The War On Poverty: Lost


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What will it take for folks to realize that, just like the title, big government is a loser?

It misdirects assets, takes what is earned and gives it away in exchange for votes, and has no interest in actually solving societal problems.

Are voters so stupid that they are willing to overlook the black hole of abysmal waste that the welfare state has become?

1. "Today, [September 16, 2014 ] the U.S. Census Bureau will release its annual report on poverty. This report is noteworthy because this year marks the 50thanniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s launch of the War on Poverty.
Liberals claim that the War on Poverty has failed because we didn’t spend enough money. Their answer is just to spend more. But the facts show otherwise.

2. ... taxpayers have spent $22 trillion on Johnson’s War on Poverty (in constant 2012 dollars). Adjusting for inflation, that’s three times more than was spent on all military wars since the American Revolution.

3. ... government currently runs more than 80 means-tested welfare programs. These programs provide cash, food, housing and medical care to low-income Americans. Federal and state spending on these programs last year was $943 billion. (These figures do not include Social Security, Medicare, or Unemployment Insurance.)

4. .... about one third of the U.S. population, received aid from at least one welfare program at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient in 2013. If converted into cash, current means-tested spending is five times the amount needed to eliminate all poverty in the U.S.

5. .... Census will almost certainly proclaim that around 14 percent of Americans are still poor. The present poverty rate is almost exactly the same as it was in 1967 ....

6. [The scam:] Census counts a family as poor if its income falls below specified thresholds. But in counting family “income,” Census ignores nearly the entire $943 billion welfare state."
The War on Poverty Has Been a Colossal Flop

How much more clearly does the public need to be shown that Liberalism is a failure?
Actually, I'm impressed with Obama. He's the first president to actually make a lasting REAL dent in the war on poverty. He did it in an ingenious way. Rather than get people out of poverty, he just put everyone IN poverty. That way, nobody could really care that much anymore.


What will it take for folks to realize that, just like the title, big government is a loser?

If you think the war is lost then you must believe that the war must end.

Therefore you must believe that Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, EIC, fuel and energy assistance, educational assistance, and all other programs that effectively represent the war on poverty should be ceased.

After that is done, how long before we win the war on poverty, using your plan of no programs for the poor?
Let me ask this, see if anyone knows...

...when they count the number of Americans below the poverty line, do they factor in the monetary value of the assistance they receive?
What will it take for folks to realize that, just like the title, big government is a loser?

If you think the war is lost then you must believe that the war must end.

Therefore you must believe that Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, EIC, fuel and energy assistance, educational assistance, and all other programs that effectively represent the war on poverty should be ceased.

After that is done, how long before we win the war on poverty, using your plan of no programs for the poor?
Exactly what the close minded Romneybots are wanting.....
What will it take for folks to realize that, just like the title, big government is a loser?

If you think the war is lost then you must believe that the war must end.

Therefore you must believe that Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, EIC, fuel and energy assistance, educational assistance, and all other programs that effectively represent the war on poverty should be ceased.

After that is done, how long before we win the war on poverty, using your plan of no programs for the poor?



It's been "fought" for 50 years and hasn't been defeated. Perhaps a new strategy should be put in place and I have it. If you bleeding hearts think one person deserves what you've earned because you've identified a need, write a check, taken someone grocery shopping, pay their power bill, fund the tuition for their school, and pay the premiums for their healthcare just do it from YOUR own pockets not by reaching into mine.
What will it take for folks to realize that, just like the title, big government is a loser?

If you think the war is lost then you must believe that the war must end.

Therefore you must believe that Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, EIC, fuel and energy assistance, educational assistance, and all other programs that effectively represent the war on poverty should be ceased.

After that is done, how long before we win the war on poverty, using your plan of no programs for the poor?



It's been "fought" for 50 years and hasn't been defeated. Perhaps a new strategy should be put in place and I have it. If you bleeding hearts think one person deserves what you've earned because you've identified a need, write a check, taken someone grocery shopping, pay their power bill, fund the tuition for their school, and pay the premiums for their healthcare just do it from YOUR own pockets not by reaching into mine.

What's your plan to replace Medicaid?
What will it take for folks to realize that, just like the title, big government is a loser?

If you think the war is lost then you must believe that the war must end.

Therefore you must believe that Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, EIC, fuel and energy assistance, educational assistance, and all other programs that effectively represent the war on poverty should be ceased.

After that is done, how long before we win the war on poverty, using your plan of no programs for the poor?



It's been "fought" for 50 years and hasn't been defeated. Perhaps a new strategy should be put in place and I have it. If you bleeding hearts think one person deserves what you've earned because you've identified a need, write a check, taken someone grocery shopping, pay their power bill, fund the tuition for their school, and pay the premiums for their healthcare just do it from YOUR own pockets not by reaching into mine.

What's your plan to replace Medicaid?

I included that. Since Medicaid is healthcare coverage, I made the suggestion that you pay the premiums for those folks so they can have their own policy. That means it would be replaced by one person that thinks another person deserves his/her money. By providing them with coverage, you prove what you SAY you believe.
What will it take for folks to realize that, just like the title, big government is a loser?

If you think the war is lost then you must believe that the war must end.

Therefore you must believe that Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, EIC, fuel and energy assistance, educational assistance, and all other programs that effectively represent the war on poverty should be ceased.

After that is done, how long before we win the war on poverty, using your plan of no programs for the poor?



It's been "fought" for 50 years and hasn't been defeated. Perhaps a new strategy should be put in place and I have it. If you bleeding hearts think one person deserves what you've earned because you've identified a need, write a check, taken someone grocery shopping, pay their power bill, fund the tuition for their school, and pay the premiums for their healthcare just do it from YOUR own pockets not by reaching into mine.

What's your plan to replace Medicaid?

I included that. Since Medicaid is healthcare coverage, I made the suggestion that you pay the premiums for those folks so they can have their own policy. That means it would be replaced by one person that thinks another person deserves his/her money. By providing them with coverage, you prove what you SAY you believe.

IOW you're just one more conservative imbecile with no real ideas.
What will it take for folks to realize that, just like the title, big government is a loser?

If you think the war is lost then you must believe that the war must end.

Therefore you must believe that Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, EIC, fuel and energy assistance, educational assistance, and all other programs that effectively represent the war on poverty should be ceased.

After that is done, how long before we win the war on poverty, using your plan of no programs for the poor?



It's been "fought" for 50 years and hasn't been defeated. Perhaps a new strategy should be put in place and I have it. If you bleeding hearts think one person deserves what you've earned because you've identified a need, write a check, taken someone grocery shopping, pay their power bill, fund the tuition for their school, and pay the premiums for their healthcare just do it from YOUR own pockets not by reaching into mine.

What's your plan to replace Medicaid?

I included that. Since Medicaid is healthcare coverage, I made the suggestion that you pay the premiums for those folks so they can have their own policy. That means it would be replaced by one person that thinks another person deserves his/her money. By providing them with coverage, you prove what you SAY you believe.

Fine, then you can double the share of taxes you pay to cover the cost of the military that I don't support.
What will it take for folks to realize that, just like the title, big government is a loser?

If you think the war is lost then you must believe that the war must end.

Therefore you must believe that Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, EIC, fuel and energy assistance, educational assistance, and all other programs that effectively represent the war on poverty should be ceased.

After that is done, how long before we win the war on poverty, using your plan of no programs for the poor?



It's been "fought" for 50 years and hasn't been defeated. Perhaps a new strategy should be put in place and I have it. If you bleeding hearts think one person deserves what you've earned because you've identified a need, write a check, taken someone grocery shopping, pay their power bill, fund the tuition for their school, and pay the premiums for their healthcare just do it from YOUR own pockets not by reaching into mine.

What's your plan to replace Medicaid?

I included that. Since Medicaid is healthcare coverage, I made the suggestion that you pay the premiums for those folks so they can have their own policy. That means it would be replaced by one person that thinks another person deserves his/her money. By providing them with coverage, you prove what you SAY you believe.

Fine, then you can double the share of taxes you pay to cover the cost of the military that I don't support.
When specific words related to the military in Article I, Section 8 are removed you will have an argument. When words like healthcare, food stamps, etc. are added to it, you'll have a point. Until then, I have the Constitution to back up my support for taxes for the military and you simply run your damn mouth about what you want it to say.

Since the Constitution does call for raising a military and taxes do that, you liking it is irrelevant as that won't ever be a requirement for what the Constitution says to be done. If you can show me where handout programs are a delegated power, I'll read it. Until then STFU.
If you think the war is lost then you must believe that the war must end.

Therefore you must believe that Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, EIC, fuel and energy assistance, educational assistance, and all other programs that effectively represent the war on poverty should be ceased.

After that is done, how long before we win the war on poverty, using your plan of no programs for the poor?



It's been "fought" for 50 years and hasn't been defeated. Perhaps a new strategy should be put in place and I have it. If you bleeding hearts think one person deserves what you've earned because you've identified a need, write a check, taken someone grocery shopping, pay their power bill, fund the tuition for their school, and pay the premiums for their healthcare just do it from YOUR own pockets not by reaching into mine.

What's your plan to replace Medicaid?

I included that. Since Medicaid is healthcare coverage, I made the suggestion that you pay the premiums for those folks so they can have their own policy. That means it would be replaced by one person that thinks another person deserves his/her money. By providing them with coverage, you prove what you SAY you believe.

Fine, then you can double the share of taxes you pay to cover the cost of the military that I don't support.
When specific words related to the military in Article I, Section 8 are removed you will have an argument. When words like healthcare, food stamps, etc. are added to it, you'll have a point. Until then, I have the Constitution to back up my support for taxes for the military and you simply run your damn mouth about what you want it to say.

There is nothing in the Constitution that mandates a specific level of spending for the military, fucktard.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.


It's been "fought" for 50 years and hasn't been defeated. Perhaps a new strategy should be put in place and I have it. If you bleeding hearts think one person deserves what you've earned because you've identified a need, write a check, taken someone grocery shopping, pay their power bill, fund the tuition for their school, and pay the premiums for their healthcare just do it from YOUR own pockets not by reaching into mine.

What's your plan to replace Medicaid?

I included that. Since Medicaid is healthcare coverage, I made the suggestion that you pay the premiums for those folks so they can have their own policy. That means it would be replaced by one person that thinks another person deserves his/her money. By providing them with coverage, you prove what you SAY you believe.

Fine, then you can double the share of taxes you pay to cover the cost of the military that I don't support.
When specific words related to the military in Article I, Section 8 are removed you will have an argument. When words like healthcare, food stamps, etc. are added to it, you'll have a point. Until then, I have the Constitution to back up my support for taxes for the military and you simply run your damn mouth about what you want it to say.

There is nothing in the Constitution that mandates a specific level of spending for the military, fucktard.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.

I never said there was. What I did say is the military is a delegated power and what you support isn't. I'm not surprised some retarded bleeding heart didn't know that.
Let me ask this, see if anyone knows...

...when they count the number of Americans below the poverty line, do they factor in the monetary value of the assistance they receive?


The term 'poverty' is itself part of the scam that you support.

7. "For most Americans, the word “poverty” means significant material deprivation, an inability to provide a family with adequate nutritious food, reasonable shelter and clothing. But only a small portion of the more than 40 million people labelled as poor by Census fit that description.

a. The media frequently associate the idea of poverty with being homeless. But less than two percent of the poor are homeless. Only one in ten live in mobile homes. The typical house or apartment of the poor is in good repair and uncrowded; it is actually larger than the average dwelling of non-poor French, Germans or English.

b. The intake of protein, vitamins and minerals by poor children is virtually identical with upper middle class kids.... the overwhelming majority of poor people report they were not hungry even for a single day during the prior year."
The War on Poverty Has Been a Colossal Flop
Let me ask this, see if anyone knows...

...when they count the number of Americans below the poverty line, do they factor in the monetary value of the assistance they receive?


The term 'poverty' is itself part of the scam that you support.

7. "For most Americans, the word “poverty” means significant material deprivation, an inability to provide a family with adequate nutritious food, reasonable shelter and clothing. But only a small portion of the more than 40 million people labelled as poor by Census fit that description.

a. The media frequently associate the idea of poverty with being homeless. But less than two percent of the poor are homeless. Only one in ten live in mobile homes. The typical house or apartment of the poor is in good repair and uncrowded; it is actually larger than the average dwelling of non-poor French, Germans or English.

b. The intake of protein, vitamins and minerals by poor children is virtually identical with upper middle class kids.... the overwhelming majority of poor people report they were not hungry even for a single day during the prior year."
The War on Poverty Has Been a Colossal Flop

That has nothing to do with my post. You really are stupid.
Let me ask this, see if anyone knows...

...when they count the number of Americans below the poverty line, do they factor in the monetary value of the assistance they receive?


The term 'poverty' is itself part of the scam that you support.

7. "For most Americans, the word “poverty” means significant material deprivation, an inability to provide a family with adequate nutritious food, reasonable shelter and clothing. But only a small portion of the more than 40 million people labelled as poor by Census fit that description.

a. The media frequently associate the idea of poverty with being homeless. But less than two percent of the poor are homeless. Only one in ten live in mobile homes. The typical house or apartment of the poor is in good repair and uncrowded; it is actually larger than the average dwelling of non-poor French, Germans or English.

b. The intake of protein, vitamins and minerals by poor children is virtually identical with upper middle class kids.... the overwhelming majority of poor people report they were not hungry even for a single day during the prior year."
The War on Poverty Has Been a Colossal Flop

LOLOL, fuck me! You just refuted your own argument. If there are very very very few Americans who fit your definition of 'poor',

then the war on poverty has definitely been WON!

By your own measure.

good one....
So long as the global economy is based on capitalism, you're always going to have poverty. It's the inevitible result of capitalist greed.

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