the base to do janitorial work, drive the buses, and work in the cafeterias, etc.

These workers were housed on the base, and most of them were separated from their families for a year or more.

The housing they were put in on the base would not meet the standards of the ASPCA back in the states. You'd go to jail for putting a dog in such a place.

This angered me and when I brought the matter up with the command, I was told, "Hey, it is better than where they came from!"

That's your attitude, too.

What people like you seem to fail to understand is that since we can afford to provide them decent living quarters, then we should. It's the right and moral thing to do. Comforting your conscience with "it could be worse" is a bullshit and very un-Christian excuse.

And this is coming from a right wing conservative, lifelong Republican, retired military, God-fearing American.

Wake up. And get your ass down to a soup kitchen and lend a hand. How dare anyone lecture about the poor and demand the government do nothing while they do nothing to help the poor themselves?

You are living in denial. That's how you comfort yourself for doing nothing to help. You pretend the problem doesn't exist! You want the government to stop spending money on the problem, then get off your ass and do the work yourself!
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as Nick said earlier, most of you have no clue to what real poverty is.

Ever been to Panama, Nicaragua or Guatemala?

I do not mean the Resorts, I am talking about the rural areas.

Let me tell you something. I have seen a lot of poverty in this country of ours that is right on par with the Third World. If you think it doesn't exist here, then you are blind and ignorant.

I have been to some of the worst shitholes in the world while I was in the military. I don't need a lecture about "real" poverty. I know what it is, and we have it right here.

In fact, you have reminded me of something which speaks to your kind of attitude.

Many of the low skill labor functions on an overseas military base where I was stationed were performed by Third World laborers. The US military recruited these people in their home countries and brought them to the base to do janitorial work, drive the buses, and work in the cafeterias, etc.

These workers were housed on the base, and most of them were separated from their families for a year or more.

The housing they were put in on the base would not meet the standards of the ASPCA back in the states. You'd go to jail for putting a dog in such a place.

This angered me and when I brought the matter up with the command, I was told, "Hey, it is better than where they came from!"

That's your attitude, too.

What people like you seem to fail to understand is that since we can afford to provide them decent living quarters, then we should. It's the right and moral thing to do. Comforting your conscience with "it could be worse" is a bullshit and very un-Christian excuse.

And this is coming from a right wing conservative, lifelong Republican, retired military, God-fearing American.

Wake up. And get your ass down to a soup kitchen and lend a hand. How dare anyone lecture about the poor and demand the government do nothing while they do nothing to help the poor themselves?

You are living in denial. That's how you comfort yourself for doing nothing to help. You pretend the problem doesn't exist! You want the government to stop spending money on the problem, then get off your ass and do the work yourself!

If you are hungry and poor in this country and you are deaf, blind and have no one to help you.
I am sure they exist and we need to help them but food stamps and charity takes care of the rest.
I am speaking of those that scam the system and there are millions doing it. Just yesterday I filled up, saw someone I knew draws SSDI, they have a handicapped license plate and this guy had his landscaping trailer towed behind his truck full of equipment he works with daily for cash. Nothing really wrong with him.
The cash economy is loaded with folks that can and do work and also draw government cash.
Since the $2600 she is receiving is more than 200% above the FPL for two people, I am guessing there is at least one other child in that household for her to be able to qualify for food stamps.

Is your assumption that the welfare system is in any way designed to restrict or reduce the number of individuals on food stamps...or any other aspect of welfare?

If so, you are laboring under a misapprehension.

1. "By mid-2010, one in six Americas were receiving aid from an anti-poverty program: “More than 50 million Americans are on Medicaid, the federal-state program aimed principally at the poor, a survey of state data by USA TODAY shows. That's up at least 17% since the recession began in December 2007….current enrollment is the highest on record," even before the new health care law adds about 16 million people, beginning in 2014….More than 40 million people get food stamps, an increase of nearly 50% …

Caseloads have risen as more people become eligible. The economic stimulus law signed by President Obama last year also boosted benefits….Close to 10 million receive unemployment insurance, nearly four times the number from 2007. Benefits have been extended by Congress eight times…More than 4.4 million people are on welfare, an 18% increase …The steady climb in safety-net program caseloads and costs has come as a result of two factors: The recession has boosted the number who qualify under existing rules. And the White House, Congress and states have expanded eligibility and benefits.” Record number in government anti-poverty programs -

"And the White House, Congress and states have expanded eligibility and benefits.”

2. “The 2010 edition of “Federal Spending by the Numbers” shows spending and deficits continuing to grow at a pace not seen since World War II. Washington will spend $30,543 per household in 2010—$5,000 per household more than just two years ago. While some of this spending is a temporary result of the recession, President Obama’s latest budget would replace this temporary spending with permanent new programs. Federal Spending Trends and Federal Budget Trends

Here's a little mental exercise for the Libtards...and the rest:

40 million Americans (well, probably includes a bunch of illegal aliens too) depend on food stamps. Just imagine what will happen in this country if the gubmint goes belly up and 40 million people suddenly can't afford to buy food.


The public finds ways to 'use' the largesse, and just possibly, politicians who want to increase the use of hand-outs, know this...

1. "Authorities say the stamps are then redeemed as usual by the unscrupulous merchants at face value, netting them huge profits and diverting as much as $330 million in taxpayer funds annually. But the transactions are electronically recorded and federal investigators, wise to the practice, are closely monitoring thousands of convenience stories and mom-and-pop groceries in a push to halt the fraud."
USDA Cracks Down On Food Stamp Trafficking

And this...
Salon ran an article about how the ‘cool’ have no problem using the system, called “Hipsters on Food Stamps.”

2. "“I’m sort of a foodie, and I’m not going to do the ‘living off ramen’ thing,” he said, fondly remembering a recent meal he’d prepared of roasted rabbit with butter, tarragon and sweet potatoes. “I used to think that you could only get processed food and government cheese on food stamps, but it’s great that you can get anything.”

The increase in food stamp use among this demographic is hard to measure, as they represent a cross section of characteristics not specifically tracked by the Agriculture Department, which administers the program.

And in cities that are magnets for 20- and 30-something creatives and young professionals, the kinds of food markets that specialize in delectables like artisanal bread, heirloom tomatoes and grass-fed beef have seen significant upticks in food stamp payments among their typical shoppers.

“The use has gone way up in the last six months,” said Eric Wilcox, a cashier who has worked at Rainbow Grocery in San Francisco for 10 years. “We’re seeing a lot more young people in their 20s purchasing organic food with food stamp cards. I wouldn’t say it’s limited to hipster people, but I’m certainly surprised to see them with cards.”
Hipsters on food stamps - U.S. Economy -

At a certain level, this election will be between those who value self-reliance, and those who endorse living on someone else's dime.

The avalanche of transfer payments are accepted by the public only if they are trained to accept what William Voegeli calls ‘non-Euclidean economics,” in which taxpayers are led to believe that all the goodies are paid for by someone else….the welfare state manages the perceptions of its costs and benefits to encourage them to believe an impossibility: that every household can be a net importer of the wealth redistribution by the government.”
William Voegeli, “Never Enough, America’s Limitless Welfare State,” p. 7.

"When you've got to choose.
Ev'ry way you look at it you lose.
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you
(Woo woo woo) ..."

"Trump Administration to Close Food Stamp Eligibility Loopholes for Able-Bodied Adults

...a finalized rule Wednesday to promote self-sufficiency for able-bodied adults without children who receive food stamps.

The rule aims to close loopholes used by states that frequently grant broad exemptions for recipients to remain on food stamps longer without actively seeking a job or work training.

... the food stamp program is intended to be for assistance in difficult times, rather than a way of life. "
USDA to Close Food Stamp Loopholes for Able-Bodied Adults

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