The Trump Algorithm


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
I figured out the Trump Algorithm: Bring up person, place or thing that exists. Apply negative adjective. Repeat Negative adjective ending with affirmative question. Proclaim that you will do better in a way to make you feel positive. Declare combative statement. Shrug.

Example: Hey how about this rain huh? It sucks, it really sucks right? When I'm in the town that wont happen when I'm running the show. I'm going to bring back sunshine like you wouldnt believe. Rain? We're not going to take it anymore! We're not...shrug.

Like when he, for some reason decided to go after the Gov of New Mexico, a republican. Things are bad. They are. People are failing you. They are. I wont. I wont.

He faulted her by falsely asserting she was allowing Syrian refugees to settle in the state, and blamed her for Albuquerque’s unemployment numbers as well as the increase in the number of New Mexico residents on food stamps.

“It’s your governor’s fault,” Mr. Trump told thousands of booing supporters. “We have to get your governor and get going. She’s got to do a better job, O.K.? Your governor has got to do a better job.”
Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", or question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race card

9. Play gender card

10. Play gay/lesbian card

11. Make up shit.

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat
Algorithm. In computer science, that is a step by step set of actions to solve a problem.

Go Trump. He will do that. You may resume your cock gagging.
miketx is getting spit roasted on the Board today.

The OP is a pretty good example of what Trump is doing and apparently, so far, doing well.
Let's see...a politician who claims he can "make things better," even though everything they could even imagine has already been tried (and failed), and they have no idea what they are talking about anyway.

How novel.
ClosedCaption you make a keen observation. It plays on people's anger and desires. Sort of how the left does it. Watch:

It sucks that you're poor huh?
How can all those rich people be such money grubbers!!
I'll fix it....I'll take their money away.
Then we'll get that money out there to you all.
Only racists would oppose this right?

Only thing is....we know Trump is full of hot air 75% of the time....but he pissed you libs off and we love it. A presidents power is mostly in messaging and veto power. He doesn't pass laws. There are enough people who will surround Trump that things will go fine. He's smart. He'll appoint experts and they will run the nation....while he spends his 4 to 8 years just pissing you people off!!! And that's enough for me.

You idiots on the other hand....are actually on video thinking Obamas election meant no more gas bill or mortgage....that he had a "stash" of money to send out. Morons.
I'll be extremely happy if President Trump does 3 things:
1. Veto bad shit
2. Don't veto good shit
3. Keep saying things that push lefties to mental breakdowns.

He can easily do all 3. And if the GOP keeps Congress....things will be just fine.
Geez, will lefties ever stop whining? Read Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" sometime. Hillary was a follower of Alinsky and wrote a paper praising him in college. Rules for Radicals has always been the key to the democrat party play book.
I figured out the Trump Algorithm: Bring up person, place or thing that exists. Apply negative adjective. Repeat Negative adjective ending with affirmative question. Proclaim that you will do better in a way to make you feel positive. Declare combative statement. Shrug.

Example: Hey how about this rain huh? It sucks, it really sucks right? When I'm in the town that wont happen when I'm running the show. I'm going to bring back sunshine like you wouldnt believe. Rain? We're not going to take it anymore! We're not...shrug.

Like when he, for some reason decided to go after the Gov of New Mexico, a republican. Things are bad. They are. People are failing you. They are. I wont. I wont.

He faulted her by falsely asserting she was allowing Syrian refugees to settle in the state, and blamed her for Albuquerque’s unemployment numbers as well as the increase in the number of New Mexico residents on food stamps.

“It’s your governor’s fault,” Mr. Trump told thousands of booing supporters. “We have to get your governor and get going. She’s got to do a better job, O.K.? Your governor has got to do a better job.”


Has anyone been out shopping? Huh? What a disaster? ITS A FAILURE! Failure! When I own the Mall things will be waaaay different. You wait and see it'll be beautiful. Arent you tired of crowds of rude people? Me too! Thats why you're here to take a stand and say NO MORE!

No more...Shrug
Only thing is....we know Trump is full of hot air 75% of the time....but he pissed you libs off and we love it.

I told you long time ago Republicans dont have values, their only care is sticking their fingers in peoples eyes. Minorities, women, gays etc etc.

So now, after all that whining about America being so terrible republicans dont care about policies or even truth. They just want their finger to get some eye juice on it.
You can even do it with complicated issues you dont understand:

I heard about Nato today. NATO? Can you believe it? What a joke! The problem with NATO is they dont understand you! The American people!

But I do! NATO has gone too far and its time they were stopped. Am I right?
Oh yeah and everything is "bad" a "failure" "not good"

But when he's in charge everything will be "fantastic" "unbelieveable"

How? No details on that.
Trump has dropped at least five points since Sunday.

It will only be worse for him. Ryan is kicking him again.
I figured out the Trump Algorithm: Bring up person, place or thing that exists. Apply negative adjective. Repeat Negative adjective ending with affirmative question. Proclaim that you will do better in a way to make you feel positive. Declare combative statement. Shrug.

Example: Hey how about this rain huh? It sucks, it really sucks right? When I'm in the town that wont happen when I'm running the show. I'm going to bring back sunshine like you wouldnt believe. Rain? We're not going to take it anymore! We're not...shrug.

Like when he, for some reason decided to go after the Gov of New Mexico, a republican. Things are bad. They are. People are failing you. They are. I wont. I wont.

He faulted her by falsely asserting she was allowing Syrian refugees to settle in the state, and blamed her for Albuquerque’s unemployment numbers as well as the increase in the number of New Mexico residents on food stamps.

“It’s your governor’s fault,” Mr. Trump told thousands of booing supporters. “We have to get your governor and get going. She’s got to do a better job, O.K.? Your governor has got to do a better job.”
if i tell you the secret you'll try to deny it at first, and then you'll try to argue against it, and then you'll agree but you won't admit that you agree until later on when you try to play it off as though it was your idea. so instead i will just ask if you noticed how obama went to the press conference and it's like he's having some mild cognitive dissonance about saying the word ''islam'' because trump made him do it? even hillary fell for the same click-bait, so to speak. obama and hillary believe in the power of propaganda, their scripted talking points. that's their experience, it's what they know, and it's what they assume to be the case for everyone else. famous hillary quote: ''we are in an information war and we are losing that war''

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