The truth about democrats in power



Question; How do democrats get votes ?


1) They propose to help people by offering them something, usally money, with the claim they care about them. The reality is that it makes them dependent on the govenment, i.e. the democrats. When that doesn't help them they offer them something more the next electon term. A never ending cycle to obtain votes.
2) They try and pass laws allowing more and more uneducated people, such as teenagers in California, to vote thus making them feel an obligation to vote for them. Most, because of that lack of education, would.
3) They try and give illegal aliens more an more hand outs and so called rights they do not have, including the right to vote, again with the expectation of receiving their votes.
4) They support the athest, socialist, communist, etc. for the same reason, to get their votes.
5) They try their best to divide this country between those they want all to belive are "have nots" and the "haves" which of course are "haves" by some how stopping those "have nots" from realizing their dreams.

In short, the democrats in power obtain their power though disception, false promisies, and outright lies all designed to "buy" their votes and to keep them voting for them because of their, the voters, dependence on those in power.

An intelligent, educated person will be much less likely to fall for this scam and doesn't need these "goodies" they "claim" they will hand out at election time. So it is obvious who the democrat voters are!

A belated welcome to the board, Omegaman. And, you're quite right.The more the Democrats can expand a dependent, and therefore beholden, constituency, the more effectively they can perpetuate their power. They sure as hell wouldn't be able to do it with the truth!
Originally posted by Omegaman
2) They try and pass laws allowing more and more uneducated people, such as teenagers in California, to vote thus making them feel an obligation to vote for them. Most, because of that lack of education, would.

Was someone trying to get the voting age lowered in California?
Yes, the democrats in power in California have a bill in congress to do just that. They are trying to pass it before the 2004 election but I believe will fail.

After earnest testimony by teenagers and their youthful supporters, the Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee passed legislation that would lower the state's legal voting age to 14.

If the bills by Sen. John Vasconcellos, D-Santa Clara, become law, they would cause a historic shift in the state political system, dropping a rite of passage long tied to adulthood to an age far below what is typically required nationwide to get a driver's license, a pack of cigarettes or a marriage license.

However, ballots of 14- and 15-year-olds would be counted as one-quarter of an adult vote, while those of 16- and 17-year-olds would be worth one-half of an adult vote.

Originally posted by Omegaman
After earnest testimony by teenagers and their youthful supporters, the Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee passed legislation that would lower the state's legal voting age to 14.

If the bills by Sen. John Vasconcellos, D-Santa Clara, become law, they would cause a historic shift in the state political system, dropping a rite of passage long tied to adulthood to an age far below what is typically required nationwide to get a driver's license, a pack of cigarettes or a marriage license.

However, ballots of 14- and 15-year-olds would be counted as one-quarter of an adult vote, while those of 16- and 17-year-olds would be worth one-half of an adult vote.


liberals will start dragging their kids to the polls and bribing them to vote for their candidate. I can see it now:

"here Johnny, I'll give ya this bag of weed to go smoke with your buddies if you'll just vote for Kerry. And make sure all your friends do too!"
Originally posted by Omegaman
After earnest testimony by teenagers and their youthful supporters, the Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee passed legislation that would lower the state's legal voting age to 14.

If the bills by Sen. John Vasconcellos, D-Santa Clara, become law, they would cause a historic shift in the state political system, dropping a rite of passage long tied to adulthood to an age far below what is typically required nationwide to get a driver's license, a pack of cigarettes or a marriage license.

However, ballots of 14- and 15-year-olds would be counted as one-quarter of an adult vote, while those of 16- and 17-year-olds would be worth one-half of an adult vote.


Talk about desperate :rolleyes: Hmmmm, what was I concerned about at 14-15? My clothes, my hair, my boyfriend, finding a party, and staying out as late as possible. I can't remeber if that's the correct order,but it's probably pretty close. :D
Yes, I can see that as well. This makes it obvious to me that the democrats are worried, very worried. They know they do not have the votes to beat President Bush. They are desperate. They will however fail.

By the way, thanks for the welcome, Musicman.

Omegaman, welcome to you! You're posts look very thoughtful so far.
Thanks to all for the welcome. I hope to have some "interesting" conversations. Thanks again.

Originally posted by Omegaman
After earnest testimony by teenagers and their youthful supporters, the Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee passed legislation that would lower the state's legal voting age to 14.

If the bills by Sen. John Vasconcellos, D-Santa Clara, become law, they would cause a historic shift in the state political system, dropping a rite of passage long tied to adulthood to an age far below what is typically required nationwide to get a driver's license, a pack of cigarettes or a marriage license.

However, ballots of 14- and 15-year-olds would be counted as one-quarter of an adult vote, while those of 16- and 17-year-olds would be worth one-half of an adult vote.


need a link. But interesting. Welcome.:D
Originally posted by Omegaman
Question; How do democrats get votes ?


1) They propose to help people by offering them something, usally money, with the claim they care about them. The reality is that it makes them dependent on the govenment, i.e. the democrats. When that doesn't help them they offer them something more the next electon term. A never ending cycle to obtain votes.
2) They try and pass laws allowing more and more uneducated people, such as teenagers in California, to vote thus making them feel an obligation to vote for them. Most, because of that lack of education, would.
3) They try and give illegal aliens more an more hand outs and so called rights they do not have, including the right to vote, again with the expectation of receiving their votes.
4) They support the athest, socialist, communist, etc. for the same reason, to get their votes.
5) They try their best to divide this country between those they want all to belive are "have nots" and the "haves" which of course are "haves" by some how stopping those "have nots" from realizing their dreams.

In short, the democrats in power obtain their power though disception, false promisies, and outright lies all designed to "buy" their votes and to keep them voting for them because of their, the voters, dependence on those in power.

An intelligent, educated person will be much less likely to fall for this scam and doesn't need these "goodies" they "claim" they will hand out at election time. So it is obvious who the democrat voters are!


:clap1: Bravo Maestro

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