The way to prove the LIBERAL lies about Immigration.

DO that, and the Liberals will still oppose it, Because what they really oppose is Illegals ever being deported, not some idea of racial Profiling.

Thats right, i'm for increasing the tax base(number of taxpayers for you neocons out there) so we can RESPONSIBLY reduce the tax RATE.

Plus there is the dirty little fact that nobody wants to acknowledge.....they do the work that Americans won't do and they work harder, its not so hard to admit.

SUCH FUCKING LIES. Some of them do Jobs we do not want to do, MANY OF THEM do jobs AMERICANS used to do but NO LONGER do because illegal Labor has ruined the pay. Construction jobs is just one example.

We have almost 10% unemployment yet you ASSHOLES keep saying we need all these illegals. NO WE DO NOT. right now we need them to leave so AMERICANS can work. If the job market picks back up we can talk about a migrant worker bill then, but trying to argue that they are not taking JOBS Americans would do, rightt now, IS FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE.

In fact the whole argument that they do work we will not exposes the lefts willingness to have an under class in this nation. They are arguing for the continued exploitation of Migrant workers in this country.

Talk about Double speak.

You people really disgust me.

I suggest ANY asshole who claims illegals only take jobs we do not want, try working in the construction industry for the last 25 years and tell me what you saw happen. Jobs that less educated Americans used to make a GOOD living at, are now JOBS that you can barely get by on because of Cheap Illegal Labor.

Such Liberal lies. You people are Criminals against the people of the United states. Each and every one of you who supports the continued blatant ignoring of our Border and Immigration laws, and claims we Need 12 Million Illegals when 25 Million Americans are out of work.


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