The Tea Party Is A Paper Tiger


VIP Member
Feb 18, 2012
The definition of a paper tiger is: “The nature of a person or organization that appears powerful but is actually powerless and ineffectual.” Remember that. You’re going to hear it often in the next couple of years.

You need look no farther than the Tea Partiers on this board.....confused, lame, wussified, incapable of even communicating what they stand for,(the most you can force them to say is that they are for lower taxes and smaller government--folks that is a losing slogan and it has been proven to be so)absolutely weak and contented to stand on the sidelines to the point of being totally irrelevant.

It is quite a shame actually.....I had hopes for the Tea Party....they had a golden opportunity to transform America, to restore America but they refused to step up to the plate because they simply do not grasp what it is they should be about.....let me give the morons a my lips.......revolution.

These timid tea partiers really thought they could bluff their way along the American Political Scene....convince people they truly were influential but remain in the back rooms and on the sidelines...thinking so foolishly they could thus shape events without having to really get involved....pathetic!
Absolutely, the Tea Party is a threat to no one. It is indeed a paper tiger consisting of old bald headed Vets and grey haired old ladies and the random sampling of concerned citizens who only want to try to get the best conservative candidates to run for office. For years we have heard that there is little difference between republicans and democrats and when Tea Party activists try to make a difference the mainstream media and radical left pretends that carrying a copy of the Constitution in your back pocket is an indication of the new anarchy. Tea party people ain't your enemy. Radical democrats like Bill Ayers are.
The best motto ever, is one of the Tea Party favorites: Keep government out of my Medicare.
The question of the day is why are left wingers so fearful and why do they despise a unorganized group of concerned citizens who are a threat to no one? Maybe the lock step left wing fools are just responding to the never ending hate mongering by organized (tax exempt) propaganda sources like Media Matters and Newshounds .

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