The truther personality disorder


Jul 14, 2009
Having recently had "intimate internet contact" with a couple of truthers I have concluded they are without value .
The each seem in a hysterical rush to post conclusions without examining the steps to get there, The conclusion must always be something that keeps the conspiracy alive.

None of the truthers seem to care that the leaders who concoct the conclusions are making money off of the fraud .

Perhaps they imagine they to will go out or the speaking tours selling DVDs and signing autographed copies of self published books.

I say put them all on ignore they are not that much fun as punching bags they are kind of pathetic and it makes you feel bad to see how much so.
all conspiracy theorists seem to share the same type of disorder.

Yes, they do.

They simply cannot believe that mankind is capable of screwing up so badly by accident and errors of judgement.

They start out with the conclusion that things are so obviously bad, that the leaders couldn't possible be stupid enough to have messed up by accident, ergo, they start looking for secret conspiracies that better explain the actions of the masters.

Ironically, conspiracy theorists get that way, in part because they have faith in mankind's ability to makes things better if but ONLY they wanted to!
you OCTA'S "OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY APOLOGISTS? personality disorder and LOGIC is ignore what expert pilots,demoltion experts,firemen experienced in explosives,scientists,high ranking former military, government officials and over a thousand architects and engineers,credible people in their fields say,ignore all them, and lets forget that the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer aplies anymore.lets ONLY listen to what our corrupt government institutions and corporate controlled media brainwash us OCTA's logic is entertaining as hell.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

you OCTAS can only fling shit in defeat like the monkeys you are.:lol:
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Having recently had "intimate internet contact" with a couple of truthers I have concluded they are without value .
The each seem in a hysterical rush to post conclusions without examining the steps to get there, The conclusion must always be something that keeps the conspiracy alive.

None of the truthers seem to care that the leaders who concoct the conclusions are making money off of the fraud .

Perhaps they imagine they to will go out or the speaking tours selling DVDs and signing autographed copies of self published books.

I say put them all on ignore they are not that much fun as punching bags they are kind of pathetic and it makes you feel bad to see how much so.

I simply avoid their threads, much like I avoid other toxic dump sites.
you OCTA'S "OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY APOLOGISTS? personality disorder and LOGIC is ignore what expert pilots,demoltion experts,firemen experienced in explosives,scientists,high ranking former military, government officials and over a thousand architects and engineers,credible people in their fields say,ignore all them, and lets forget that the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer aplies anymore.lets ONLY listen to what our corrupt government institutions and corporate controlled media brainwash us OCTA's logic is entertaining as hell.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

you OCTAS can only fling shit in defeat like the monkeys you are.:lol:

Octas ? Lemme get Samson brb.
Having recently had "intimate internet contact" with a couple of truthers I have concluded they are without value .
The each seem in a hysterical rush to post conclusions without examining the steps to get there, The conclusion must always be something that keeps the conspiracy alive.

None of the truthers seem to care that the leaders who concoct the conclusions are making money off of the fraud .

Perhaps they imagine they to will go out or the speaking tours selling DVDs and signing autographed copies of self published books.

I say put them all on ignore they are not that much fun as punching bags they are kind of pathetic and it makes you feel bad to see how much so.

Just remember... truthersmatter.
you OCTA'S "OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY APOLOGISTS? personality disorder and LOGIC is ignore what expert pilots,demoltion experts,firemen experienced in explosives,scientists,high ranking former military, government officials and over a thousand architects and engineers,credible people in their fields say,ignore all them, and lets forget that the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer aplies anymore.lets ONLY listen to what our corrupt government institutions and corporate controlled media brainwash us OCTA's logic is entertaining as hell.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

you OCTAS can only fling shit in defeat like the monkeys you are.:lol:

Octas ? Lemme get Samson brb.

since you not one of the regular disinfo agents that post here all the time who have penetrated this site and are paid to derail these topics and are just a loyal Bush/Obama dupe,that stands for Official conspiracy theory apologist.thats all the governments version of events is,just a theory with no facts or evidence to back it up.
you OCTA'S "OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY APOLOGISTS? personality disorder and LOGIC is ignore what expert pilots,demoltion experts,firemen experienced in explosives,scientists,high ranking former military, government officials and over a thousand architects and engineers,credible people in their fields say,ignore all them, and lets forget that the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer aplies anymore.lets ONLY listen to what our corrupt government institutions and corporate controlled media brainwash us OCTA's logic is entertaining as hell.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

you OCTAS can only fling shit in defeat like the monkeys you are.:lol:

Octas ? Lemme get Samson brb.

since you not one of the regular disinfo agents that post here all the time who have penetrated this site and are paid to derail these topics and are just a loyal Bush/Obama dupe,that stands for Official conspiracy theory apologist.thats all the governments version of events is,just a theory with no facts or evidence to back it up.

Thanks--I'm gonna go ahead and notify Samson anyway.
Does anyone know if a person with a negative rep power neg reps you, do you actually get positive points?
all conspiracy theorists seem to share the same type of disorder.

Yes, they do.

They simply cannot believe that mankind is capable of screwing up so badly by accident and errors of judgement.

They start out with the conclusion that things are so obviously bad, that the leaders couldn't possible be stupid enough to have messed up by accident, ergo, they start looking for secret conspiracies that better explain the actions of the masters.

Ironically, conspiracy theorists get that way, in part because they have faith in mankind's ability to makes things better if but ONLY they wanted to!

Okay this is just for Editec and the other 9/11 OCTA'S here that have posted so far or who dont come here regularly,NOT for the disinfo agents like candycorn,sfc ollie,divecunt and the other regular ones that post and live here everyday to answer.

you have obviously been brainwashed by the lies and propaganda of the government and corporate controlled owned media.:cuckoo: the thing that you are clueless about it that all protocals and standard ops were violated that day,the military has standard procedures and operations that they are suppose to follow and they violated them that day since Rumsfield took over the chain of command in the prior weeks to 9/11 which was the first time in the history of NORAD,that the defense secretary took over.:cuckoo:

Then these ALLEDGED 19 muslims and ALLEGED airliner penetrate the pentagon, the most sophisticated air defense system in the world with no problems with no jet fighters scrambled like they are suppose to to go up and shoot it down..:lol::lol::cuckoo:

Also the FBI illegally confiscated the tapes across the street from the gas station and hotle, and with hundreds of cameras in the pentagon,they can only produce "5" flimsy pics of an airliner crashing into the wall of a pentagon and those 5 frames only show a fireball? not to mention expert pilots have said they could not fly an airliner and do those manuvers the way the alleged ailiner did and THEY have said the crash site at the pentagon is totally inconsistant with that of an airliner.:cuckoo: not to mention that the evidence at both the pentagon and the world trade centers was illegally removed.:cuckoo: hate to break your heart,but there were people arrested at the space shuttle site when they tried to remove evidence and this was a far greater tragedy that that and yet nobody got arrested for the destruction and removal of evidence at the pentagon and trade centers.yeah no coverup there.:cuckoo:

and what was Chenys order to that young military officer that transportation secretary Norman Minetta testified saying when he said the plane was 200 miles out then 100 miles out and the young man says to cheney-Do those orders still stand sir? cheney then replies-of course they still stand have you heard anything to the contrary? what were those orders,to not eat a sandwich? :lol: obviously to stand down you fool. Also, hate to break your heart, but if they allegedly screwed up like you want to believe,there would have been multiple firings and court martials. we all get fired at OUR jobs if WE screw know it,I know it.everybody knows is..your no exception.yet this was the worst tragedt ever and NO FIRINGS occured.yeah just a screwup,not an inside job.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Your a total hypocrite as well because thats all the government and the media who defend the official version are,is conspiracy THEORISTS.thats all they have to go by in their fairy tales they have to tell is a THEORY.this WAS a conspiracy even if you accept the governments version of events.are you so dense that you dont even know that it only takes two or more people involved for it to be a conspiracy?:lol::lol::lol: its not like the kennedy assassination where you CAN call someone a conspiracy theorist for not accepting the governments version of news item i hate to break your heart on.:lol: and I always thought YOU were one of the more intelligent posters here.Looks like I was wrong.
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Having recently had "intimate internet contact" with a couple of truthers I have concluded they are without value .
The each seem in a hysterical rush to post conclusions without examining the steps to get there, The conclusion must always be something that keeps the conspiracy alive.

None of the truthers seem to care that the leaders who concoct the conclusions are making money off of the fraud .

Perhaps they imagine they to will go out or the speaking tours selling DVDs and signing autographed copies of self published books.

I say put them all on ignore they are not that much fun as punching bags they are kind of pathetic and it makes you feel bad to see how much so.

you are beat....walk on home ...boy
Having recently had "intimate internet contact" with a couple of truthers I have concluded they are without value .
The each seem in a hysterical rush to post conclusions without examining the steps to get there, The conclusion must always be something that keeps the conspiracy alive.

None of the truthers seem to care that the leaders who concoct the conclusions are making money off of the fraud .

Perhaps they imagine they to will go out or the speaking tours selling DVDs and signing autographed copies of self published books.

I say put them all on ignore they are not that much fun as punching bags they are kind of pathetic and it makes you feel bad to see how much so.

Bush & Cheney made $50,000,000 and their friends made billions of $$$. To sell enough DVDs to make 1% of this would take container ship loads every day. Your theory is perfect. Why can't this guy understand his own theory.

Read this:Screwed Again: WE PAID A HIGH PRICE FOR FEAR
Explosive Residues
Independent researchers have discovered a highly engineered explosive-incendiary material in several dust samples collected near the WTC site. In their paper, entitled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, nine researchers, led by chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen, conclude:

“[T]he red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”


Harrit, Farrer, Jones, Ryan, Legge, Farnsworth, Roberts, Gourley, Larsen, “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” Bentham Open Access, 2009.

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