The top 25 colleges in America


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
My own personal opinion is that all of them have turned into havens for the ultra-left academics. However, this is the ratings:


Make up your own minds by reading story @ Best colleges in America 2015 graphic - Business Insider
The right done it to themselves becoming anti-education, anti-government and anti-common sense as it has. 60 years ago the right knew how to promote their social beliefs with the understanding that government was a necessary part of society. Colleges are owned by the left as they seen the value in them while the right stood in their bed rooms and bitched.

The more illogical anti-government you become the more the left can drive to the left and win. Like I keep screaming loudly,,,most people in this country want infrastructure, science, investment in r&d, education and sane regulations....The left as insane as it is believes in these.The left wins because paving our roads, teaching our children and believing science is important is seen as a good thing.
Yes but one doesnt need an education to start off making 70 grand plus full benefits. Heck without one you can work 60 hours per week for $12 an hour and make 1/2 of that with no benefits.
Yes but one doesnt need an education to start off making 70 grand plus full benefits. Heck without one you can work 60 hours per week for $12 an hour and make 1/2 of that with no benefits.
But that $12 dollar a job you can move up and with no 100's of thousands of dollars in student debt.
Most of those are universities....not colleges....just saying. There IS a difference.
My own personal opinion is that all of them have turned into havens for the ultra-left academics. However, this is the ratings:


Make up your own minds by reading story @ Best colleges in America 2015 graphic - Business Insider
Did I miss Bob Jones University?
Pepperdine University?
Baylor University?
Whitworth University?
Oral Roberts University?

In fact, is it true that no true Christian type "Christian College" is rated higher than tier four in the entire United States?
#17 Harvey Mudd college has the highest starting salary.

never heard of this place, they should advertise more and lead with that info
#17 Harvey Mudd college has the highest starting salary.

never heard of this place, they should advertise more and lead with that info
Engineering. Makes sense the salary would be higher. Engineer is hard.
Yes but one doesnt need an education to start off making 70 grand plus full benefits. Heck without one you can work 60 hours per week for $12 an hour and make 1/2 of that with no benefits.
You said: Yes but one doesnt need an education to start off making 70 grand plus full benefits.

That's fantastic. So tell where and what those jobs are.
#17 Harvey Mudd college has the highest starting salary.

never heard of this place, they should advertise more and lead with that info
#17 Harvey Mudd college has the highest starting salary.

never heard of this place, they should advertise more and lead with that info
Engineering. Makes sense the salary would be higher. Engineer is hard.
and I would advertise the fuck outta our numbers.

Go to Haahvard and make less than Mudd.

coined it
The biggest single factor driving American academe to the political Left was the Vietnam War. Draft dodgers (uniformly Left-leaning) ALL went to college, and found the academic environment soft and cozy, and they remained in school as long as possible in order to retain their draft deferments. Over time, they moved up, gaining professorships and department chairs, eventually driving out anyone not ideologically similar. Hence we have no more than a smattering of professors in the entire country who are - I won't even say Conservative or Libertarian - NOT extreme left-wingers of one sort or another.

The starting salary information above has to be taken with a grain of salt. The majority of students at these institutions are upper middle-class and well-connected even before they go to college, and are hard-wired into good, fast-track positions, regardless of what college they would choose to attend.

P.S. Engineering is a very dubious career choice, even though it often carries the highest starting salaries for new graduates. Career advancement for pure engineers is very limited. There are perpetual complaints that each year's new grads are getting as much as engineers who have been with the Company for years. The best options, financially, for engineers are technical sales, project management, or law. Sorry to say.
Has anyone ever met someone who graduated from Harvey Mudd college?

Holy crap, I have to admit I had never heard of it.

Believe it or not, I have.

In fact, I seem to remember a student from there on Jeopardy. Did pretty good
You said: Yes but one doesnt need an education to start off making 70 grand plus full benefits.

That's fantastic. So tell where and what those jobs are.
I know a guy that just started driving for UPS.

He will be making 70+ with full benefits. ..... :cool:

I guess unions can still be beneficial, unless of course they are teacher's unions. We don't want teachers making a decent living, but it's great when UPS drivers average more than teachers.

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