The Three R's?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Should highschools focus on the three Rs and preparing students for higher education, or should they also offer a parallel path for students to focus on specific skill sets and and develop the skills necessary for entry into a given field of employment? Should the last two years of high school strictly prepare students for college, or should student be able to choose to finish those two years in what amounts to a trade or technical school so they can enter directly into the work force as a semiskilled labourer while also developing the skills (math etc) needed for future advancement in their chosen field?
Offer an alternative as well.

Of course, then we get into budgetary concerns...but I'm going on the assumption for the purpose of the post that we all have endless wallets :)
The three R's should be focused on regardless of whether college, trade school, or work is the plan for post high school.

Our school system offers VoTech training for the h.s. kids to take if they are not college oriented. They offer about 15 different courses ranging from auto motive repair (body work and engine/interior work); culinary; security; HVAC, food services, health field, etc. They go for junior and senior year, usually 1/2 day at VoTech and 1/2 day at school.

Not all kids are geared for college and yes, I think alternatives should be offered for those kids.
Where's that Z-B? I don't know how their implementation is, but it sounds like they've got the right idea where you live.

JB, I agree, Voc training should be an option at all high schools, or at least in each county depending on funds, with the option of the kids from the surrounding schools able to attend.

We have a GREAT one here in Indy, check it out:

J. Everett Light Career Center
It makes no sense to be teaching Shakespeare and Algebra to special education kids. We should absolutely bring back trade schools for teens who are not college bound. We are preparing half of them for nothing.
Perhaps we should learn from the Germans, they offer both college and trade schools. The classes in the trade schools are partially funded by german businesses, who also get a say in what courses are taught. This makes sense when you consider they will be the ones offering the jobs.
Where's that Z-B? I don't know how their implementation is, but it sounds like they've got the right idea where you live.

I live in northeast PA. Pretty good school district . . . for a public school district.

My son (special needs) is going 1/2 V.T. 1/2 day h.s. next year for the culinary course. We'll see how that goes. He's a senior next year and will walk with his class but the kids with IEP's (individual education plans) can continue with the school district till they are 21. So he'll likely continue at the VoTech for a few mores years, perhaps taking other courses. Don't know yet . . . have to wait and see.

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