The Unions Have Really Gone to Pot


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
As California’s unions work to target the budding pot industry out on the Left Coast, it appears the UAW’s workers in Detroit are getting in on some of the ganga action.​
Unfortunately, some miscreant members of the Union of Ailing Workplaces United Auto Workers who work [cough, cough] at Chrysler’s the Government’s Jefferson North Assembly Plant have taken to toking on the company’s taxpayer’s time.

According to a MyFoxDetroit investigation:
While taxpayers are footing the bill to keep America’s auto industry off life support, an undercover investigation shows illegal activities by Chrysler employees who have enjoyed nearly $15 billion in government money.
Dozens of autoworkers in Detroit were caught on camera drinking beer and smoking marijuana before heading to work at the Chrysler plant that President Obama praised in a speech just two months ago.

Unions Really Have Gone to Pot. | RedState
Unions are little more than thugs,scum, you name it. They claim to look out for the worker, but yet done a good job running bussiness out.
Sure they were good in the beginning, but now they have become a dinosaur that should of been extinct.
Private industry unions are going away, petty much the only are with a lot of unionization going on is in government.

Unions need rotten employers. Which is why public sector unions live in symbiotic relationships with the democratic party. Rotten management leads to unions, which vote to maintain rotten management.
Nothing says "Let's fuck over America" louder than a pack of Democrats and any labor union.
Dozens of autoworkers in Detroit were caught on camera drinking beer and smoking marijuana before heading to work at the Chrysler plant that President Obama praised in a speech just two months ago.

Only in America can you find such immature reporting on pseudo-moral acts, from getting a BJ to drinking beer and think it is news worthy. In most countries, drinking is began at a very early age, most brewery's and wineries in America allow employees to drink, in several employment settings men & women share common locker rooms to strip off and change clothes, you can find Americans toking on streets, in parks, etc., so outside of a smear attempt of unions, I see nothing new here.

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