the terms "conservative" and "liberal" are abused and misused by most Americans

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.
I think the vast majority of American don't align themselves with either party!!!!!

I firmly believe that the Constitution of the United States of America and those of each individual states are the primary Laws of the Land. I also believe that every bill currently in effect and proposed for vote should clearly state by which provision of the above documents the bill is authorized. If that can't be done - it should never become law.

I believe the Federal government has gotten to big and usurped the rights of the various states. I also believe that state representatives don't have the jevos to stand up and fight for their individual states' rights!!!

I believe the federal government ONLY has the responsibility to defend this country, to provide for a cover all financial system and to settle disputes between the various states. NOTHING ELSE!!!

I believe it is the RESPONSIBILITY of each eligible citizen to register and to vote after having learned everything possible about legislation and legislators. If you don't like the way the country is going, get off your duffs and do something to help fix it! {I think that's way so many pols hate the Tea Party!!!}:evil:
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.

Your opinions noted.

So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.

The left hijack whatever they can to get the agenda done, most people that claim to be liberal in politics changed from being liberal to being Progressive as soon as the masses figured out exactly what "Liberal" meant in todays politics, and once the masses figure out what the term "Progressive" means the left will change their names again, and they will do this over and over until the agenda is met.
Remember when hillary used to be just a Liberal? we figured her and the rest of them out now she is a......
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Communist, Progressive, Socialist, Marxist - Hillary Clinton Admits She's A Progressive‬‏[/ame]
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.

The left hijack whatever they can to get the agenda done, most people that claim to be liberal in politics changed from being liberal to being Progressive as soon as the masses figured out exactly what "Liberal" meant in todays politics, and once the masses figure out what the term "Progressive" means the left will change their names again, and they will do this over and over until the agenda is met.
Remember when hillary used to be just a Liberal? we figured her and the rest of them out now she is a......

Dude, that goes for both parties, they both have hijacked terms that don't apply to the policies of their respective parties, Republitards like associating themselves with being conservative but their economic policies, especially their want for more freedom for corporate America and private sector is liberal, they want unrestricted freedom for those two to do whatever the hell they want with freedom from regulation, that is not conservative.
I think the vast majority of American don't align themselves with either party!!!!!

I firmly believe that the Constitution of the United States of America and those of each individual states are the primary Laws of the Land. I also believe that every bill currently in effect and proposed for vote should clearly state by which provision of the above documents the bill is authorized. If that can't be done - it should never become law.

I believe the Federal government has gotten to big and usurped the rights of the various states. I also believe that state representatives don't have the jevos to stand up and fight for their individual states' rights!!!

I believe the federal government ONLY has the responsibility to defend this country, to provide for a cover all financial system and to settle disputes between the various states. NOTHING ELSE!!!

I believe it is the RESPONSIBILITY of each eligible citizen to register and to vote after having learned everything possible about legislation and legislators. If you don't like the way the country is going, get off your duffs and do something to help fix it! {I think that's way so many pols hate the Tea Party!!!}:evil:

Your position is typical of classical liberalism and libertarianism, not true conservatism, Republitards have hijacked some of those elements and called in being conservative.
Wow. Charlie's so astute, he worked out all by himself what lots of us have been saying for years. Welcome to reality, Charlie.

Whatever you partisan hack, you Democrats and Republitards are nothing more than left and right leaning libertarians.
Probably the first thing I ever read from Bass where my first reaction wasn't "What a fucking asshole!"

I like it...It was well thought out, made sense and I agree with almost all of it. Pos Repped him too for it

Can the 20-mile wide civilization destroying asteroid be far behind?
Probably the first thing I ever read from Bass where my first reaction wasn't "What a fucking asshole!"

I like it...It was well thought out, made sense and I agree with almost all of it. Pos Repped him too for it

Can the 20-mile wide civilization destroying asteroid be far behind?

So why do you call yourself conservative?
Probably the first thing I ever read from Bass where my first reaction wasn't "What a fucking asshole!"

I like it...It was well thought out, made sense and I agree with almost all of it. Pos Repped him too for it

Can the 20-mile wide civilization destroying asteroid be far behind?

So why do you call yourself conservative?

Because I am. I'm libertarian on social issues, but Libertarians never get invited to all the cool parties
I'm a strict constitutional conservative, if it's not in the constitution I do not support it. I really dont care about anyones feelings on issues, there is an amendment process for that.
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.

The left hijack whatever they can to get the agenda done, most people that claim to be liberal in politics changed from being liberal to being Progressive as soon as the masses figured out exactly what "Liberal" meant in todays politics, and once the masses figure out what the term "Progressive" means the left will change their names again, and they will do this over and over until the agenda is met.
Remember when hillary used to be just a Liberal? we figured her and the rest of them out now she is a......
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Communist, Progressive, Socialist, Marxist - Hillary Clinton Admits She's A Progressive‬‏[/ame]

Republicans/conservatives behave no better when they hold all the power. "Our way or the highway" isn't a new mantra, ya know. By 2002, the neocons had hijacked the GOP to the point veteran Republicans didn't even recognize the party anymore. Now they're trying to hijack the social agenda, which of course they COULD have done in the 8 years they were in power, because Mr. Bush was never a heavy user of his veto power, although he threatened plenty in order to advance HIS agenda. In fact, he never vetoed a spending bill. Not once.

Before neocons, and the even newer movement of pro-business/anti-middle class conservatives, managed to turn "liberalism" into a synonym for welfare abuse, it was a noble political philosophy based on the idea that citizens should be called upon to look beyond their own self-interests and work for a common interest. The American way. Imagine that.
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.

Are you Merriam Webster now? Leave the defining of words to others, you seem to be bad at it.
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.

The left hijack whatever they can to get the agenda done, most people that claim to be liberal in politics changed from being liberal to being Progressive as soon as the masses figured out exactly what "Liberal" meant in todays politics, and once the masses figure out what the term "Progressive" means the left will change their names again, and they will do this over and over until the agenda is met.
Remember when hillary used to be just a Liberal? we figured her and the rest of them out now she is a......
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Communist, Progressive, Socialist, Marxist - Hillary Clinton Admits She's A Progressive‬‏[/ame]

Republicans/conservatives behave no better when they hold all the power. "Our way or the highway" isn't a new mantra, ya know. By 2002, the neocons had hijacked the GOP to the point veteran Republicans didn't even recognize the party anymore. Now they're trying to hijack the social agenda, which of course they COULD have done in the 8 years they were in power, because Mr. Bush was never a heavy user of his veto power, although he threatened plenty in order to advance HIS agenda. In fact, he never vetoed a spending bill. Not once.

Before neocons, and the even newer movement of pro-business/anti-middle class conservatives, managed to turn "liberalism" into a synonym for welfare abuse, it was a noble political philosophy based on the idea that citizens should be called upon to look beyond their own self-interests and work for a common interest. The American way. Imagine that.

Absolutely, the motivating factor behind the passion of the Tea Party is politicans not being held accountable, and folding up their principals once taking federal office.

And that is why I believe the Tea Party is a positive influence, they aren't going to allow someone to be two-faced and get away with it.

We will see because in 2012 at the very least I see the Republicans, with Tea Party support, retaking the Senate. A Republican majority in both houses, with Tea Party libertarian conservatives, I believe is what is needed to reign in this federal power grab.
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.
I disagree with your premise.
Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.
I could agree.
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.

The problem with claiming either political party is that both of them have been hijacked by lunatic fringe groups. I personally don't care if anyone has an abortion. They can abort themselves if that's what they want.

All I ask is that they don't ask me to pay for their abortion.

Likewise, I don't care if they are gay, straight white, black, yellow, Indian or native American. All I ask is that they do what they want and pay for it themselves and don't hurt anyone else while they are pursuing their own happiness.

I'll thank them to afford me the same courtesy.

I am a Conservative and, to me, that's what a Conservative is.

To me, a Liberal is someone who believes in their heart that they are smarter than I am and that it is their duty to dominate my actions for my own good.

Liberal = nosey and intrusive butinskies who are trying to save the world for people to live in a manner that they promote.

Conservatives = deliberately independant people who strive to allow people to pursue their own happiness.
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.

The problem with claiming either political party is that both of them have been hijacked by lunatic fringe groups. I personally don't care if anyone has an abortion. They can abort themselves if that's what they want.

All I ask is that they don't ask me to pay for their abortion.

Likewise, I don't care if they are gay, straight white, black, yellow, Indian or native American. All I ask is that they do what they want and pay for it themselves and don't hurt anyone else while they are pursuing their own happiness.

I'll thank them to afford me the same courtesy.

I am a Conservative and, to me, that's what a Conservative is.

To me, a Liberal is someone who believes in their heart that they are smarter than I am and that it is their duty to dominate my actions for my own good.

Liberal = nosey and intrusive butinskies who are trying to save the world for people to live in a manner that they promote.

Conservatives = deliberately independant people who strive to allow people to pursue their own happiness.

And one implies action while the other implies wishful thinking.
So called "conservative" Republitards are just far right and have a combination of social conservatism mixed with predominant classical liberalism, after all, wanting corporate America and the private sector to have laissez-fair is not very "conservative at all, they want a more freer and "liberal" approach thus they are called "classical liberals" or libertarian, specifically the latter.

Most of what so called self proclaimed "liberals" profess to be liberal and progressive is not very liberal or progressive at all, being pro-choice, pro gay marriage and gay adoptions, is not progressive nor liberal, to be progressive IMO is to bring progress and improve and move beyond something. wanting more government control or oversight is not very "liberal" at all either when one thinks about it, thus a lot of what Democrats advocate is not liberalism or liberal.

You tards on both sides need to quit hijacking those terms and refer to yourselves as Democrats and Republicans.

The problem with claiming either political party is that both of them have been hijacked by lunatic fringe groups. I personally don't care if anyone has an abortion. They can abort themselves if that's what they want.

All I ask is that they don't ask me to pay for their abortion.

Likewise, I don't care if they are gay, straight white, black, yellow, Indian or native American. All I ask is that they do what they want and pay for it themselves and don't hurt anyone else while they are pursuing their own happiness.

I'll thank them to afford me the same courtesy.

I am a Conservative and, to me, that's what a Conservative is.

To me, a Liberal is someone who believes in their heart that they are smarter than I am and that it is their duty to dominate my actions for my own good.

Liberal = nosey and intrusive butinskies who are trying to save the world for people to live in a manner that they promote.

Conservatives = deliberately independant people who strive to allow people to pursue their own happiness.

And one implies action while the other implies wishful thinking.

Could you expand on that?

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