The Teaparty Movement, The Democrat Party, Racism and Incitement!


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
After a massive kickoff rally in Searchlight, Nevada, the Tea Party Express III is winding its way across America. They are received by large rallies of Tea Party patriots in city after city along the way. The three bus, 43 city tour arrives in Washington DC this week for a mega-rally on tax day April 15th.

Recent polls show that the Tea Party movement has bipartisan support. Despite a year-long stream of hate speech and lies from the mainstream media and Democrat officials, 63% of Americans say their views are closer to the Teaparty’s than to the President’s.

The mainstream media, in lockstep with the Administration, has gone to the gutter in their effort to brand this important movement as a pack of howling racists.

The Teaparty Movement, The Democrat Party, Racism and Incitement! • Looking at the Left
They are attacking it full force today.

I read earlier a rediculous story that the movement had 'selected' a candidate for the NY state gov race, and that he was 'exposed' as a racist.

Of course the fact that there is no such 'selection' and never has been is irrelivent in the constant parde by the useful idiots to smear an anti-corruption in government movement.
They are attacking it full force today.

I read earlier a rediculous story that the movement had 'selected' a candidate for the NY state gov race, and that he was 'exposed' as a racist.

Of course the fact that there is no such 'selection' and never has been is irrelivent in the constant parde by the useful idiots to smear an anti-corruption in government movement.

there ain't no damn low that's too damn low for a democrat to go.
I hope they keep it up - the more they lie, they more they expose the bankruptcy of their value system.

It's just so easy to out them with the resources on the internet these days.
They are attacking it full force today.

I read earlier a rediculous story that the movement had 'selected' a candidate for the NY state gov race, and that he was 'exposed' as a racist.

Of course the fact that there is no such 'selection' and never has been is irrelivent in the constant parde by the useful idiots to smear an anti-corruption in government movement.

there ain't no damn low that's too damn low for a democrat to go.
We have another one, the Boston herald tried to claim Scott Brown was snubbing the tea party movement and 'refused' to appear at a Boston event.
It turns out that he said he couldn't appear because he had already returned to Washington for the new session.

And the lying and smearing goes on, and we see people on this board defend this lying bullshit over and over while they make excuses for barry & friends and their corrupt over spending big government.
They are attacking it full force today.

I read earlier a rediculous story that the movement had 'selected' a candidate for the NY state gov race, and that he was 'exposed' as a racist.

Of course the fact that there is no such 'selection' and never has been is irrelivent in the constant parde by the useful idiots to smear an anti-corruption in government movement.

there ain't no damn low that's too damn low for a democrat to go.
We have another one, the Boston herald tried to claim Scott Brown was snubbing the tea party movement and 'refused' to appear at a Boston event.
It turns out that he said he couldn't appear because he had already returned to Washington for the new session.

And the lying and smearing goes on, and we see people on this board defend this lying bullshit over and over while they make excuses for barry & friends and their corrupt over spending big government.[/QUOTE]

and some of them claim to have critical thinking skills,too. :eusa_angel:
Willow, the more momentum from the Tea Party movement, the more smear from the left. This IS what the democrats do, and you and I have seen it from a lot of different angles. It's going to get worse as the left's fear level rises, the democrats have no idea just how transparent they are in doing this tactic.
there ain't no damn low that's too damn low for a democrat to go.
We have another one, the Boston herald tried to claim Scott Brown was snubbing the tea party movement and 'refused' to appear at a Boston event.
It turns out that he said he couldn't appear because he had already returned to Washington for the new session.

And the lying and smearing goes on, and we see people on this board defend this lying bullshit over and over while they make excuses for barry & friends and their corrupt over spending big government.[/QUOTE]

and some of them claim to have critical thinking skills,too. :eusa_angel:

I really liked it when Scott Brown lied in emails, saying Rachael Maddox was running against him. Of course at the end of the email he was asking for donations so he could fight Rachael Maddox. Too bad she isn't running, and never had any plans to run.
Willow, the more momentum from the Tea Party movement, the more smear from the left. This IS what the democrats do, and you and I have seen it from a lot of different angles. It's going to get worse as the left's fear level rises, the democrats have no idea just how transparent they are in doing this tactic.

Kind of like calling people communists? How about lying about someone's religion? or where they born?

All the Tea Party and Republicans are about these days, is one big smear campaign.
Kind of like calling people communists? How about lying about someone's religion? or where they born?

All the Tea Party and Republicans are about these days, is one big smear campaign.

been over this before, but we will cover it again.

The movement is NOT the 'GoP' and NEVER WILL BE.

We aern't interested in smearing, we are protesting EXACTLY WHAT BARRY & FRIENDS HAVE BEEN DOING, not talking about what he is or isn't.

More and more americans see this and understand it, which is why the movement grows, and why attacks on it continue to be less and less effective.
Willow, the more momentum from the Tea Party movement, the more smear from the left. This IS what the democrats do, and you and I have seen it from a lot of different angles. It's going to get worse as the left's fear level rises, the democrats have no idea just how transparent they are in doing this tactic.

Kind of like calling people communists? How about lying about someone's religion? or where they born?

All the Tea Party and Republicans are about these days, is one big smear campaign.

communists, or socialists? Redistribution of wealth tends to be a socialist trait. I have never looked at a politicians religion and most don't either. I'm not a birther, but it does make for some good reading on this board, Luissa. Because the majority of Americans don't like the direction this country is going does not equate to smear.
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I really liked it when Scott Brown lied in emails, saying Rachael Maddox was running against him. Of course at the end of the email he was asking for donations so he could fight Rachael Maddox. Too bad she isn't running, and never had any plans to run.

Some folks were trying to get her to run:

OK, so it was kind of interesting this morning that some people had set up a Facebook page to try to convince MSNBC talent and Northhampton resident Rachel Maddow to run against Scott Brown in 2012 (they're now 5.2% of the way toward their goal of getting 10,000 people to sign up). It got even funner this afternoon when John Walsh, chairman of the Democratic State Committee, got wind of the boomlet and posted what sure seemed like it was meant to be a private message on the Tweety:

Some are talking about you running vs Scott Brown in '12. I'm Chair of MA Dem Party. My email is [email protected] cell-617-650-9311

Walshgate: How come top Mass. Dem couldn't hook up with Rachel Maddow by more traditional means? | Universal Hub
Willow, the more momentum from the Tea Party movement, the more smear from the left. This IS what the democrats do, and you and I have seen it from a lot of different angles. It's going to get worse as the left's fear level rises, the democrats have no idea just how transparent they are in doing this tactic.
You are so right, every time we get togther we have more and more democrats disgusted with the bogus attacks join us, to say nothing of the fact that movement was launched by moderates who were lied to in 2008 by barry.
Willow, the more momentum from the Tea Party movement, the more smear from the left. This IS what the democrats do, and you and I have seen it from a lot of different angles. It's going to get worse as the left's fear level rises, the democrats have no idea just how transparent they are in doing this tactic.

Kind of like calling people communists? How about lying about someone's religion? or where they born?

All the Tea Party and Republicans are about these days, is one big smear campaign.

Please give examples, Luissa. Because the majority of Americans don't like the direction this country is going does not equate to smear.

Provide examples? Do not watch the news?
If you haven't seen examples of people calling Obama a communist, saying he was born in Kenya, and is a muslim, well you have had your head in the sand for two years.
and some of them claim to have critical thinking skills,too. :eusa_angel:
Their thinking skills are indeed at critical levels.

or maybe their opinion is just different from yours. ;)
And people say the liberals acts elitist.:lol:
So, you think giving a HUGE entitlement, raising taxes in a recssion and government control of health care is a good idea, do you?

And you seriously think protesting that is 'elitist!' :lol:
51% of Tea Party members are Independents and Democrats - that ratio will probably increase.
Provide examples? Do not watch the news?
If you haven't seen examples of people calling Obama a communist, saying he was born in Kenya, and is a muslim, well you have had your head in the sand for two years.

And there again is the same old smear the protestors bullshit.
Their thinking skills are indeed at critical levels.

or maybe their opinion is just different from yours. ;)
And people say the liberals acts elitist.:lol:
So, you think giving a HUGE entitlement, raising taxes in a recssion and government control of health care is a good idea, do you?

And you seriously think protesting that is 'elitist!' :lol:

I never said protesting that is elitist.

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