The Tea Party


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.

I think anyone willing to be honest has known this since we first saw the Tea Baggers on TV at the town halls shouting down our members of Congress about Healthcare. And now that Michael Steele, the street wise clown that he is, has openly embraced the Tea Bagger movement, at the very least, the GOP can say they are not trying to hide it anymore.
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.

Do you consider that the next Republican administration / Rep congress is likely to devolve power and curtail public spending, or do you think they will centralize and increase spending?
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.

Do you consider that the next Republican administration / Rep congress is likely to devolve power and curtail public spending, or do you think they will centralize and increase spending?

Well, considering that the last Republican POTUS and GOP Congress centralized and increased spending, what do YOU think?
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.

I feel the same way, although I do support the idea of the Tea Party movement. Obama is clearly a problem, so I'm glad there is a group to challenge his big-brother administration. What's bothering me is that there are people like Dick Armey, Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin proclaiming their "oneness" with the Tea Party faithful. WTH???? They're part of the problem!

My hope is that the Tea Party movement will continue to try to get our nation back to its first principles to prevent our decline, regardless of the attacks from many in the media and the Obama administration.
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.

First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.


Well an answer from one of those who was busy defending Bush :beer:
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.

Do you consider that the next Republican administration / Rep congress is likely to devolve power and curtail public spending, or do you think they will centralize and increase spending?

Not sure.

Based on the last Republican adminstration, I would say the former.
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.
And paranoid. Very, very paranoid.
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.


Well an answer from one of those who was busy defending Bush :beer:

show me, then explain to me why it's so intolerable to libtard thinking that someone could be gasp "anti obamalama" :eek: don't you realize that million upon millions of people voted against the asshole?

Well an answer from one of those who was busy defending Bush :beer:

show me, then explain to me why it's so intolerable to libtard thinking that someone could be gasp "anti obamalama" :eek: don't you realize that million upon millions of people voted against the asshole?

If they are just simply anti-Obama, anti-Pelosi, anti-Reid...then label themselves as such. But if that is the case, then don't try to pretend that they have a higher cause.
Well an answer from one of those who was busy defending Bush :beer:

show me, then explain to me why it's so intolerable to libtard thinking that someone could be gasp "anti obamalama" :eek: don't you realize that million upon millions of people voted against the asshole?

If they are just simply anti-Obama, anti-Pelosi, anti-Reid...then label themselves as such. But if that is the case, then don't try to pretend that they have a higher cause.

I'm anti obama anti democrat, anti pelosi and anti reid and I don't belong to the tea party..there.. I've declared myself.
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.

Why are you so vehemently against it? Are you for bigger government? Are you for out of control spending? Are you for ignoring the constitution? Are you for socialism? Are you for paying 70% of your income in taxes? That is what obama is for.

You're real good at purporting what you're against, now how about you purport what you're for.
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Tea Parties The Other White Meat:

Trying to read the tea leaves

These data points from the Center for Survey Research at the University of Washington released last week are pretty dismaying:

The Tea Party, the incipient movement that claims to be committed to reining in what they perceive as big government, appears to be motivated by more than partisanship and ideology. Approximately 45% of Whites either strongly or somewhat approve of the movement. Of those, only 35% believe Blacks to be hardworking, only 45 % believe Blacks are intelligent, and only 41% think that Blacks are trustworthy. Perceptions of Latinos aren’t much different. While 54% of White Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be hardworking, only 44% think them intelligent, and even fewer, 42% of Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be trustworthy.
Nate Silver looks over the numbers and notes:

Avid white tea party sympathizers do not even hold mainstream attitudes among whites. If we included the attitudes of non-whites, the views of white tea party sympathizers would be even more aberrant. Some conservatives believe there is a systematic attempt to demonize the tea party movement and their supporters. There is probably some truth to that. But in the same vein, aberrant opinions espoused by tea partiers or their sympathizers should neither be ignored nor papered-over.

Change of Subject: Trying to read the tea leaves
First of all, where was the Tea Party prior to 2008? It wasn't like the Federal Government during the Bush adminstration was "small government".

Secondly, my personal opinion of the Tea Party will go up significantly if they continue to operate with gusto during the next Republican Presidential Administration and during the next Republican controlled Congress.

Until I see that, the Tea Party is just an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, pro-Republican organization.

Why are you so vehemently against it? Are you for bigger government? Are you for out of control spending? Are you for ignoring the constitution? Are you for socialism? Are you for paying 70% of your income in taxes? That is what obama is for.

You're real good at purporting what your against, now how about you purport what you're for.

There's not much that I am for. I'm mostly against stuff.
Tea Parties The Other White Meat:

Trying to read the tea leaves

These data points from the Center for Survey Research at the University of Washington released last week are pretty dismaying:

The Tea Party, the incipient movement that claims to be committed to reining in what they perceive as big government, appears to be motivated by more than partisanship and ideology. Approximately 45% of Whites either strongly or somewhat approve of the movement. Of those, only 35% believe Blacks to be hardworking, only 45 % believe Blacks are intelligent, and only 41% think that Blacks are trustworthy. Perceptions of Latinos aren’t much different. While 54% of White Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be hardworking, only 44% think them intelligent, and even fewer, 42% of Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be trustworthy.
Nate Silver looks over the numbers and notes:

Avid white tea party sympathizers do not even hold mainstream attitudes among whites. If we included the attitudes of non-whites, the views of white tea party sympathizers would be even more aberrant. Some conservatives believe there is a systematic attempt to demonize the tea party movement and their supporters. There is probably some truth to that. But in the same vein, aberrant opinions espoused by tea partiers or their sympathizers should neither be ignored nor papered-over.

Change of Subject: Trying to read the tea leaves

race card or get laid.. one's as good as the other.
how is giving statistics 'playing the race card'?

it does not say all tea folk are racist.

but it does make it clear that there is a really ugly undercurrent.

i know how facts trouble you sweetie. here... have an appletini on me so you can cope:


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