The ultimate Politically correct


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
As I was reading the meltdowns over Michelle Obama addressing the NAACP and alluding to problems in the black community I came to realize that "conservatives" embrace PCism to a higher extent than anyone else.

Apparently many of them believe that groups of people that share common interests are forbidden because they exclude others...and in fact in Michelle Obama's case she has been labeled racist.


Then again, many of these same "conservatives" applaud Bill Cosby for telling it like it is to black youth. :confused:
As I was reading the meltdowns over Michelle Obama addressing the NAACP and alluding to problems in the black community I came to realize that "conservatives" embrace PCism to a higher extent than anyone else.

Apparently many of them believe that groups of people that share common interests are forbidden because they exclude others...and in fact in Michelle Obama's case she has been labeled racist.


Then again, many of these same "conservatives" applaud Bill Cosby for telling it like it is to black youth. :confused:

I'm not sure about them embracing to a higher extent, but certainly to the same extent. They just package it differently.
Damn, I'm getting the mal treatment on this thread. :eek:

Sorry, I have not read anything about Mrs. Obama's speech at the NAACP and quite frankly, I like Bill Cosby but don't remember what you are talking about in reference to him.

I can't comment.

As for the "exclusion of others" comment, that does bother me. I do not believe we can improve our racial differences by practicing "racial isolationism". I support the right of the NAACP to work to improve conditions for colored people, but I believe that the better way to go about that is to break down the barriers that we have built up between us.

As a white man, I will not become involved in an NAACP effort that I feel I will be ridiculed by them for participating in. They would see me as an outsider and treat me as such. Why would I care to get involved? Same thing with the United Negro College Fund. They will gladly take my money but they will only see me as a mark for funds.

As I was reading the meltdowns over Michelle Obama addressing the NAACP and alluding to problems in the black community I came to realize that "conservatives" embrace PCism to a higher extent than anyone else.

Apparently many of them believe that groups of people that share common interests are forbidden because they exclude others...and in fact in Michelle Obama's case she has been labeled racist.


Then again, many of these same "conservatives" applaud Bill Cosby for telling it like it is to black youth. :confused:

I'm not sure about them embracing to a higher extent, but certainly to the same extent. They just package it differently.

I would say they package and apply it more consistantly than the liberal side applies it.

Not better, not worse...just more consistant.
As I was reading the meltdowns over Michelle Obama addressing the NAACP and alluding to problems in the black community I came to realize that "conservatives" embrace PCism to a higher extent than anyone else.

Apparently many of them believe that groups of people that share common interests are forbidden because they exclude others...and in fact in Michelle Obama's case she has been labeled racist.


Then again, many of these same "conservatives" applaud Bill Cosby for telling it like it is to black youth. :confused:

I'm not sure about them embracing to a higher extent, but certainly to the same extent. They just package it differently.

I would say they package and apply it more consistantly than the liberal side applies it.

Not better, not worse...just more consistant.

Consistant? How?

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