The unnecessary totalitarianism that is school uniforms.

Pax Romana

Nov 23, 2010
Thank god school uniforms don't exist in most schools in America. I realize a couple Catholic/private schools have them. But if they ever hit public schools, there will be an open rebellion against the federal government of United States. A rebellion that will result in massive loss of life. Taking away the right to dress freely in American high schools and junior high schools is the line that we the people of the United States of America draw. Our Founding Fathers gave us the right to bear arms to prevent totalitarianism and rebel against our government if need be. I hope it doesn't come to a rebellion, but we will rebel if necessary. Hopefully things will never come to that though, hopefully school uniforms never exist. And they never will, because if they did, there would be a rebellion. Everyone will rebel, both high school students and your average citizen who has had enough of this totalitarianism in America.
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I think uniform dress codes in all schools thru 12th grade are a good thing. It removes sources of strife and peer pressure.
For girls especially. My sisters both resented horribly that most of neighbors shopped at Nordstroms and we shopped at the Montgomery Ward discount store.
The point is to keep the kids focused on studies, not who is wearing the latest thing.

It also eliminates the issues of obscene tshirts, ad hoc dress codes that are unenforceable, and helps forge a unified identity for the school.

As for their purported virtue of helping discipline, the experience I have seen in Japanese and Korean media suggests otherwise.

Those are uniforms I will support.[/QUOTE]

It does not look like those uniforms provde much support nor need to for those ladies.

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I think uniform dress codes in all schools thru 12th grade are a good thing. It removes sources of strife and peer pressure.

No one said anything about dress codes, what are you on about?

Umm what is requiring uniforms if not the far extreme of a dress code?


A dress code just prevents prostitute style clothing and obscene t-shirts and what-not. A uniform is something that forces you to wear something and be branded by the government.
No one said anything about dress codes, what are you on about?

Umm what is requiring uniforms if not the far extreme of a dress code?


A dress code just prevents prostitute style clothing and obscene t-shirts and what-not. A uniform is something that forces you to wear something and be branded by the government.

Have you seen some of the pics posted here? I have been countries where the school uniform is mandatory and those girls fix those uniforms up to look slutty as hell.
Before anyone says "it's just clothing" then you sir are a fool.

"it's just just a school uniform that you're forced to wear against your will"
"it's just a curfew that effects everyone"
"it's just surveillance cameras in public"
"it's just getting patted down at airports"
"it's just censorship of 'unsavory' media"
"it's just the government controlling the press"
"it's just the right to hold supposedly 'bad' people without charging them with a crime"

Where does it end? It won't ever end. If we give them an inch, they will ruin America even more so than it already is. The government wants for there to be complete "order" and absolutely no freedoms. It would be easier for the government that way, then they could bend the universe to their will.

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