The UN needs to be disbanded

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Its nothing more than an organization who permanent members are composed of former colonial powers who use their money and military might to bully and exploit other nations that don't follow suit with their agenda.
I don't care if it's disbanded or not, but the United States needs to GET THE HECK OUT of the United Nations ASAP and inform them that they are no longer welcome to do business in the United States. Maybe they can ship their building over to Geneva, where they belong.
Its nothing more than an organization who permanent members are composed of former colonial powers who use their money and military might to bully and exploit other nations that don't follow suit with their agenda.

I agree, but I'd be satisfied with moving it to Paris and having us withdraw.

What took you so long to reach this conclusion? doyathink?

Don't be stupid, I know real history. The same people who run the UN also run the IMF and World Bank and it is they who are responsible for numerous Third World countries staying stagnant and undeveloped. Not incidentally, the ones who run the UN are also the richest countries, Russia excluded.
I partially agree with Bass-O-Matic. The U.N. is completely worthless, and should be disbanded, but not for the reason he suggests.

In reality, the U.N. has become an organization for the mutual protection of despots and totalitarian thugs. The minority of participating nations are free societies, whose participation lends a veneer of legitimacy to the corruptocrats.

We should withdraw, and cease supporting them financially.
I partially agree with Bass-O-Matic. The U.N. is completely worthless, and should be disbanded, but not for the reason he suggests.

In reality, the U.N. has become an organization for the mutual protection of despots and totalitarian thugs. The minority of participating nations are free societies, whose participation lends a veneer of legitimacy to the corruptocrats.

We should withdraw, and cease supporting them financially.

Yes, the UN is based on the delusion the way to create a worldwide democracy is to have dictators vote...
Don't be stupid, I know real history. The same people who run the UN also run the IMF and World Bank and it is they who are responsible for numerous Third World countries staying stagnant and undeveloped. Not incidentally, the ones who run the UN are also the richest countries, Russia excluded.

Russia is home to largest number of billionaires.
Hey, I don't like having to constantly babysit you colored folks either.
The UN would be fine if America was not its police force and pocket book. We need to kick them the hell our of this country.
We can't disband the UN.

If we did, how would Obama know when to go to war or not?
How many years has that toothless, impotent, debating society of third-world despots been around? Damn, Bass, it took you until it supported an American action you don't like to want to get rid of it? We conservatives have been advocating just that for years, or at the very least, getting out of it. Why haven't we? Talk to your leftist friends; they're the ones aways supporting the thing.
I agree with bass for once, if not with his reasoning. We need to disband the UN. There is no reason we should treat totalitarian nations or nations with dictators the same as free nations.
The U N isn't "ours" to disband. We can certainly de-certify our membership by vote of congress and a presidential signing. Having it somewhere else would certainly keep some dubious foreigners out of our country. The problem is that less communication is hardly ever helpful in knowing what is going on in the world. If there was no U N I doubt we would be involved in less conflict. Certainly the multi national corporations many of you believe are "OUR" companies and fawn over constantly would be trying to get us embroiled in every country where they did business and pissed people off.

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