The “Superior Intelligence” of the Liberals


Dec 10, 2015
The intellectual superiority of the left is a constant claim of the Marxists/Left repeated ad nauseum by the biased media who has the ability to ignore the uneducated, dependent, uninformed constituency that has granted the Marxist their political power. There seems to be three groups that adhere to this belief. The actual ruling elite that are in power who effectively control the gospel who are much like any other shaman that preaches to a vulnerable audience using faith based arguments. The true believers, consists of pseudo-intellectuals who benefit from the corruption which accept their unsupported claims of superiority without the intellectual capacity to discern the conflicts of the facts. Then there are the masses who are always made promises of future reward by accepting the status quo of their “superiors” ideas. The diatribe being espoused when reviewed in its historical context is not only false, but the exact opposite can be observed, since the so called proofs of superior intelligence are in themselves demonstrations of group “think” with a total lack of intellect except for the ruling elite who herd them like the proverbial sheep. This history starts with the monarchies to Karl Marx and can be easily observed today in the “arts”. The current propaganda of the intellectuals and rulers could only be believed by someone truly devoid of critical thinking ability.

Intellectuals have historically always migrated to the ruling power. The most obvious early example was the “educated” priesthood who served no purpose other than their own livelihood at the expense of the peasants. The Church gained the support of the king by assuring the masses that he was granted his position and right to rule from divine providence. The king then shared the plunder and gave the clergy credibility at the point of a sword. Today’s intellectuals are no different. By providing credibility to the current powers they in turn share in the plunder at levels that their actual contribution to society would result in remuneration far below what they themselves deem they are worthy. These relationships always result in corruption, brutality and loss of freedom and appropriation from the masses. The intellectuals themselves much as the priests understood the reality in which they were involved and know that their policies are corrupt, so it becomes necessary to garner others who are not aware by allowing them also to benefit from the false premises. This has been accomplished by granting of political favors allowing a few of them to share in the spoils. The king had his court of nobles in the feudal system while the government today has its politicians, bureaucracies and crony capitalists. All of which count themselves superior to the masses in intelligence as they are told they are, but believe they are because they get to share in the spoils. In order to avoid a revolution the masses are given crumbs (Obamaphones) and promised a portion of the spoils, always at some future date that never seems to arrive much like the monarch’s clergy who promised an Eden after death.

Das Capital by Marx which is in essence the Bible of the left is a classic example of the lack of independent intelligent thought of the left. The book is comprised of 800 pages of the most simplistic mindless description of economics written by a narcissist totally convinced of his superiority. The drone of the book states a conjecture and then spends scores of pages of dialogue repeating the same mantra without offering any actual technical argument in support of the premise. Then Marx offers a little third grade arithmetic and spends another score of pages again telling the reader how brilliant he is because he has used math. The rest of the book is comprised of mind numbing statistics concerning the English industrial revolution’s abuses of the working class, which becomes so detailed that one has to wonder about their veracity. Virtually every argument Marx makes is easily refutable and his economic solutions are easily proved unattainable, yet this bible is grasped by the left’s true believers as the solution to all misery despite the fact that when its premises have been attempted they have resulted in extreme poverty in addition to brutal dictatorships. Yet the superior intellect of the true believers can ignore all the facts and continue to parrot the virtues of Marxism. If one can believe the mindless prattle of Marx then it is not hard to understand how the other claims of superior intelligence in other fields are also proved false.

A primary example of the lack of intelligence by the left is their embrace of the arts as their exclusive domain claiming that they alone are capable of understanding the true nature of beauty and meaning. Any disagreement of their opinion only proves that you lack intellect. Of course this is a perfect medium for the ruling elite and their “intellectual” partners. For the masses who are concerned with the necessities, the arts are inconsequential. The pseudo-intellectuals are told that if they concur with the critics then they are more self aware than the philistines. The artist himself, who provides little of consequence to society, is of course a dilettante receiving the adulation of the true believers. Any question concerning the validity of adoration of the true believer is met with scorn and accusations of lack of intellect.

Art cannot be discussed on an objective basis. All art is completely subjective. Therefore the quality cannot be discerned except “in the eye of the beholder” and the argument that the Left’s eye is superior is only supported within the ranks of the true believer. In reality their premise is solely based upon enough of their ilk agreeing. It is as if they all agreed that 2 + 2 =5 and if you disagree it means that you are unenlightened. This is in essence the arts and since it cannot be discussed objectively with any of the self-appointed superior intellects, they concur that they have won. Since anything that their rubes are told is “art” becomes fashionable and accepted as so, the arts have deteriorated to levels that would be laughable were it not so tragic. For the most part, current art requires very little talent, craft, skill or intellect to create as today’s art no longer represents any level of meaning except in the pseudo intellectual’s mind that are incapable of discerning true meaning, only what they told is true meaning. Virtually all modern art requires the viewer to insert meaning as there is no meaning conveyed by today’s art venues.

Current examples of accepted art by the superior intellect of the left are laughable. Anyone with intelligence would question what gyrating in sexually explicit contortions has to do with music. Only a moron would show up at a gallery to look at blank walls and be expected to interpret meaning. The meaning of a crucifix in a bottle of urine in order to shock is not art. Once movies were made of classic literature, now they are screen plays of comic books. Theatrical presentations of Ibsen and Shakespeare have been replaced with talking vaginas. The entire medium whether music, painting, sculpture or theater has deteriorated. Anyone who thinks they are of superior intelligence by being fond of the current medium is incapable of intelligent thought. This is the primary reason the ruling elite pushes the arts medium, as the ability for rational evaluation is totally subjective and therefore cannot be logically disputed. By their definition anyone who says “the emperor is naked” is scorned as being unenlightened and unable to appreciate “art”. The reality is that the dissenter to the status quo of the so called “arts” is the truly reasoning individual.

In closing, it should be obvious that the Marxist left claim of intellectual superiority is obviously false if one takes an objective view. The intellectual elites themselves do not have the numbers to have taken over the government. The numbers that have secured them power recently can be shown to be comprised of a constituency of pseudo-intellectuals and a mass of the least educated, uninformed, dependent masses that are only capable of at best regurgitating the given talking points. The perfect metaphor of the left’s claim of superior intellect is the preponderance of “arts” celebrities that appear support the Marxist agenda, while their only ability is emoting other people’s words in a script. They are devoid of education or critical thinking skills. In reality, the masses garnered by the left are also given “talking points” that like the celebrity activist, they accept without question as they are incapable of critical thinking. When the primary source of intellectual rhetoric of the left is from the “Comedy Channel” one would think at least a few of their sheep might question the discourse. If they could think critically they would be demanding their share of the promised spoils that are only sparingly rationed to maintain the façade of “Hope and Change”. The reality is that what they were promised cannot be delivered because it would impugn upon the spoils reserved for the “elite”.
The intellectual superiority of the left is a constant claim of the Marxists/Left repeated ad nauseum by the biased media who has the ability to ignore the uneducated, dependent, uninformed constituency that has granted the Marxist their political power. There seems to be three groups that adhere to this belief. The actual ruling elite that are in power who effectively control the gospel who are much like any other shaman that preaches to a vulnerable audience using faith based arguments. The true believers, consists of pseudo-intellectuals who benefit from the corruption which accept their unsupported claims of superiority without the intellectual capacity to discern the conflicts of the facts. Then there are the masses who are always made promises of future reward by accepting the status quo of their “superiors” ideas. The diatribe being espoused when reviewed in its historical context is not only false, but the exact opposite can be observed, since the so called proofs of superior intelligence are in themselves demonstrations of group “think” with a total lack of intellect except for the ruling elite who herd them like the proverbial sheep. This history starts with the monarchies to Karl Marx and can be easily observed today in the “arts”. The current propaganda of the intellectuals and rulers could only be believed by someone truly devoid of critical thinking ability.

Intellectuals have historically always migrated to the ruling power. The most obvious early example was the “educated” priesthood who served no purpose other than their own livelihood at the expense of the peasants. The Church gained the support of the king by assuring the masses that he was granted his position and right to rule from divine providence. The king then shared the plunder and gave the clergy credibility at the point of a sword. Today’s intellectuals are no different. By providing credibility to the current powers they in turn share in the plunder at levels that their actual contribution to society would result in remuneration far below what they themselves deem they are worthy. These relationships always result in corruption, brutality and loss of freedom and appropriation from the masses. The intellectuals themselves much as the priests understood the reality in which they were involved and know that their policies are corrupt, so it becomes necessary to garner others who are not aware by allowing them also to benefit from the false premises. This has been accomplished by granting of political favors allowing a few of them to share in the spoils. The king had his court of nobles in the feudal system while the government today has its politicians, bureaucracies and crony capitalists. All of which count themselves superior to the masses in intelligence as they are told they are, but believe they are because they get to share in the spoils. In order to avoid a revolution the masses are given crumbs (Obamaphones) and promised a portion of the spoils, always at some future date that never seems to arrive much like the monarch’s clergy who promised an Eden after death.

Das Capital by Marx which is in essence the Bible of the left is a classic example of the lack of independent intelligent thought of the left. The book is comprised of 800 pages of the most simplistic mindless description of economics written by a narcissist totally convinced of his superiority. The drone of the book states a conjecture and then spends scores of pages of dialogue repeating the same mantra without offering any actual technical argument in support of the premise. Then Marx offers a little third grade arithmetic and spends another score of pages again telling the reader how brilliant he is because he has used math. The rest of the book is comprised of mind numbing statistics concerning the English industrial revolution’s abuses of the working class, which becomes so detailed that one has to wonder about their veracity. Virtually every argument Marx makes is easily refutable and his economic solutions are easily proved unattainable, yet this bible is grasped by the left’s true believers as the solution to all misery despite the fact that when its premises have been attempted they have resulted in extreme poverty in addition to brutal dictatorships. Yet the superior intellect of the true believers can ignore all the facts and continue to parrot the virtues of Marxism. If one can believe the mindless prattle of Marx then it is not hard to understand how the other claims of superior intelligence in other fields are also proved false.

A primary example of the lack of intelligence by the left is their embrace of the arts as their exclusive domain claiming that they alone are capable of understanding the true nature of beauty and meaning. Any disagreement of their opinion only proves that you lack intellect. Of course this is a perfect medium for the ruling elite and their “intellectual” partners. For the masses who are concerned with the necessities, the arts are inconsequential. The pseudo-intellectuals are told that if they concur with the critics then they are more self aware than the philistines. The artist himself, who provides little of consequence to society, is of course a dilettante receiving the adulation of the true believers. Any question concerning the validity of adoration of the true believer is met with scorn and accusations of lack of intellect.

Art cannot be discussed on an objective basis. All art is completely subjective. Therefore the quality cannot be discerned except “in the eye of the beholder” and the argument that the Left’s eye is superior is only supported within the ranks of the true believer. In reality their premise is solely based upon enough of their ilk agreeing. It is as if they all agreed that 2 + 2 =5 and if you disagree it means that you are unenlightened. This is in essence the arts and since it cannot be discussed objectively with any of the self-appointed superior intellects, they concur that they have won. Since anything that their rubes are told is “art” becomes fashionable and accepted as so, the arts have deteriorated to levels that would be laughable were it not so tragic. For the most part, current art requires very little talent, craft, skill or intellect to create as today’s art no longer represents any level of meaning except in the pseudo intellectual’s mind that are incapable of discerning true meaning, only what they told is true meaning. Virtually all modern art requires the viewer to insert meaning as there is no meaning conveyed by today’s art venues.

Current examples of accepted art by the superior intellect of the left are laughable. Anyone with intelligence would question what gyrating in sexually explicit contortions has to do with music. Only a moron would show up at a gallery to look at blank walls and be expected to interpret meaning. The meaning of a crucifix in a bottle of urine in order to shock is not art. Once movies were made of classic literature, now they are screen plays of comic books. Theatrical presentations of Ibsen and Shakespeare have been replaced with talking vaginas. The entire medium whether music, painting, sculpture or theater has deteriorated. Anyone who thinks they are of superior intelligence by being fond of the current medium is incapable of intelligent thought. This is the primary reason the ruling elite pushes the arts medium, as the ability for rational evaluation is totally subjective and therefore cannot be logically disputed. By their definition anyone who says “the emperor is naked” is scorned as being unenlightened and unable to appreciate “art”. The reality is that the dissenter to the status quo of the so called “arts” is the truly reasoning individual.

In closing, it should be obvious that the Marxist left claim of intellectual superiority is obviously false if one takes an objective view. The intellectual elites themselves do not have the numbers to have taken over the government. The numbers that have secured them power recently can be shown to be comprised of a constituency of pseudo-intellectuals and a mass of the least educated, uninformed, dependent masses that are only capable of at best regurgitating the given talking points. The perfect metaphor of the left’s claim of superior intellect is the preponderance of “arts” celebrities that appear support the Marxist agenda, while their only ability is emoting other people’s words in a script. They are devoid of education or critical thinking skills. In reality, the masses garnered by the left are also given “talking points” that like the celebrity activist, they accept without question as they are incapable of critical thinking. When the primary source of intellectual rhetoric of the left is from the “Comedy Channel” one would think at least a few of their sheep might question the discourse. If they could think critically they would be demanding their share of the promised spoils that are only sparingly rationed to maintain the façade of “Hope and Change”. The reality is that what they were promised cannot be delivered because it would impugn upon the spoils reserved for the “elite”.
Is this your essay Billyjack or did you get if from someplace?
The intellectual superiority of the left is a constant claim of the Marxists/Left repeated ad nauseum by the biased media who has the ability to ignore the uneducated, dependent, uninformed constituency that has granted the Marxist their political power. There seems to be three groups that adhere to this belief. The actual ruling elite that are in power who effectively control the gospel who are much like any other shaman that preaches to a vulnerable audience using faith based arguments. The true believers, consists of pseudo-intellectuals who benefit from the corruption which accept their unsupported claims of superiority without the intellectual capacity to discern the conflicts of the facts. Then there are the masses who are always made promises of future reward by accepting the status quo of their “superiors” ideas. The diatribe being espoused when reviewed in its historical context is not only false, but the exact opposite can be observed, since the so called proofs of superior intelligence are in themselves demonstrations of group “think” with a total lack of intellect except for the ruling elite who herd them like the proverbial sheep. This history starts with the monarchies to Karl Marx and can be easily observed today in the “arts”. The current propaganda of the intellectuals and rulers could only be believed by someone truly devoid of critical thinking ability.

Intellectuals have historically always migrated to the ruling power. The most obvious early example was the “educated” priesthood who served no purpose other than their own livelihood at the expense of the peasants. The Church gained the support of the king by assuring the masses that he was granted his position and right to rule from divine providence. The king then shared the plunder and gave the clergy credibility at the point of a sword. Today’s intellectuals are no different. By providing credibility to the current powers they in turn share in the plunder at levels that their actual contribution to society would result in remuneration far below what they themselves deem they are worthy. These relationships always result in corruption, brutality and loss of freedom and appropriation from the masses. The intellectuals themselves much as the priests understood the reality in which they were involved and know that their policies are corrupt, so it becomes necessary to garner others who are not aware by allowing them also to benefit from the false premises. This has been accomplished by granting of political favors allowing a few of them to share in the spoils. The king had his court of nobles in the feudal system while the government today has its politicians, bureaucracies and crony capitalists. All of which count themselves superior to the masses in intelligence as they are told they are, but believe they are because they get to share in the spoils. In order to avoid a revolution the masses are given crumbs (Obamaphones) and promised a portion of the spoils, always at some future date that never seems to arrive much like the monarch’s clergy who promised an Eden after death.

Das Capital by Marx which is in essence the Bible of the left is a classic example of the lack of independent intelligent thought of the left. The book is comprised of 800 pages of the most simplistic mindless description of economics written by a narcissist totally convinced of his superiority. The drone of the book states a conjecture and then spends scores of pages of dialogue repeating the same mantra without offering any actual technical argument in support of the premise. Then Marx offers a little third grade arithmetic and spends another score of pages again telling the reader how brilliant he is because he has used math. The rest of the book is comprised of mind numbing statistics concerning the English industrial revolution’s abuses of the working class, which becomes so detailed that one has to wonder about their veracity. Virtually every argument Marx makes is easily refutable and his economic solutions are easily proved unattainable, yet this bible is grasped by the left’s true believers as the solution to all misery despite the fact that when its premises have been attempted they have resulted in extreme poverty in addition to brutal dictatorships. Yet the superior intellect of the true believers can ignore all the facts and continue to parrot the virtues of Marxism. If one can believe the mindless prattle of Marx then it is not hard to understand how the other claims of superior intelligence in other fields are also proved false.

A primary example of the lack of intelligence by the left is their embrace of the arts as their exclusive domain claiming that they alone are capable of understanding the true nature of beauty and meaning. Any disagreement of their opinion only proves that you lack intellect. Of course this is a perfect medium for the ruling elite and their “intellectual” partners. For the masses who are concerned with the necessities, the arts are inconsequential. The pseudo-intellectuals are told that if they concur with the critics then they are more self aware than the philistines. The artist himself, who provides little of consequence to society, is of course a dilettante receiving the adulation of the true believers. Any question concerning the validity of adoration of the true believer is met with scorn and accusations of lack of intellect.

Art cannot be discussed on an objective basis. All art is completely subjective. Therefore the quality cannot be discerned except “in the eye of the beholder” and the argument that the Left’s eye is superior is only supported within the ranks of the true believer. In reality their premise is solely based upon enough of their ilk agreeing. It is as if they all agreed that 2 + 2 =5 and if you disagree it means that you are unenlightened. This is in essence the arts and since it cannot be discussed objectively with any of the self-appointed superior intellects, they concur that they have won. Since anything that their rubes are told is “art” becomes fashionable and accepted as so, the arts have deteriorated to levels that would be laughable were it not so tragic. For the most part, current art requires very little talent, craft, skill or intellect to create as today’s art no longer represents any level of meaning except in the pseudo intellectual’s mind that are incapable of discerning true meaning, only what they told is true meaning. Virtually all modern art requires the viewer to insert meaning as there is no meaning conveyed by today’s art venues.

Current examples of accepted art by the superior intellect of the left are laughable. Anyone with intelligence would question what gyrating in sexually explicit contortions has to do with music. Only a moron would show up at a gallery to look at blank walls and be expected to interpret meaning. The meaning of a crucifix in a bottle of urine in order to shock is not art. Once movies were made of classic literature, now they are screen plays of comic books. Theatrical presentations of Ibsen and Shakespeare have been replaced with talking vaginas. The entire medium whether music, painting, sculpture or theater has deteriorated. Anyone who thinks they are of superior intelligence by being fond of the current medium is incapable of intelligent thought. This is the primary reason the ruling elite pushes the arts medium, as the ability for rational evaluation is totally subjective and therefore cannot be logically disputed. By their definition anyone who says “the emperor is naked” is scorned as being unenlightened and unable to appreciate “art”. The reality is that the dissenter to the status quo of the so called “arts” is the truly reasoning individual.

In closing, it should be obvious that the Marxist left claim of intellectual superiority is obviously false if one takes an objective view. The intellectual elites themselves do not have the numbers to have taken over the government. The numbers that have secured them power recently can be shown to be comprised of a constituency of pseudo-intellectuals and a mass of the least educated, uninformed, dependent masses that are only capable of at best regurgitating the given talking points. The perfect metaphor of the left’s claim of superior intellect is the preponderance of “arts” celebrities that appear support the Marxist agenda, while their only ability is emoting other people’s words in a script. They are devoid of education or critical thinking skills. In reality, the masses garnered by the left are also given “talking points” that like the celebrity activist, they accept without question as they are incapable of critical thinking. When the primary source of intellectual rhetoric of the left is from the “Comedy Channel” one would think at least a few of their sheep might question the discourse. If they could think critically they would be demanding their share of the promised spoils that are only sparingly rationed to maintain the façade of “Hope and Change”. The reality is that what they were promised cannot be delivered because it would impugn upon the spoils reserved for the “elite”.

Marx is a hit because everyone loves to covet the rich.

No one in government much cares about such ideology because they are rich. However, it will not stop them from demagoguery.

What always happens is that the Marxists in power remain rich while everyone else around them suffers.

Then comes collapse, wash, rinse, repeat.
Ironically, this is what Breitbart claims about the Alt Right...their intellect:

"“The Intellectuals”: These, according to Breitbart, are what separates the alt-right “above all else” from “from old-school racist skinheads (to whom they are often idiotically compared)”: They “are a much smarter group of people…. They’re dangerously bright.”"

A Guided Tour of the ‘Alt-Right,’ by the Trump Campaign Chief’s Website
The intellectual superiority of the left is a constant claim of the Marxists/Left repeated ad nauseum by the biased media who has the ability to ignore the uneducated, dependent, uninformed constituency that has granted the Marxist their political power. There seems to be three groups that adhere to this belief. The actual ruling elite that are in power who effectively control the gospel who are much like any other shaman that preaches to a vulnerable audience using faith based arguments. The true believers, consists of pseudo-intellectuals who benefit from the corruption which accept their unsupported claims of superiority without the intellectual capacity to discern the conflicts of the facts. Then there are the masses who are always made promises of future reward by accepting the status quo of their “superiors” ideas. The diatribe being espoused when reviewed in its historical context is not only false, but the exact opposite can be observed, since the so called proofs of superior intelligence are in themselves demonstrations of group “think” with a total lack of intellect except for the ruling elite who herd them like the proverbial sheep. This history starts with the monarchies to Karl Marx and can be easily observed today in the “arts”. The current propaganda of the intellectuals and rulers could only be believed by someone truly devoid of critical thinking ability.

Intellectuals have historically always migrated to the ruling power. The most obvious early example was the “educated” priesthood who served no purpose other than their own livelihood at the expense of the peasants. The Church gained the support of the king by assuring the masses that he was granted his position and right to rule from divine providence. The king then shared the plunder and gave the clergy credibility at the point of a sword. Today’s intellectuals are no different. By providing credibility to the current powers they in turn share in the plunder at levels that their actual contribution to society would result in remuneration far below what they themselves deem they are worthy. These relationships always result in corruption, brutality and loss of freedom and appropriation from the masses. The intellectuals themselves much as the priests understood the reality in which they were involved and know that their policies are corrupt, so it becomes necessary to garner others who are not aware by allowing them also to benefit from the false premises. This has been accomplished by granting of political favors allowing a few of them to share in the spoils. The king had his court of nobles in the feudal system while the government today has its politicians, bureaucracies and crony capitalists. All of which count themselves superior to the masses in intelligence as they are told they are, but believe they are because they get to share in the spoils. In order to avoid a revolution the masses are given crumbs (Obamaphones) and promised a portion of the spoils, always at some future date that never seems to arrive much like the monarch’s clergy who promised an Eden after death.

Das Capital by Marx which is in essence the Bible of the left is a classic example of the lack of independent intelligent thought of the left. The book is comprised of 800 pages of the most simplistic mindless description of economics written by a narcissist totally convinced of his superiority. The drone of the book states a conjecture and then spends scores of pages of dialogue repeating the same mantra without offering any actual technical argument in support of the premise. Then Marx offers a little third grade arithmetic and spends another score of pages again telling the reader how brilliant he is because he has used math. The rest of the book is comprised of mind numbing statistics concerning the English industrial revolution’s abuses of the working class, which becomes so detailed that one has to wonder about their veracity. Virtually every argument Marx makes is easily refutable and his economic solutions are easily proved unattainable, yet this bible is grasped by the left’s true believers as the solution to all misery despite the fact that when its premises have been attempted they have resulted in extreme poverty in addition to brutal dictatorships. Yet the superior intellect of the true believers can ignore all the facts and continue to parrot the virtues of Marxism. If one can believe the mindless prattle of Marx then it is not hard to understand how the other claims of superior intelligence in other fields are also proved false.

A primary example of the lack of intelligence by the left is their embrace of the arts as their exclusive domain claiming that they alone are capable of understanding the true nature of beauty and meaning. Any disagreement of their opinion only proves that you lack intellect. Of course this is a perfect medium for the ruling elite and their “intellectual” partners. For the masses who are concerned with the necessities, the arts are inconsequential. The pseudo-intellectuals are told that if they concur with the critics then they are more self aware than the philistines. The artist himself, who provides little of consequence to society, is of course a dilettante receiving the adulation of the true believers. Any question concerning the validity of adoration of the true believer is met with scorn and accusations of lack of intellect.

Art cannot be discussed on an objective basis. All art is completely subjective. Therefore the quality cannot be discerned except “in the eye of the beholder” and the argument that the Left’s eye is superior is only supported within the ranks of the true believer. In reality their premise is solely based upon enough of their ilk agreeing. It is as if they all agreed that 2 + 2 =5 and if you disagree it means that you are unenlightened. This is in essence the arts and since it cannot be discussed objectively with any of the self-appointed superior intellects, they concur that they have won. Since anything that their rubes are told is “art” becomes fashionable and accepted as so, the arts have deteriorated to levels that would be laughable were it not so tragic. For the most part, current art requires very little talent, craft, skill or intellect to create as today’s art no longer represents any level of meaning except in the pseudo intellectual’s mind that are incapable of discerning true meaning, only what they told is true meaning. Virtually all modern art requires the viewer to insert meaning as there is no meaning conveyed by today’s art venues.

Current examples of accepted art by the superior intellect of the left are laughable. Anyone with intelligence would question what gyrating in sexually explicit contortions has to do with music. Only a moron would show up at a gallery to look at blank walls and be expected to interpret meaning. The meaning of a crucifix in a bottle of urine in order to shock is not art. Once movies were made of classic literature, now they are screen plays of comic books. Theatrical presentations of Ibsen and Shakespeare have been replaced with talking vaginas. The entire medium whether music, painting, sculpture or theater has deteriorated. Anyone who thinks they are of superior intelligence by being fond of the current medium is incapable of intelligent thought. This is the primary reason the ruling elite pushes the arts medium, as the ability for rational evaluation is totally subjective and therefore cannot be logically disputed. By their definition anyone who says “the emperor is naked” is scorned as being unenlightened and unable to appreciate “art”. The reality is that the dissenter to the status quo of the so called “arts” is the truly reasoning individual.

In closing, it should be obvious that the Marxist left claim of intellectual superiority is obviously false if one takes an objective view. The intellectual elites themselves do not have the numbers to have taken over the government. The numbers that have secured them power recently can be shown to be comprised of a constituency of pseudo-intellectuals and a mass of the least educated, uninformed, dependent masses that are only capable of at best regurgitating the given talking points. The perfect metaphor of the left’s claim of superior intellect is the preponderance of “arts” celebrities that appear support the Marxist agenda, while their only ability is emoting other people’s words in a script. They are devoid of education or critical thinking skills. In reality, the masses garnered by the left are also given “talking points” that like the celebrity activist, they accept without question as they are incapable of critical thinking. When the primary source of intellectual rhetoric of the left is from the “Comedy Channel” one would think at least a few of their sheep might question the discourse. If they could think critically they would be demanding their share of the promised spoils that are only sparingly rationed to maintain the façade of “Hope and Change”. The reality is that what they were promised cannot be delivered because it would impugn upon the spoils reserved for the “elite”.

Marx is a hit because everyone loves to covet the rich.

No one in government much cares about such ideology because they are rich. However, it will not stop them from demagoguery.

What always happens is that the Marxists in power remain rich while everyone else around them suffers.

Then comes collapse, wash, rinse, repeat.

Same with american capitalism. Funny that.
Holy shit what a wall of text. A lib won't be able to get through that.

Could have just made it simple for them, generally liberals are not very smart, and the regressives are dumb and on top of it, ignorant.
The intellectual superiority of the left is a constant claim of the Marxists/Left repeated ad nauseum by the biased media who has the ability to ignore the uneducated, dependent, uninformed constituency that has granted the Marxist their political power. There seems to be three groups that adhere to this belief. The actual ruling elite that are in power who effectively control the gospel who are much like any other shaman that preaches to a vulnerable audience using faith based arguments. The true believers, consists of pseudo-intellectuals who benefit from the corruption which accept their unsupported claims of superiority without the intellectual capacity to discern the conflicts of the facts. Then there are the masses who are always made promises of future reward by accepting the status quo of their “superiors” ideas. The diatribe being espoused when reviewed in its historical context is not only false, but the exact opposite can be observed, since the so called proofs of superior intelligence are in themselves demonstrations of group “think” with a total lack of intellect except for the ruling elite who herd them like the proverbial sheep. This history starts with the monarchies to Karl Marx and can be easily observed today in the “arts”. The current propaganda of the intellectuals and rulers could only be believed by someone truly devoid of critical thinking ability.

Intellectuals have historically always migrated to the ruling power. The most obvious early example was the “educated” priesthood who served no purpose other than their own livelihood at the expense of the peasants. The Church gained the support of the king by assuring the masses that he was granted his position and right to rule from divine providence. The king then shared the plunder and gave the clergy credibility at the point of a sword. Today’s intellectuals are no different. By providing credibility to the current powers they in turn share in the plunder at levels that their actual contribution to society would result in remuneration far below what they themselves deem they are worthy. These relationships always result in corruption, brutality and loss of freedom and appropriation from the masses. The intellectuals themselves much as the priests understood the reality in which they were involved and know that their policies are corrupt, so it becomes necessary to garner others who are not aware by allowing them also to benefit from the false premises. This has been accomplished by granting of political favors allowing a few of them to share in the spoils. The king had his court of nobles in the feudal system while the government today has its politicians, bureaucracies and crony capitalists. All of which count themselves superior to the masses in intelligence as they are told they are, but believe they are because they get to share in the spoils. In order to avoid a revolution the masses are given crumbs (Obamaphones) and promised a portion of the spoils, always at some future date that never seems to arrive much like the monarch’s clergy who promised an Eden after death.

Das Capital by Marx which is in essence the Bible of the left is a classic example of the lack of independent intelligent thought of the left. The book is comprised of 800 pages of the most simplistic mindless description of economics written by a narcissist totally convinced of his superiority. The drone of the book states a conjecture and then spends scores of pages of dialogue repeating the same mantra without offering any actual technical argument in support of the premise. Then Marx offers a little third grade arithmetic and spends another score of pages again telling the reader how brilliant he is because he has used math. The rest of the book is comprised of mind numbing statistics concerning the English industrial revolution’s abuses of the working class, which becomes so detailed that one has to wonder about their veracity. Virtually every argument Marx makes is easily refutable and his economic solutions are easily proved unattainable, yet this bible is grasped by the left’s true believers as the solution to all misery despite the fact that when its premises have been attempted they have resulted in extreme poverty in addition to brutal dictatorships. Yet the superior intellect of the true believers can ignore all the facts and continue to parrot the virtues of Marxism. If one can believe the mindless prattle of Marx then it is not hard to understand how the other claims of superior intelligence in other fields are also proved false.

A primary example of the lack of intelligence by the left is their embrace of the arts as their exclusive domain claiming that they alone are capable of understanding the true nature of beauty and meaning. Any disagreement of their opinion only proves that you lack intellect. Of course this is a perfect medium for the ruling elite and their “intellectual” partners. For the masses who are concerned with the necessities, the arts are inconsequential. The pseudo-intellectuals are told that if they concur with the critics then they are more self aware than the philistines. The artist himself, who provides little of consequence to society, is of course a dilettante receiving the adulation of the true believers. Any question concerning the validity of adoration of the true believer is met with scorn and accusations of lack of intellect.

Art cannot be discussed on an objective basis. All art is completely subjective. Therefore the quality cannot be discerned except “in the eye of the beholder” and the argument that the Left’s eye is superior is only supported within the ranks of the true believer. In reality their premise is solely based upon enough of their ilk agreeing. It is as if they all agreed that 2 + 2 =5 and if you disagree it means that you are unenlightened. This is in essence the arts and since it cannot be discussed objectively with any of the self-appointed superior intellects, they concur that they have won. Since anything that their rubes are told is “art” becomes fashionable and accepted as so, the arts have deteriorated to levels that would be laughable were it not so tragic. For the most part, current art requires very little talent, craft, skill or intellect to create as today’s art no longer represents any level of meaning except in the pseudo intellectual’s mind that are incapable of discerning true meaning, only what they told is true meaning. Virtually all modern art requires the viewer to insert meaning as there is no meaning conveyed by today’s art venues.

Current examples of accepted art by the superior intellect of the left are laughable. Anyone with intelligence would question what gyrating in sexually explicit contortions has to do with music. Only a moron would show up at a gallery to look at blank walls and be expected to interpret meaning. The meaning of a crucifix in a bottle of urine in order to shock is not art. Once movies were made of classic literature, now they are screen plays of comic books. Theatrical presentations of Ibsen and Shakespeare have been replaced with talking vaginas. The entire medium whether music, painting, sculpture or theater has deteriorated. Anyone who thinks they are of superior intelligence by being fond of the current medium is incapable of intelligent thought. This is the primary reason the ruling elite pushes the arts medium, as the ability for rational evaluation is totally subjective and therefore cannot be logically disputed. By their definition anyone who says “the emperor is naked” is scorned as being unenlightened and unable to appreciate “art”. The reality is that the dissenter to the status quo of the so called “arts” is the truly reasoning individual.

In closing, it should be obvious that the Marxist left claim of intellectual superiority is obviously false if one takes an objective view. The intellectual elites themselves do not have the numbers to have taken over the government. The numbers that have secured them power recently can be shown to be comprised of a constituency of pseudo-intellectuals and a mass of the least educated, uninformed, dependent masses that are only capable of at best regurgitating the given talking points. The perfect metaphor of the left’s claim of superior intellect is the preponderance of “arts” celebrities that appear support the Marxist agenda, while their only ability is emoting other people’s words in a script. They are devoid of education or critical thinking skills. In reality, the masses garnered by the left are also given “talking points” that like the celebrity activist, they accept without question as they are incapable of critical thinking. When the primary source of intellectual rhetoric of the left is from the “Comedy Channel” one would think at least a few of their sheep might question the discourse. If they could think critically they would be demanding their share of the promised spoils that are only sparingly rationed to maintain the façade of “Hope and Change”. The reality is that what they were promised cannot be delivered because it would impugn upon the spoils reserved for the “elite”.
Is this your essay Billyjack or did you get if from someplace?
It does seem that their is an advantage in convincing the people that they are not smart enough to run their own country if you wanted to create a ruling elite in this country. My argument is that even if that was true the very fact that this is a democracy means that stupid people have as much say over the laws and actions that their government takes as much as not so stupid people. I would call that equality.
It does seem that their is an advantage in convincing the people that they are not smart enough to run their own country if you wanted to create a ruling elite in this country. My argument is that even if that was true the very fact that this is a democracy means that stupid people have as much say over the laws and actions that their government takes as much as not so stupid people. I would call that equality.
This country has never been a Democracy. It's a Republic, a democratic one.
American liberals are PARROTS, not intellectuals.

They PARROT, and if you disagree with their PARROTING, they don't rationally debate, rather they insult, toss cards, and duck the issue...
American liberals are PARROTS, not intellectuals.

They PARROT, and if you disagree with their PARROTING, they don't rationally debate, rather they insult, toss cards, and duck the issue...
American liberals support liberty. That is what liberalism is all about - how to balance the rights of one versus the rights and needs of many.
American liberals support liberty

That is absolute bullshit. :Liberals are more opposed to marijuana legalization than conservatives, because liberals are in bed with attorneys who make money off prohibition. Liberals want to regulate everything. Liberals are the ones passing 30k new laws every year., Big government is the opposite of liberty. Liberals in the US support bigger government no matter what the reason.

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