The Trump Effect - Deprogramming the American mind


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Got to have the Donald in every thread, right...

Deprogramming the American mind.
July 28, 2017

Mark Tapson

Six months into the Trump presidency, it seems safe to say that America has never had a political experience like the one he has brought to the White House. He has sparked a stark raving mad #resistance from the left that makes Bush Derangement Syndrome look fair and balanced. The news media hang on his every tweet. Hollywood is practically self-combusting in panic and disbelief. Climate change Cassandras are melting down. Illegal aliens are feeling the heat as well. He has even thrown his own party into turmoil. All of this hysterical disarray has resulted from the impact not of a movement or a Party, but of one man, Donald Trump.


“The Trump effect,” Jarvik begins, “is the deprogramming of the American mind, and Trump is the Deprogrammer-in-Chief.” Since the traumatic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Jarvik notes, “Americans have somehow been programmed, indoctrinated, sort of fed a lot of fantasy ideology, whether it’s in schools, whether in the media, whether in politics,” and the brainwashing and fear induced by this PC totalitarianism is similar to being immersed in a cult. The process of breaking free from its grip is not unlike the process whereby a cult follower is deprogrammed.

Jarvik is hopeful that Trump can break this spell; indeed, he is already doing it. “The techniques Trump is using are the same techniques used by deprogrammers,” he argues. “First they have to discredit the cult leader… [Trump] did it with the Clintons and the Bushes, and he did it with President Obama.”

“The second step is to show the contradictions between what they say and what they’re going to do on a policy or action level. Again, he did that,” and “that’s where the tweets come in.” Jarvik notes that Trump uses Twitter to constantly bombard the public with information and attacks on leftist hypocrisy and policy failures.


The Trump Effect
Got to have the Donald in every thread, right...

Deprogramming the American mind.
July 28, 2017

Mark Tapson

Six months into the Trump presidency, it seems safe to say that America has never had a political experience like the one he has brought to the White House. He has sparked a stark raving mad #resistance from the left that makes Bush Derangement Syndrome look fair and balanced. The news media hang on his every tweet. Hollywood is practically self-combusting in panic and disbelief. Climate change Cassandras are melting down. Illegal aliens are feeling the heat as well. He has even thrown his own party into turmoil. All of this hysterical disarray has resulted from the impact not of a movement or a Party, but of one man, Donald Trump.


“The Trump effect,” Jarvik begins, “is the deprogramming of the American mind, and Trump is the Deprogrammer-in-Chief.” Since the traumatic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Jarvik notes, “Americans have somehow been programmed, indoctrinated, sort of fed a lot of fantasy ideology, whether it’s in schools, whether in the media, whether in politics,” and the brainwashing and fear induced by this PC totalitarianism is similar to being immersed in a cult. The process of breaking free from its grip is not unlike the process whereby a cult follower is deprogrammed.

Jarvik is hopeful that Trump can break this spell; indeed, he is already doing it. “The techniques Trump is using are the same techniques used by deprogrammers,” he argues. “First they have to discredit the cult leader… [Trump] did it with the Clintons and the Bushes, and he did it with President Obama.”

“The second step is to show the contradictions between what they say and what they’re going to do on a policy or action level. Again, he did that,” and “that’s where the tweets come in.” Jarvik notes that Trump uses Twitter to constantly bombard the public with information and attacks on leftist hypocrisy and policy failures.


The Trump Effect

Deprogramming the American mind.

I like that. The more the general public gets deprogrammed, the more Trump unplugs the White House from 12 VDC and converts it to 120 VAC, the more the Left has to up the programming on itself to keep its head buried deeper in the sand. The Left simply cannot survive with a public deprogrammed and unplugged from the brainwashing of its Media.
Trump is doing just what the left feared he would do if elected, expose them.
siji, you need to be exposed to The Truth:the criminal trumpi should be imprisoned soon.

freaQ, try again. it is conservatives who "PROUDLY" call themselves dittoheads.
the criminal trumpi should be imprisoned soon..


2015: That clown will never win the nomination!

Summer of 2016: That clown has no chance!

Fall of 2016: That pussy grabber will never win!

November 7, 2016: Trump and his deplorables are in for a rude awakening!

February 2017: The criminal Trump should be imprisoned soon!

May 2017: The criminal Trump should be imprisoned soon!

June 2017: The criminal Trump should be imprisoned soon!

And Now August 2017: The criminal Trump should be imprisoned soon!

:haha: :poop::spinner:
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are you actually admitting to being so foolish as to support that criminal?

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