The war on freedom


Aug 19, 2004
I'm going to attempt to put some info. together here for you all to read, hope it is most informative and helpful to everyone.

The offical story on 911 is completely false, and it is time that we seriously question the validity of many, many things that are being told to us by the powers that be.

We also need to be very concerned over the true meaning of this "war on terror"

Benjamin franklin told us that if we give up our liberties for security, we will eventually have neither liberty nor security.

First of all, take a look at these photos of the pentagon after the 911 attacks, you will notice right off that there is no debris in the yard, and the hole in the pentagon is no where near big enough for a huge jetliner that has a 150ft wingspan and is about 150ft long.

Next, check out Dave Vonkleists' 911 in plane site.

The footage that he got was from a documentary he bought shortly after 911. In this footage, when it is slowed down, you can clearly see a bright orange flash in front of the plane right before impact, and you will also notice a "pod" underneath the plane.

There was an interview on the morning of 911 done on Fox news, the person being interviewed saw the second plane going into the tower, he said many times that the plane had no windows, and was nothing like he would expect to see at a normal airport, he said it looked like a cargo plane.

Check out this story from

Plane Lands In Cleveland; Bomb Feared Aboard

Interesting, huh?

Some more questions to ask...

Why are some of the supposed 911 hijackers still alive?

Hijack 'suspects' alive and well

Hijack 'suspect' alive in Morocco

Also, Mr. Silverstein, owner of the Trade center building #7 actually admited in a documantary "America rebuilds" that aired on PBS that he gave the order to "Pull" the building, which is a demolition term for a controlled demolition contrary to the official story that it was destroyed from fires and debris from the other buildings.

A congresman, i cant remember his name now, on CSPAN, after 911 said "There is a chance to use this disaster for a New World Order"

There is so much evidence to go through, this is just the tip of the iceberg..

Lastly, the USA Patriot Act is the death of the constitution, and there are more bills like this on the way such as Patriot act II and the Victory act.

I suspect they will be easily passed if there is another attack.

The Patriot act wasnt even read by congress, it was passed quickly and secretly.

S. 89, The Universal National Service Act of 2003. The description of the bill is, "To provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes."

This means labor camps here in the "Homeland", and there is talk that this will be a manditory service.

The new definition of terrorism in the PACT

“any action that endangers human life that is a violation of any Federal or State law.”

The PACT actually says that if you fit this definition, you can be thrown out of the country and be labled an enemy combatant.

Oregon is even contemplating making the act of protesting an act of terrorism.. how sick is this!?

Oh, in the second Patriot Act it makes it a criminal act for any member of the government or any citizen to release any information concerning the incarceration or whereabouts of detainees. Scary thought eh?

Im sure you all saw in Boston, the CAGED protesters.. This is something that i would expect to see in Nazi Germany or the soviet union!

The list goes on.. Warrantless searches, president can cancell elections, extremely expanded domestic surveilance powers, any crime is concidered an act of terrorism, Is this FREEDOM? I think not....

Is this the New World Order that bush sr. talked so much about?

Resistance to Tyranny is obediance to God.
thanks daniel.

i enjoyed your article and can see it posing so many questions and not enough answers.

i feel a lot was wrong and we as an entire nation missed it as we are so use to leaving everything up to the next person.

i have a picture in my head that will never go away. it was taken during ww2 of a couple in a small room totally naked talking to each other. did they know at that time that they were on the way to the gas chambers? i think not. it was the type of news we had way back when that tells it like it is.
cannot rember what paper or magazine it was in. it was one of the thousands of pictures taken of the people heading for the gas chambers.

could these people have been more aggressive and informed? i have always thought so. now only certain books and literature is allowed is allowed to be printed or read about the pros and cons in usa and canada. is that letting all aspects,good or bad out into the open for all to try to understand?

you are right to print what you have and i am sorry that i cannot express what is in my heart enough about believing everything as truth.
wordspeak said:
thanks daniel.

i enjoyed your article and can see it posing so many questions and not enough answers.

i feel a lot was wrong and we as an entire nation missed it as we are so use to leaving everything up to the next person.

i have a picture in my head that will never go away. it was taken during ww2 of a couple in a small room totally naked talking to each other. did they know at that time that they were on the way to the gas chambers? i think not. it was the type of news we had way back when that tells it like it is.
cannot rember what paper or magazine it was in. it was one of the thousands of pictures taken of the people heading for the gas chambers.

could these people have been more aggressive and informed? i have always thought so. now only certain books and literature is allowed is allowed to be printed or read about the pros and cons in usa and canada. is that letting all aspects,good or bad out into the open for all to try to understand?

you are right to print what you have and i am sorry that i cannot express what is in my heart enough about believing everything as truth.

What are you talking about?
now only certain books and literature is allowed is allowed to be printed or read about the pros and cons in usa and canada. is that letting all aspects,good or bad out into the open for all to try to understand?
Are people so insecure that they need to post as a alter ego in order to boost their self esteem on an anonymous Message board? There won't be any woodwork left come November. It'll be ripped to shreds with all these idiots coming out of it.
insein said:
Are people so insecure that they need to post as a alter ego in order to boost their self esteem on an anonymous Message board? There won't be any woodwork left come November. It'll be ripped to shreds with all these idiots coming out of it.

I checked the IP's not same.
Hobbit said:
I'd bet $100 they know each other. I've seen this scam used before to plant info on video game easter eggs.

:D May be the case, but alas... :dunno:
jimnyc said:
And you would be $100 richer!!

Here's a whole collection of conspiracy freaks discussing this post.

Great find jim. Great reading. What a bunch of losers, trying to psych each other up into having the cojones to post on a highly feared "conservative" board, slapping each other on the back over their openmindedness. sad, yet hilarious.
rtwngAvngr said:
Great find jim. Great reading. What a bunch of losers, trying to psych each other up into having the cojones to post on a highly feared "conservative" board, slapping each other on the back over their openmindedness. sad, yet hilarious.

That's where the coast to coast folk must hang out! :eek2:
I'm surprised they post on message boards, with the government being able to trace your ip address and then monitor your every move after that by repositioning satellites and all.

Democrat4Bush said:
I'm surprised they post on message boards, with the government being able to trace your ip address and then monitor your every move after that by repositioning satellites and all.

I know, I don't know if they thought this all through....

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