The very beginning


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2008
He paced. Five steps about face and five more steps about face and yet five more. they'd be here soon he knew. Yet still he was troubled. Never before had that sixth sense of his been so loud and so clear and yet seemingly aiming him in all directions at once. It had led him straight to the pass through the woods that had turned what would have been an at best pyrric victory into a whole sale rout of the Usurper's army. And later straight to the rescue of the woman who eventually became his beloved wife. But now first it pointed north then east then west the south. and last night had come the vision that lead him to the shore of the Great Sea. Never had he experienced a vison before but this one was strange beyond his kin and it was the vision as much as anything he wanted his advisors commentary on. There were other things he must ask about as well for he feared for the safety all his people.
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He paced. Five steps about face and five more steps about face and yet five more. they'd be here soon he knew. Yet still he was troubled. Never before had that sixth sense of his been so loud and so clear and yet seemingly aiming him in all directions at once. It had led him straight to the pass through the woods that had turned what would have been an at best pyrric victory into a whole sale rout of the Usurper's army. And later straight to the rescue of the woman who eventually became his beloved wife. But now first it pointed north then east then west the south. and last night had come the vision that lead him to the shore of the Great Sea. Never had he experienced a vison before but this one was strange beyond his kin and it was the vision as much as anything he wanted his advisors commentary on. There were other things he must ask about as well for he feared for the safety all his people.

The first lines of a fantasy-future or fantasy-past novel?
Past. I've been playing with this in my head for years. The world this is set in was once the back drop for an old D&D game setting back in about 1973. The setting was original to me. And the dungeon was one in which you thought your way through as much as you fought. It was meant for very high level characters.
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Sure. I'll besixty-one in three months if I can't take criticism by now I'd never have stayed married for going on 36 years. ;)

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