The Truth behind the Black Stone, Allah, Gabriel & Muhammad


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Hopefully Muslims will convert to Christianity after seeing of this Great Video, discuss.

[ame=]The Truth behind the Black Stone, Allah, Gabriel & Muhammad - Over 932,000 viewers - YouTube[/ame]
Hopefully Muslims will convert to Christianity after seeing of this Great Video, discuss.

The Truth behind the Black Stone, Allah, Gabriel & Muhammad - Over 932,000 viewers - YouTube

Hopefully everybody will gain enough sense to completely reject ancient god worship. The brainwashing of each new generation while they are infants and small children is the only reason that as we speak if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4,000 ancient gods being worshipped and Christianity has over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. Since it's supposed to determine the eternal fate of mankind why is it so confusing and complicated?
Hopefully Muslims will convert to Christianity after seeing of this Great Video, discuss.

The Truth behind the Black Stone, Allah, Gabriel & Muhammad - Over 932,000 viewers - YouTube

Hopefully everybody will gain enough sense to completely reject ancient god worship. The brainwashing of each new generation while they are infants and small children is the only reason that as we speak if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4,000 ancient gods being worshipped and Christianity has over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. Since it's supposed to determine the eternal fate of mankind why is it so confusing and complicated?

Because each denomination needs its own rules for fleecing the flock.
Hopefully Muslims will convert to Christianity after seeing of this Great Video, discuss.

The Truth behind the Black Stone, Allah, Gabriel & Muhammad - Over 932,000 viewers - YouTube

Hopefully everybody will gain enough sense to completely reject ancient god worship. The brainwashing of each new generation while they are infants and small children is the only reason that as we speak if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4,000 ancient gods being worshipped and Christianity has over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. Since it's supposed to determine the eternal fate of mankind why is it so confusing and complicated?
Difference is the 44,000 different denominations of Christianity still worship the one true God. The others, including islam, worship false gods.
Hopefully Muslims will convert to Christianity after seeing of this Great Video, discuss.

The Truth behind the Black Stone, Allah, Gabriel & Muhammad - Over 932,000 viewers - YouTube

Hopefully everybody will gain enough sense to completely reject ancient god worship. The brainwashing of each new generation while they are infants and small children is the only reason that as we speak if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4,000 ancient gods being worshipped and Christianity has over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. Since it's supposed to determine the eternal fate of mankind why is it so confusing and complicated?
Difference is the 44,000 different denominations of Christianity still worship the one true God. The others, including islam, worship false gods.

I'll be sure to let the Jews know. :cool:
Hopefully Muslims will convert to Christianity after seeing of this Great Video, discuss.

The Truth behind the Black Stone, Allah, Gabriel & Muhammad - Over 932,000 viewers - YouTube

Hopefully everybody will gain enough sense to completely reject ancient god worship. The brainwashing of each new generation while they are infants and small children is the only reason that as we speak if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4,000 ancient gods being worshipped and Christianity has over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. Since it's supposed to determine the eternal fate of mankind why is it so confusing and complicated?
Difference is the 44,000 different denominations of Christianity still worship the one true God. The others, including islam, worship false gods.
Muslims worship the same God that Christians worship.
Hopefully everybody will gain enough sense to completely reject ancient god worship. The brainwashing of each new generation while they are infants and small children is the only reason that as we speak if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4,000 ancient gods being worshipped and Christianity has over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. Since it's supposed to determine the eternal fate of mankind why is it so confusing and complicated?
Difference is the 44,000 different denominations of Christianity still worship the one true God. The others, including islam, worship false gods.
Muslims worship the same God that Christians worship.

Where does the Christian God say to kill all infidels, dimwit?
Hopefully Muslims will convert to Christianity after seeing of this Great Video, discuss.
I watched the silly video and it didn't make me want to convert to Christianity. :cool:

That's because you're a mentally ill muslime. Please, don't breed.

Dr. Wafa Sultan, Psychiatrist, Among Time magazine's 100 men and women whose power, talent or moral example is transforming our world
When I examined the Koran, the hadiths and the Islamic books under my microscope, I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible--IMPOSSIBLE-- for any human being to read the biography of Muhammad and believe in it and yet emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person.

Do you remember the way that Muhammad killed Asma bint Marwan? His followers tore her body apart limb from limb while she was breastfeeding her child. When they returned to him shouting, "Allah Akbar," he said: "Two goats would lock horns over her." As you know, goats lock horns over the most inconsequential thing. For Muhammad, however, the killing of a woman while breastfeeding was too trivial an incident for goats to lock horns over. Is this a prophet of God?

The language of Islam is a negative, dead language, replete with violence, anger, hatred and racism. Man is a product of his language, the outcome of the negative and positive language to which he is exposed in his lifetime. If his life is dominated by negative language, he will emerge as a negative, reckless and non-productive person who rejects everything. This is why the negative language of Islam has failed. It has failed to produce people with a positive outlook. It has produced negative people. If we take a look at Islamic societies, we see what that negative man [Muhammad] did.

Islam is a political doctrine which imposes itself by force. Any doctrine whatsoever that calls to kill those who do not believe in it is not a religion. It is a totalitarian doctrine that imposes itself by force.

Read about the life of Muhammad. What do you find there? Nothing but his raids and and his wives. I shudder when I hear the hadith: A woman's paradise is under her husband's foot. The Islamc teachings have become dreadful in the skulls of the Muslims. I see no alternative butr to open these skulls and to clean the life-threatening cancerous cells in these brains.
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Hopefully Muslims will convert to Christianity after seeing of this Great Video, discuss.
I watched the silly video and it didn't make me want to convert to Christianity. :cool:

Islime is doomed. Judaism is immortal.

Islamic Scholar Bernard Lewis...
If the peoples of the Middle East continue on their present path, the suicide bomber may become a metaphor for the whole region, and there will be no escape from a downward spiral of hate and spite, rage and self-pity, poverty and oppression.

Mark Twain...
If statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine and abstruse learning are also away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages; and had done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it. The Egyptian the Babylonian and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed; and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality
Hopefully everybody will gain enough sense to completely reject ancient god worship. The brainwashing of each new generation while they are infants and small children is the only reason that as we speak if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4,000 ancient gods being worshipped and Christianity has over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. Since it's supposed to determine the eternal fate of mankind why is it so confusing and complicated?
Difference is the 44,000 different denominations of Christianity still worship the one true God. The others, including islam, worship false gods.

I'll be sure to let the Jews know. :cool:
Sorry, the Jews worship the one true God like the Christians do. The others follow satan.
Hopefully everybody will gain enough sense to completely reject ancient god worship. The brainwashing of each new generation while they are infants and small children is the only reason that as we speak if the south sea islands are included there are more than 4,000 ancient gods being worshipped and Christianity has over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. Since it's supposed to determine the eternal fate of mankind why is it so confusing and complicated?
Difference is the 44,000 different denominations of Christianity still worship the one true God. The others, including islam, worship false gods.
Muslims worship the same God that Christians worship.
Wrong. The muslims worship satan.

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