The terror of the anti-liberty movement


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
The terror of the anti-liberty movement​

By: Bob -
Dec• 11•12

It has been instructive to read articles like Joel S. Hirschhorn’s Gun Hypocrisy, and to listen and watch as gun control zealots panic over the number of American purchasing firearms. These sad individuals seem utterly terrified that the 200+ million firearms and untold billions (if not trillions) of rounds of ammunition in civilian hands will be used against an increasingly invasive and lawbreaking government.

Ladd Everitt, communications director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) in particular freaked out last night when he sarcastically asked if the Obama Administration was guilty of tyranny, and I provided a dictionary definition, of the word, which is “the arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power,” and then pointed out the undeniable fact that the Obama Administration arbitrarly ignores written law as a matter of policy, which fits that definition precisely.

A hysterical Everitt then called me a “traitor” and “insurrectionist pro-gun activist” for providing that dictionary definition, and pointing out dozens of news articles by news organizations that prove that definition fits.

These men and those like them seem desperately worried that a massive armed uprising against the federal government could be imminent, and have put a considerable amount of time into thinking about (and no doubt losing sleep over) the possibility of that happening.

Hirschhorn seems to think gun owners are hypocrites for not already declaring war, and thinks that they haven’t done so because they are parasites of the very system they protest:

…how much worse does the government have to become before they finally get the courage to use their guns and restore American democracy and liberties? Do they think elections will save their nation?

After all, on a number of recent occasions, such as the election and reelection of President Obama, gun and ammunition sales have skyrocketed, despite an already historic level of gun and ammunition ownership. Yet still these millions of gun-happy constitutionalists do not act. What is going on?

Is it rational to explain all this by seeing the gun crowd as being incredibly patient?

Is all their talk and high-minded claims to be the last hope to save the country just a bunch of empty rhetoric?

Here is what I think explains this remarkable contradiction. In truth, the gun crowd that see themselves as the ultimate patriots, like the original revolutionaries that fought the British and created the USA, is itself conflicted by self-interests. That is, most gun owners are receiving so many economic benefits from the existing government and economy that they are unwilling to risk all of them by a massive disruption of the whole US system. Just like we saw incredible numbers of protesting Tea Party people looking old enough to be collecting Social Security and Medicare benefits, the overwhelming majority of gun nuts are also feeding off of the national system they keep attacking.​
All Americans benefit from our capitalist system, from the richest of the rich, to the poorest of the poor. We are the only nation in human history where obesity is a common problem among those in poverty.

At the present, our nation has now twice elected the son of communists, and he is working with a cadre of Marxists, communists, and socialists to fundamentally change the core of our economic system from capitalism to socialism, at a time where even the most blind among us should be able to see—live and in color—socialism collapsing in Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain (the so-called “PIIGS”). We are witnessing now the investor-class and wealthy fleeing French socialism, and the crippling decline of the Swedes, Belgians, and British social order and the bankruptcy of their social health and welfare systems. We seem American individuals and companies hiding their wealth offshore as a hedge against government greed.

And yet, America has not violently revolted against Obama, his radical leftist allies, and the “takers” undermining what was once an economic engine unparalleled.

Is it true, as Hirschhorn posits, that American gun owners haven’t rebelled because Americans gun owners are parasites? It is possible, but I find it unlikely.

Like the Colonial Patriots, modern-day Americans are slow to anger and seek to address failures and injustice through petition and policy. Even though our government infringes into our lives far beyond anything our Founders would have accepted without putting politicians to the blade, modern Americans have an advantage secured by the efforts of the colonials that they did not: the ballot box.

America’s gun owners are by nature conservative, practical, and slow to anger. As bad as the government has become under this and previous Presidents, we hold out hope that we can salvage the Republic without force of arms. Millions of American put on uniforms and put their lives on the line to win and protect our right to vote for non-violent change, and we will not disrespect their sacrifice by quickly or arbitrarily rushing into violence.

Much like the colonials of the 1760s and early 1770s, we have seen the rise of leviathan, and see the path towards tyranny laid out before us. We are taking the necessary, prudent, and practical precautions of equipping ourselves against corruption that would attempt to impose its will on us by force.

No American remotely cognizant of history wants the horrors of fighting another rebellion. We’re aware of the hardships, the destruction, poverty, and misery war brings, and many recent veterans and serving servicemen especially, have seen this sort of horror firsthand.

War is an awful thing, but:

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The terror of the anti-liberty movement « Bob Owens

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