The Things Liberals Say


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
48 Liberals.htm
"Pet ownership is slavery. I don't believe human beings have the "right to life." That's a supremacist perversion. A rat is a dog is a boy."
Ingrid Newkirk:
co-founder and national director,
People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals (PETA)
"A rat is a dog is a boy?" In her case, that's true!

"We have ended the dreaded Communism, we must now end the dreaded capitalism...
We have to use less. Cutting our consumption by 75% is a very reasonable and relatively easily obtainable goal."
Andy Kerr:
Executive director, Oregon Natural Resources Council
Wow. Can you eat 75% less food and drink 75% less water? Maybe you can drive just
25% of the way to work and crawl the rest of the way? By the way, communism is not
dead. It is alive and well on American college campuses.

"Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not
Catherine Bertini:
Executive director, UN World Food Program
No, Catherine. I call that blackmail; I call that murder; I call that genocide. Now "you" know why the world is starving.

"Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"
Maurice Strong
Under-secretary-general of the UN.
Secretary General of the 1992
Earth Summit. Special assistant
to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan
Exactly! That IS what they are trying to do. The Clinton administration agrees!

"Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our Founding Fathers, toward his parents, toward our elected officials, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you, teachers, to make all these sick children well by creating the international child of the future."
Chester M. Pierce
Professor, Department of Educational
Psychiatry, Harvard University.
Get your children out of public (government) school today! Don't wait! Pierce et. al. is
why private and home schools are the fastest growing industry in the US.

"This new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its only upbringing. Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."
Adolph Hitler
Chancellor of Nazi Germany
Mass Murderer.
Please explain the difference between the Harvard professor and the Führer?

"I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the
public school classroom by teachers that correctly perceive their new role as proselytizers a new faith which will replace the rotting corpse of Christianity."
John J. Dunphy
That says it all!
"Recalcitrant parents were warned that their children would be taken from them and put into orphanages or other homes unless they enrolled their children in Hitler's program."
William Shirer
Leftist historian on the Nazi party
I quoted him so I could quote........
"Imagine an army of 100,000 young people restoring urban and rural communities and
giving their labor in exchange for education and training.... National service will harness the energy of our youth and attack the problems of our time. It literally has the potential to revolutionize the way young people all across America look at their country and feel about themselves."
William Jefferson Blithe Clinton
President of the United States.
Exchanging labor for "government education?" Now, what does Clinton think that the problems of our time are? Private property! Gun Ownership! Low taxes! Christianity!
You get the picture. Do you want your child to see the US the way Clinton sees it?
Bill Clinton is a fascist! Let me point out more Clinton/Hitler similarities.
"This year will go down in history! For the first time a civilized nation has full gun
registration. Our streets will be safer, our police will be more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future."
Adolph Hitler/ Bill Clinton
Leaders of formerly free nations.
As it was for Nazi Germany, so it will be for us if we allow the Sara Bradys of this world to succeed!
"The most effective means of fighting crime in the United States is to outlaw the
possession of any type of firearm by the civilian populace."
Janet Reno
U.S. Attorney General.
No Adolph.... I mean Janet. Guns being outlawed will bring about tyranny. Being a
tyrant, Janet, you should know!

"When the government fears the People, that is Liberty. When the People fear the Government, that is tyranny."

--Thomas Jefferson

" I am one who believes that as a first step the U.S. should move expeditiously to disarm the civilian population, other than police, and security officers, of all handguns, pistols, and revolvers... No one should have a right to anonymous ownership or use of a gun."
Dean Morris
Professor, Director, Law
Enforcement Assistance Admin.
Too bad that darned Constitution gets in the way. However, once the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution is set aside, the 1st Amendment will not be far behind!

"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
Richard Salant
Former President of CBS News.
No!!! The news media is not liberal!?!?
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history in America, as an independent press. You know it and and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print.... The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting of an independent press? We are the tools and the vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
John Swinton
(former) chief of staff of
The New York Times.
Wow, a journalist telling the truth? He must have went home afterwards feeling guilty.
You know that's true!

"We in the press like to say we're honest brokers of information, and it's just not true._ The press does have an agenda."

Bernard Goldberg: Commentator on CBS's "48 Hours"

Surprise, surprise.

"To hell with the news._ I'm no longer interested in news._ I'm interested in causes._ We don't print the truth._ We don't pretend to print the truth."

Ben Bradlee
(former) Executive editor, the Washington Post

___ This is the newspaper that your favorite politician reads and bases his or her vote on; not what you say. Send this quote to your Washington representative!

___ "By executive order 12938, I declare a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons ("weapons of mass destruction") and the means of delivering such weapons... I am continuing the national emergency declared in Executive Order Number 12938."

Bill Clinton: Commander in Chief

___ The irony is that Clinton himself is the national emergency._ He sold technology to the Chinese that can deliver such weapons._ He is the one bombing a sovereign nation that, in my opinion, will cause them to pull a terrorist act on US soil so that Clinton can declare Martial Law and suspend elections. _ I am not kidding.

___ "I pledge allegiance to Planet Earth, mother of all nations; and to the Infinite Universe in which she stands; our planet, among millions, expressing truth and unlimited possibilities for all."

Yvonne Alden: Environmentalist; this pledge was distributed to schools all across the US.

Nice sentiment, evil intent.

__ "I think [all private property] should be in the public domain._ We should get it all._ Be unreasonable._ You can do it. Yesterday's heresy is today's common wisdom._ So I would say, let's take it back, let's take it all back."

Brock Evans:_ Vice President._ National Audubon Society

So, the next time the Audubon Society calls for a donation, just hand over the deed to your house._ It will save time._ I wonder if Brock "owns" a house? _ The next time some one comes in your home and you don't want them there, too bad! It's in the public domain. You won't have to worry about 4th Amendment anymore.

___ "We reject the idea of private property."

Peter Berle: (former) president, National Audubon Society, board member Sierra Club.

_ _ Yea! They want the birds to own it._ You and Brock hand over your house deeds and I will follow suite.

___ "The theory of Communism may be summed up in a single sentence: Abolition of private property."

Karl Marx: writer of "Communist Manifesto" and "Das Capital."_ Father of Communism along with Engels.

_ _ I just wanted you to know what Brock and Peter and the Audubon Society and the Sierra club really were.

The following is one of my favorites:

___ "We are going to try to take all the money that we think is unnecessarily being spent and take it from the "haves" and give it to the "have nots" that need it so much."

Lyndon Baines Johnson: former US President and architect of the "Great Society"

_ _ That pretty much sums up the US government at this point. _ "They" decide how much money you are to keep, not you._ We now have a whole generation that does not know how to work, and a large part of the black population has been wreaked!!!!_ I have a question._ Has the "Great Society" worked; at all?
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___ "Is it possible heterosexuality is a phase you will grow out of?_ Is it possible you are heterosexual because you fear the same sex? _ If you have never slept with anyone of the same sex, how do you know you wouldn't prefer that? Is it possible you merely need a good gay experience?"

Question used in a test administered at a Framingham, Massachusetts high school.

___ This is what we call "brainwashing", courtesy of your government schools.

Follow up questions:

__ "Most child molesters are heterosexual men. _ Do you consider it safe to expose your children to heterosexual males? _ Heterosexual male teachers particularly?"

___ "How can you have a truly satisfying relationship with someone of the opposite sex, given the obvious physical and emotional differences?"

___ "Why are there so few successful heterosexual relationships?"

___ "Given the problems men and women face, would you want your child to be heterosexual? If they were, would you consider aversion therapy?"

___ "I'd say, 'Gee, I just don't remember what happened back then,' and they won't be able to indict me for perjury and that, maybe that's the principle thing I've learned in four years... I just intend to rely on that failure of memory."

Charles Ruff:_ Clinton Administration White House Counsel.

The Clinton Administration in a nut shell.

___ "I just don't have any memory of that."

Hillary Rodham Clinton:_ First "Lady" of the United States.

__ Taking Ruff's advice.

___ "We are on the verge of a global transformation. _ All we need is the right major crisis and the nation will accept the New World Order."

David Rockefeller: Founder and honorary chairman, Council of the Americas. _ Chairman, Americas Society. Founder, Forum of the Americas. Chairman emeritus, Council on Foreign Relations._ Founder and honorary chairman, Trilateral Commission.

___ I believe that is what Bill Clinton is trying to do right now!!!!

___ "The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England... and... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."

Carroll Quigley:_ Professor of history at Georgetown University. _ Bill Clinton mentor.

_ _ I don't believe in conspiracies._ These people are doing this out in the open and most people see it as being so outrageous, they don't believe it is happening!_ That is how they are getting it done.

___ "We shall have World Government whether or not you like it._ The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

James Paul Warburg: Member; Council on Foreign Relations, Rothschild Dynasty; major player in the Federal Reserve Act scam.

___ We are surrounded._ What are you going to do about it?

___ "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

The Council of the Club of Rome: (100 globalist leaders).

___ The real enemy is the Council of the Club of Rome.

___ "I got the impression that instead of going out to shoot birds, I should go out and shoot the kids who shoot birds."

Paul Watson: Co-founder of Greenpeace.

___ Why does this not surprise me?

___ "We routinely wrote scare stories about the hazards of chemicals, employing words like "cancer," and "birth defects" to splash a little cold water in reporters' faces... Our press reports were more or less true... Few handouts, however, can be completely honest, and ours were no exception... We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment."

Jim Sibbison: (former) EPA press officer.

___ What?_ A government agency was lying?_ They wiped the sheeple (environmentalists) into a frenzy._ Baaaa_ Baaaa!

___ "I think if we don't overthrow capitalism, we don't have a chance of saving the world ecologically._ I think it is possible to have an ecologically sound society under socialism._ I don't think it's possible under capitalism."

Judi Bari: Earth First!

___ Judi is 100% wrong._ Socialism has caused great damage to the ex-Soviet Union, plus, the US is the cleanest place in the world._ Judi is using environmentalism to bring about her political agenda._ She either is a dup or is causing others to be duped.

___ "We need a coordinated global program to accomplish the stratigic goal of completely eliminating the internal combustion engine over, say, a twenty-five year period."

Al Gore: Author; Earth in the Balance.

___ One heartbeat away from the Presidency.

___ "We've got to ride the global-warming issue._ Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy."

Timothy Wirth:_ US Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs.

___ Your government:_ doing the right thing with wrong information._ I am so glad they are taking care of me.

___ "We have to offer up scary scenarios about global warming and destruction of the environment, make simplifies, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts one might have... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."

Stephen Schneider: Stanford University Environmentalist.

___ A typical liberal._ "You" are too stupid to hear the truth so he and his ilk will feed you inaccurate information to get you to believe a lie that fits his politics.

Another favorite quote:

___ "Human happiness and certainly human productivity are not as important as a wild and healthy planet._ I know social scientists who remind me that people are part of nature, but it isn't true._ Somewhere along the line - at about a billion years ago and maybe half that - we quit the contract and became a cancer. _ We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the earth..._ Until such time as Homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along."

David Graber: Research biologist at the National Park Service.

____ What David really means is that human "life" is not as important as animal and plant life._ If a baby were in the road and a raccoon were in the road and a car was coming along, who would David rescue? _ I think you know.

___ "The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans."

Dr. Reed F. Noss: Director, Wildlands Project.

___ Ibid.

___ "While the death of young men in war is unfortunate, it is no more serious than the touching of mountains and wilderness areas by humankind. _ Loggers losing their jobs because of Spotted_ Owl legislation is, in my eyes, no different than people being shut out of work after the furnaces of Dachau shut down."

David Brower:_ Director, Sierra Club.

___ David is evil incarnate! He is comparing the murder of millions of Jews to the inconvenience of some owls.

___ "Do the "Wild Earth" and the "Wildlands Project" advocate the end of industrial civilization?_ Most assuredly. _ Everything civilized must go!"

John Davis:_ Editor of Wild Earth and Earth First Journal.

___ I can't wait to go out and buy these magazines and put myself out of a job!; and end civilization!?!?!?

___ "But now we know that if we're going to have mountain lions around, maybe they're going to eat us every now and then._ I'm comfortable with that..."

Dr. Paul Beier:_ Wildlife ecologist._ Northern Arizona University.

___ As I said, these people favor animals over humans every time.

___ "If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels."

Prince Phillip: Husband of Queen Elizabeth II._ Founder, World Wildlife Fund.

___ Hitler, Stalin, and Mao reincarnated as Prince Phillip. _ Face it, he wants you dead.

Another favorite quote:

___ "Our society is turning toward more and more needless consumption._ It is a vicious circle that I compare to cancer... Should we eliminate suffering, diseases?_ The idea is beautiful, but perhaps not a benefit for the long term._ We should not allow our dread of diseases to endanger the future of our species... In order to stabilize world population, we need to eliminate 350,000 people a day._ It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it."

Jacques Cousteau._ Underwater explorer.

___ I am speechless.

Another favorite quote:

___ "Right now, there are just way too many people on the planet._ A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."

Ted Turner: Turner Broadcasting. Owner of CNN.

___ Who decides who lives and who dies Adolph,..._ er, I mean, Ted?_ Do you and Jane want a 95% reduction in revenues?

___ "To feed a starving child is to exacerbate the world overpopulation problem."

Dr. LaMont Cole: Yale University environmentalist.

___ Marie Antoinette said, "Let them eat cake." _ Cole says, "Let them eat nothing."
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I'm sorry, these people are a fucking blight and a cancer on the world.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I'm sorry, these people are a fucking blight and a cancer on the world.

Is that why you identify with them so well?

and did you call Thomas Jefferson a liberal?
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Originally posted by insein
No i think he threw jefferson in there to show the idiocy of some of these comments. Jefferson is correct.

these comments are someone elses. They're the person who compiled this list 's.
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Originally posted by insein
regardless, i think thats what the author was intending to do.

I don't recall that particular one and have been too lazy to reread, honestly. Most of the comments are dead on I found. I tend to back your interpretation insein, sight unseen.
"The most effective means of fighting crime in the United States is to outlaw the
possession of any type of firearm by the civilian populace."
Janet Reno
U.S. Attorney General.
No Adolph.... I mean Janet. Guns being outlawed will bring about tyranny. Being a
tyrant, Janet, you should know!

"When the government fears the People, that is Liberty. When the People fear the Government, that is tyranny."

--Thomas Jefferson

Thats the quote in question. TJ is right on.
Originally posted by insein
Thats the quote in question. TJ is right on.

yep. I knew I would agree with you, Insein (in the membrane).

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