The use of the bump fire stock...actually saved lives....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The idiot in Vegas....No matter what you may here, and how the anti gunners are now going to try to pass more gun control...the bump fire stock actually allowed more people to survive that causing the killer to miss more people...

Vegas Gunman's Use of Bump Stock Reduced Casualties

Contrary to popular media opinion, Paddock’s cyclic rate of fire may have saved lives that horrible Sunday evening. The disturbing reality is that if the shooter decided to eschew the bump stock in favor of firing at a sustained and controlled pace, the death toll would have risen dramatically.

I have been in dozens of firefights with an M4 carbine -- a weapons platform from the same family of rifles that Paddock used to fire from 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay. When engaging enemy targets in theater, I never moved my rifle’s selector switch from semi-automatic to a faster rate of fire because this would have completely compromised my accuracy.

The light weight and short length of the common assault rifle causes the muzzle to climb uncontrollably when fired on automatic. Therefore, more modern military rifles employ a less erratic three-round burst option in lieu of the automatic mode.

The same field manual says that three-round burst is preferable to fully auto and advises that soldiers firing older M16 rifles should pull the trigger, “but quickly release pressure to prevent an excessive number of rounds from being fired in one burst.”

Audio captured of the Las Vegas shooting shows that Paddock certainly did not preserve his accuracy, letting loose long, continuous clips of uninterrupted fire. As a rule, infantry fighting units deplore the use of automatic fire from a standard-issue rifle, and even when a situation calls for rapid suppressive fire (like shooting at tightly grouped targets), controlled semi-automatic shots are preferred.

Mandalay Bay is estimated to be about 400 yards away from the nearest victims at the concert grounds. From his vantage on the 32nd floor, Paddock was approximately 420 meters away, putting his nearest unfortunate targets just within the maximum effective range of a point target for an AR-15.

This distance to target means that as Paddock’s muzzle inevitably climbed from the wild shooting, a rise of a few inches from his barrel was equivalent to dozens of yards on the ground. Many of his bullets, intended for helpless concertgoers, very likely flew above the adjacent airport.
You really are a special kind of stupid if you think that the bump stock saved lives.

You don't need to be accurate with your shots when you are firing into the center of a mass of closely grouped people.
You really are a special kind of stupid if you think that the bump stock saved lives.

You don't need to be accurate with your shots when you are firing into the center of a mass of closely grouped people. are the dumb shit.....

This distance to target means that as Paddock’s muzzle inevitably climbed from the wild shooting, a rise of a few inches from his barrel was equivalent to dozens of yards on the ground.

Many of his bullets, intended for helpless concertgoers, very likely flew above the adjacent airport.
You really are a special kind of stupid if you think that the bump stock saved lives.

You don't need to be accurate with your shots when you are firing into the center of a mass of closely grouped people.


I have been in dozens of firefights with an M4 carbine -- a weapons platform from the same family of rifles that Paddock used to fire from 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay. When engaging enemy targets in theater, I never moved my rifle’s selector switch from semi-automatic to a faster rate of fire because this would have completely compromised my accuracy.

Don't take my word for it, though. The U.S. Army field manual for rifle marksmanship states:

“Automatic or burst fire is inherently less accurate than semiautomatic fire. Trainers must consider the impact of recoil and the high cyclic rate of fire on the Soldier’s ability to properly apply the fundamentals of marksmanship and other combat firing skills…”
Lmao!! Oh so, it was a good thing bump stocks were used. Lol..

Had he simply fired without it, his aimed shots would have actually been more concentrated on the crowd, they would not have caused the rifle barrel to rise, as auto fire does.....and more rounds would have killed and injured more people.....the muzzle rise caused bullets to completely miss the concert area...
Lmao!! Oh so, it was a good thing bump stocks were used. Lol..

Had he simply fired without it, his aimed shots would have actually been more concentrated on the crowd, they would not have caused the rifle barrel to rise, as auto fire does.....and more rounds would have killed and injured more people.....the muzzle rise caused bullets to completely miss the concert area...

Hey, and the California wildfires are good because they got a few more cloudy days instead of direct sun exposure.
Lmao!! Oh so, it was a good thing bump stocks were used. Lol..

Had he simply fired without it, his aimed shots would have actually been more concentrated on the crowd, they would not have caused the rifle barrel to rise, as auto fire does.....and more rounds would have killed and injured more people.....the muzzle rise caused bullets to completely miss the concert area...

Hey, and the California wildfires are good because they got a few more cloudy days instead of direct sun exposure.

Yes....I understand that the truth, facts and reality are difficult for you......go find your nanny and ask her to get you a juice box and some teddy grahams.....then have her turn on a television show that is more to your intellectual Sesame Street.....
Lmao!! Oh so, it was a good thing bump stocks were used. Lol..

Had he simply fired without it, his aimed shots would have actually been more concentrated on the crowd, they would not have caused the rifle barrel to rise, as auto fire does.....and more rounds would have killed and injured more people.....the muzzle rise caused bullets to completely miss the concert area...

Hey, and the California wildfires are good because they got a few more cloudy days instead of direct sun exposure.

Yes....I understand that the truth, facts and reality are difficult for you......go find your nanny and ask her to get you a juice box and some teddy grahams.....then have her turn on a television show that is more to your intellectual Sesame Street.....

yes I often also use hypotheticals as facts. Such as if a frog had pockets he'd carry a knife. Thats just as factual as your OP.
Well, considering that when he was using the bump fire weapons, he was firing around four times FASTER than what he could if he didn't have the bump stock.

Sorry, but more lead downrange results in more injuries and death.

Like I said..............the OP is a special kind of stupid to think that the bump stock saved lives. And, in post number 4, did you notice his cut and paste of SOMEONE ELSE'S experience, and he's trying to pass it off as his own?
Well, considering that when he was using the bump fire weapons, he was firing around four times FASTER than what he could if he didn't have the bump stock.

Sorry, but more lead downrange results in more injuries and death.

Like I said..............the OP is a special kind of stupid to think that the bump stock saved lives. And, in post number 4, did you notice his cut and paste of SOMEONE ELSE'S experience, and he's trying to pass it off as his own?
Total bullshit. I've done both, and like always you don't have a clue.
Well, considering that when he was using the bump fire weapons, he was firing around four times FASTER than what he could if he didn't have the bump stock.

Sorry, but more lead downrange results in more injuries and death.

Like I said..............the OP is a special kind of stupid to think that the bump stock saved lives. And, in post number 4, did you notice his cut and paste of SOMEONE ELSE'S experience, and he's trying to pass it off as his own?

No.....more bullets going over the concert site and going into an empty field saves lives....had he used the bump stock in a crowded place on the ground, sure, he would have killed more people.....but every bullet that flew over the concert site because the bump fire stock forced the barrel up, was a life saved, had he simply used his optics and pulled the trigger, every single round would have gone into the concert area...

Lmao!! Oh so, it was a good thing bump stocks were used. Lol..

Had he simply fired without it, his aimed shots would have actually been more concentrated on the crowd, they would not have caused the rifle barrel to rise, as auto fire does.....and more rounds would have killed and injured more people.....the muzzle rise caused bullets to completely miss the concert area...

Hey, and the California wildfires are good because they got a few more cloudy days instead of direct sun exposure.

Yes....I understand that the truth, facts and reality are difficult for you......go find your nanny and ask her to get you a juice box and some teddy grahams.....then have her turn on a television show that is more to your intellectual Sesame Street.....

yes I often also use hypotheticals as facts. Such as if a frog had pockets he'd carry a knife. Thats just as factual as your OP.

Not a hypothetical.......people who understand firearms know that fully auto fire is harder to control and causes the barrel to move....and as the author states, 6" up means he was missing the concert area a lot....which means lives were spared...
With all the planning that this dude did, do you REALLY think that he's not smart enough to adjust his fire? By the way, in his hotel room they found some papers with figures written on them. The cops said it was calculations to make his fire more accurate.

The mysterious piece of paper found in the Las Vegas shooter's hotel room reportedly contained target calculations

After photos emerged of Paddock's room, speculation abounded about a small piece of paper seen lying on a table in the room and whether it contained an explanation for the massacre.

Three of the police officers who closed in on Paddock's room as he turned his gun on himself told "60 Minutes" correspondent Bill Whitaker that they found the note near one of the windows Paddock had smashed out.

"I could see on it he had written the distance, the elevation he was on, the drop of what his bullet was gonna be for the crowd," Officer Dave Newton said in the interview, which airs Sunday. "So he had that written down and figured out so he would know where to shoot to hit his targets from there."

Law enforcement sources have similarly confirmed to CNN and the Associated Press that the paper contained a series of numbers used to assist Paddock in targeting his victims.
With all the planning that this dude did, do you REALLY think that he's not smart enough to adjust his fire? By the way, in his hotel room they found some papers with figures written on them. The cops said it was calculations to make his fire more accurate.

The mysterious piece of paper found in the Las Vegas shooter's hotel room reportedly contained target calculations

After photos emerged of Paddock's room, speculation abounded about a small piece of paper seen lying on a table in the room and whether it contained an explanation for the massacre.

Three of the police officers who closed in on Paddock's room as he turned his gun on himself told "60 Minutes" correspondent Bill Whitaker that they found the note near one of the windows Paddock had smashed out.

"I could see on it he had written the distance, the elevation he was on, the drop of what his bullet was gonna be for the crowd," Officer Dave Newton said in the interview, which airs Sunday. "So he had that written down and figured out so he would know where to shoot to hit his targets from there."

Law enforcement sources have similarly confirmed to CNN and the Associated Press that the paper contained a series of numbers used to assist Paddock in targeting his victims.

And, dumb ass...that entire table of information was useless the moment he used the bump fire stock.......ask any real shooter about this.....I was in the military....we were told not to use auto fire......we were told to use semi auto fire because it was accurate and wouldn't waste ammo...

Lmao!! Oh so, it was a good thing bump stocks were used. Lol..

Had he simply fired without it, his aimed shots would have actually been more concentrated on the crowd, they would not have caused the rifle barrel to rise, as auto fire does.....and more rounds would have killed and injured more people.....the muzzle rise caused bullets to completely miss the concert area...

Hey, and the California wildfires are good because they got a few more cloudy days instead of direct sun exposure.

Yes....I understand that the truth, facts and reality are difficult for you......go find your nanny and ask her to get you a juice box and some teddy grahams.....then have her turn on a television show that is more to your intellectual Sesame Street.....

yes I often also use hypotheticals as facts. Such as if a frog had pockets he'd carry a knife. Thats just as factual as your OP.

Not a hypothetical... .

Uh, when you say he would've killed more if...

Yeah, you're crafting a strawman hypothetical to "win" a debate no one can have.
Had he simply fired without it, his aimed shots would have actually been more concentrated on the crowd, they would not have caused the rifle barrel to rise, as auto fire does.....and more rounds would have killed and injured more people.....the muzzle rise caused bullets to completely miss the concert area...

Hey, and the California wildfires are good because they got a few more cloudy days instead of direct sun exposure.

Yes....I understand that the truth, facts and reality are difficult for you......go find your nanny and ask her to get you a juice box and some teddy grahams.....then have her turn on a television show that is more to your intellectual Sesame Street.....

yes I often also use hypotheticals as facts. Such as if a frog had pockets he'd carry a knife. Thats just as factual as your OP.

Not a hypothetical... .

Uh, when you say he would've killed more if...

Yeah, you're crafting a strawman hypothetical to "win" a debate no one can have.

No, moron......the author explains exactly how the bump fire stock kept more people from being experienced shooter and combat
Had he simply fired without it, his aimed shots would have actually been more concentrated on the crowd, they would not have caused the rifle barrel to rise, as auto fire does.....and more rounds would have killed and injured more people.....the muzzle rise caused bullets to completely miss the concert area...

Hey, and the California wildfires are good because they got a few more cloudy days instead of direct sun exposure.

Yes....I understand that the truth, facts and reality are difficult for you......go find your nanny and ask her to get you a juice box and some teddy grahams.....then have her turn on a television show that is more to your intellectual Sesame Street.....

yes I often also use hypotheticals as facts. Such as if a frog had pockets he'd carry a knife. Thats just as factual as your OP.

Not a hypothetical... .

Uh, when you say he would've killed more if...

Yeah, you're crafting a strawman hypothetical to "win" a debate no one can have.

The Author....

With over 1000 days of continuous combat operations during three deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as over a decade of training and leadership as a U.S. Army infantryman, my experience can provide some insights lacking from the deadly shooting rampage in Las Vegas. I have qualified as an expert marksman with the military-issued variant of every confirmed weapon system utilized by Paddock to carry out his heinous assault, and I have instructed hundreds of American, Iraqi, and Afghan soldiers in the finer nuances of advanced rifle marksmanship.

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